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HOT SEATS TEAM #25 Team members: Aaron Mallory (PM) Ali Bouland Misfer Almarri Jawad Zereigat Olanrewaju Adeneyi Alex Singleton Faculty advisor: David.

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Presentation on theme: "HOT SEATS TEAM #25 Team members: Aaron Mallory (PM) Ali Bouland Misfer Almarri Jawad Zereigat Olanrewaju Adeneyi Alex Singleton Faculty advisor: David."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOT SEATS TEAM #25 Team members: Aaron Mallory (PM) Ali Bouland Misfer Almarri Jawad Zereigat Olanrewaju Adeneyi Alex Singleton Faculty advisor: David Williams


3 E XECUTIVE S UMMARY Background Design a system that can provide heat to bus shelter relying on renewable energy sources in an urban environment Expectations Outcome Design System Cost: $ 5,188 Prototype Cost: $ 604 Estimated Time to Implement Design: 9 weeks Estimated Prototype Build Time: 7 weeks

4 D ESIGN S YSTEM B LOCK D IAGRAM Wind Turbine Grid Inverter Micro- controller Radiant Heater Generator Net Metering

5 W IND DATA Represent Feasibility Study Pick a relative location Weather Stations Hourly Weather Data from 2009 Wind Speed, Direction, Air Density



8 D ISCUSSION Annual Power Output Directional Location Offset Cost average

9 W IND T URBINE Options and Chosen Options Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) Vertical Axis Wind Turbine was chosen. The choice can by justified by the following: Offer benefits in low speed Tend to be safer, easier to build Can be more accessible for maintenance Handle wind turbulence much better than horizontal wind turbines for urban applications.

10 W IND T URBINE S PECIFICATIONS Start wind speed is 2.3 m/s Nominal wind speed is 13 m/s Nominal power 2.2 KW Number of Blades : six blades Rotor Diameter is 1.78 m and height is 5.5 m Rotor Area is 3.56 m 2 Mechanical Break for safety

11 W IND T URBINE C OMPONENTS 1-The Blades Consists of six blades Made of PVC PVC are strong but flexible Have exceptional wind capture 2- Cage mounting plates Two cage plates : the upper plate and the lower plate Seen by birds as a solid object so they avoid flying into the turbine 3- Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) A direct drive generator with one moving part  Gearbox : No gearbox needed  Permanent Magnet Generator was specially designed for this wind turbine  Produces power at low speeds, eliminating the need for a speed increasing gearbox 3 1 2

12 A VAILABLE P OWER AT A GIVEN W IND SPEED Wind speed ( m/s ) wind speed (mph ) Area ( m 2 )Power (W) 12.243.560 24.483.56 0 2.76.0483.5611.18341 36.723.5615.34075 48.963.5636.36326 511.23.5671.022 613.443.56122.726 715.683.56194.8844 817.923.56290.9061 920.163.56414.2003 1022.43.56568.176 1124.643.56756.2423 1226.883.56 981.8081 1329.123.561248.283

13 H EATING S UBSYSTEM Options studied and justification Enclose bus station Much more expensive Less efficient Radiant Heaters Heats people without heating air Heats up in seconds Safe, clean, and requires minimum maintenance

14 H EATING S UBSYSTEM American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air- Conditioning Engineers Standards 3200W 60° clear quartz lamps infrared heater 100% efficient 96% radiant efficiency 4% loss to convective heat Lamps Life Expectancy: 5000 hours


16 S TORAGE S UBSYSTEM Options studied and justification Deep Cycle Battery No battery and connect to grid No Battery option was chosen Use grid as an indirect way to store energy Sell power back to the grid when not needed, and take it back for the load Why not battery? Battery capacity decreases significantly in cold weather Avoid efficiency losses in charging and discharging battery

17 W HAT IS N ET M ETERING ? Net metering is a electricity policy for consumers who own renewable energy systems, such as wind or solar power. If you are generating more power than you need, power flows back to the utility grid, spinning the existing electricity meter backwards. When the heater is turned off and the system is still producing electricity, a utility company would purchases that excess electricity at the wholesale price. Additionally, net metering allows the meter to literally be set back.

18 PIC M ICROCONTROLLER Programmed Using assembly language Programmed for time schedule MPLAB to convert the program that is written into a format that the PIC understands MPLAB is windows based, and includes an editor, simulator, and assembler format that the PIC understands 8086/8088 INTEL MICROPROCESSOR

19 P ROTOTYPE S YSTEM B LOCK D IAGRAM Wind Turbine BatteryInverter Timer Radiant Heater Generator


21 The wind force produces an rpm at the turbine shaft which is affected by a tip speed ratio The wind turbine was theoretically designed to produce around 14.4 volts out of the generator in around 10 to 12mph winds. Actual testing of the prototype wind turbine produced our target charging voltage around 14.37 mph P ROTOTYPE V ERTICAL A XIS W IND T URBINE

22 To produce the necessary rpm for the generator there has to be a gearing system implemented The gearing system used was a V-Belt and pulley system The ratio found for the gearing was 5:4 ratio P ROTOTYPE V ERTICAL A XIS W IND T URBINE

23 Turbine Blade Base The upper and lower base of the turbine is made of wooden plates 20” in diameter. The blades of the turbine were placed on the template on the base. Blade placement and curvature. The total area was calculated to be 24.3ft 2 P ROTOTYPE V ERTICAL A XIS W IND T URBINE

24 Wind turbine Blades and placement The blades are made out of thin aluminum sheets for its light weight and structural rigidity. The curvature of the aluminum also serves as structural support P ROTOTYPE V ERTICAL A XIS W IND T URBINE

25 Bearings Flange and Caster Figure : Flange Bearing Engineering Drawing Figure : Caster Bearing Engineering Drawing

26 P ROTOTYPE V ERTICAL A XIS W IND T URBINE Wind speed (mph) power at shaft (watts) rpm at shaft Rpm at shaft tsr=90% torque at shaft (N-m) 2.240.7831.5128.360.26 3.362.6547.2742.540.59 4.476.2763.0256.721.06 5.5912.2578.7870.901.65 6.7121.1694.5485.082.38 7.8333.60110.2999.263.23 8.9550.16126.05113.444.22 10.0771.42141.80127.625.34 11.1897.97157.56141.806.60 12.30130.40173.32155.997.98 13.42169.29189.07170.179.50 14.54215.24204.83184.3511.15 rpmVoltageCurrent (Amps) power (Watts) Torque (N-M) 116.139.840.161.590.13 120.9710.290.161.660.13 125.8110.740.161.730.13 130.6511.190.161.810.13 135.4811.650.161.880.13 140.3212.100.161.950.13 145.1612.550.162.020.13 150.0013. 154.8413.450.162.170.13 159.6813.900.324.480.27 164.5214.350.486.950.40 169.3514.810.659.550.54 Generator Wind Turbine

27 Testing results P ROTOTYPE V ERTICAL A XIS W IND T URBINE Test runswind speed (mph) left voltage startup speed (avg)64.12 13.114.46 13.414.46 15.414.8 15.814.4 15.414.04 14.614.8 1414.3 13.414.2 Test runswind speed (mph) left voltage 6.74.37 11.3412.27 12.212.88 12.813.11 14.314.41 16.215.6 14.114.3

28 P ARTS USED FOR BUILDING THE E LECTRIC SYSTEM OF THE PROTOTYPE PMA Generator 12 Volt Battery 400 W Inverter 555 Timer 12 Volt Relay 125 W Infrared Lamp

29 Project overview Design System Cost: $ 5,188 Prototype System Cost: $ 604 Project outcome Future Implementations Specific Location Wind Study Larger Turbine Controller Design S UMMARY

30 A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS The team would like to express our gratitude to those who made this project possible. David Williams Dr. Ahmad Al Banna Brian Snow Ross O’Connor Justin Harrell, P.E.


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