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Aim: How to prove triangles are congruent using a 3rd shortcut: ASA.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How to prove triangles are congruent using a 3rd shortcut: ASA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How to prove triangles are congruent using a 3rd shortcut: ASA.
Do Now: Given: T is the midpoint of PQ, PQ bisects RS, and RQ  SP. Explain how RTQ  STP.

2 RTQ  STP because of SSS  SSS
Do Now You are given: T is the midpoint of PQ, PQ bisects RS, and RQ  SP. Explain how RTQ  STP. RQ  SP – we’re told so (S  S) PT  TQ – a midpoint of a segment cuts the segment into two congruent parts (S  S) RT  TS – a bisector divides a segment into 2 congruent parts (S  S) RTQ  STP because of SSS  SSS

3 Copied 2 angles and included side:
Sketch 14 – Shortcut #3 A B C ABC  A’B’C’ Copied 2 angles and included side: BC  B’C’, B  B’, C  C’ B’ A‘ C’ Measurements showed: Shortcut for proving congruence in triangles: ASA  ASA

4 If A =  A', AB = A'B',  B =  B', then DABC = DA'B'C'
Angle-Side-Angle III ASA = ASA Two triangles are congruent if two angles and the included side of one triangle are equal in measure to two angles and the included side of the other triangle. A A’ B C B’ C’ If A =  A', AB = A'B',  B =  B', then DABC = DA'B'C' If ASA  ASA , then the triangles are congruent

5 Model Problems Is the given information sufficient to prove congruent triangles? YES YES NO

6 Model Problems Name the pair of corresponding sides that would have to be proved congruent in order to prove that the triangles are congruent by ASA. DCA  CAB DFA  BFC DB  DB

7 ACE  BDE because of ASA  ASA
Model Problem CD and AB are straight lines which intersect at E. BA bisects CD. AC  CD, BD  CD. Explain how ACE  BDE using ASA C  D –  lines form right angles and all right angles are  & equal 90o (A  A) CE  ED – bisector cuts segment into 2  parts (S  S) CEA  BED – intersecting straight lines form vertical angles which are opposite and  (A  A) ACE  BDE because of ASA  ASA

8 AED  BCD because of ASA  ASA
Model Problem 1  2, D is midpoint of EC, 3  4. Explain how AED  BCD using ASA 1  2 – Given: we’re told so (A  A) ED  DC – a midpoint of a segment cuts the segment into two congruent parts (S  S) 3  4 – Given: we’re told so (A  A) AED  BCD because of ASA  ASA

9 DEF  ABC because of ASA  ASA
Model Problem DA is a straight line, E  B, ED  AB, FD  DE, CA  AB Explain how DEF  ABC using ASA E  B – Given: we’re told so (A  A) ED  AB – Given: we’re told so (S  S) EDF  BAC -  lines form right angles and all right angles are  & equal 90o (A  A) DEF  ABC because of ASA  ASA


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