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Geometry Trish, Kristy, Lauren. Questions to Ponder: As teachers, how can we make geometry fun and engaging for our students? Why teach geometry?

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry Trish, Kristy, Lauren. Questions to Ponder: As teachers, how can we make geometry fun and engaging for our students? Why teach geometry?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry Trish, Kristy, Lauren

2 Questions to Ponder: As teachers, how can we make geometry fun and engaging for our students? Why teach geometry?

3 Why Teach Geometry? Every day vocabulary The importance of "position" in our world Aspects of geometry in art and aesthetics Spatial thinking is essential to scientific thought WHAT IS SPACIAL SENSE? Without geomentric experiences people do not grow in their spacial sense or spatial reasoning. 2 modes of thought- verbal/logical and visual/ pictoral.

4 van Hiele Levels of Geometric Thought Level 0- Visualization- Shapes, Classes of shapes Level 1- Analysis- Properties of shapes Level 2- Informal Decuction- Relationships among properties Level 3- Deduction- Deductive systems of properties Level 4- Rigor- Analysis of deductive systems

5 The Big Ideas...what we will be covering today 1. What makes shapes alike and different can be determined by an array of geometric properties. 2. Shapes can be moved in a plane or in space. 3. Shapes can be described in terms of their location in a plane or in space. 4. Shapes can be seen from different perspectives.

6 Demonstration of activities that engage students in the Visualization Phase. Standard Course of Study for K-2 Recognize, name, build, draw, compare, and sort two-and three dimensional shapes. Describe attributes and parts of two-and three dimensional shapes Investigate and predict the results of putting together and taking apart two-and three-dimensional shapes. ART PROJECT- mural.html mural.html

7 2-D and 3-D shapes BIG IDEA: 4. Shapes can be seen from different perspectives. Forming ideas about shapes based on physical manipulation and observation what can we say about these shapes? Activity: Observe, record in "shape" notebooks. Discuss different attributes of different shapes (have a variety of shapes to observe 2-d and 3-d). Why: promotes thinking about shapes and their relationship to the physical world. notice likeness and difference forms classes of shapes gives students an opportunity to experience 2-d and 3-d shapes

8 Terms 2-Dimensional: Shape that only has two dimensions (such as width and height) and no thickness or depth. Polygon: 2-D shapes made of straight lines, and the shape is "closed" Quadrilateral: a polygon with 4 sides 3-Dimensional: has 3 dimensions, width, depth, and height Edge: where two surfaces join or intersect Side: flat surface of a 2-d shape Face: flat surface of a 3-dimensional shape Vertex: point where lines or two edges meet

9 Polygons and Quadrilaterals -Names of select polygon shapes and their sizes and features - Comparing sizes of similar shapes (3-d and 2-d)-sorting similar shapes by size triangle (3 sides), Quadrilateral (4 sides) rhombus, pentagon (5 sides), hexagon (6 sides), Heptagon, 7 sides, Octagon (8 sides) Activity: Use different cutouts of different proportions of the same shape to be sorted from big to small. Why: Understand that sizes of the same shape may vary -Shows similarity of general attributes of shapes no matter how their sizes changes -promotes correct math vocabulary

10 3-Dimensional Terms used: faces, edges, vertex Prism: A solid object that has two identical ends and all flat sides Pyramid: base is a polygon with triangles for faces Rectangular prism Triangular prism Square based pyramid Cube Hexagonal prism Activity 3-d cutouts to be folded (in our case pre-made) students can observe physical representation... and label edges and faces, and vertex of shapes at different stations. Why: shows relationship between 2-d and 3-d shapes -Visually shows structure of 3-d shapes -Deeper comprehension of shape attributes

11 Further Exploration Pipe Cleaner Activity: -pipe cleaners threaded through straws -students bend and twist together different pipe cleaners to form shapes and add faces to form 3-d ones Why: demonstrate comprehension of the structure of 3-d and 2-d shapes build 3-d object froma 2-d representation of that object

12 Symmetry Symmetry- The correspondence of size, shape, and position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line.

13 Demonstration of an Activity for Symmetry Standard Course of Study: Identify and make: a.Symmetric figures. b.Congruent figures. ACTIVITY - Mirror City Students will create a city after hearing a short story

14 Transformations Also called 'Rigid Motions'- Movements that do not change the size or shape of the object moved. Translations=Slides Reflections=Flips Rotations=Turns

15 Demonstration of an activity for Transformations Standard Course of Study: Identify, predict, and describe the results of transformations of plane figures. a.Reflections. b.Translations. c.Rotations. ACTIVITY - Grid Shapes - Simon Says/Transformation Dance

16 References Van de Walle, John A. Teaching students-centered Mathematics

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