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ESD Constant Monitor System Packaging Bench set-up.

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Presentation on theme: "ESD Constant Monitor System Packaging Bench set-up."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESD Constant Monitor System Packaging Bench set-up

2 Mat box includes a package containing the mat’s grounding cord

3 ESD Mat Ground Cord

4 plastic bag containing: monitor to mat cord ground cord for monitor screws for remote jack and monitor Monitor box contains Monitor 732 remote jack manual power supply

5 Mounting screws for 732 Remote Mounting screws for monitor Connector for Monitor to Ground and Monitor to Mat connections Adhesive backed tie-downs and tie straps to dress wire Some contents of Monitor box Plastic Bag

6 Monitor to Ground Cord (found in Monitor box plastic bag)

7 Monitor to Mat Cord (found in Monitor box plastic bag)

8 Shipped separate from Mat & Monitor


10 Cut the ground pigtail from the power supply cord

11 Use flush cutters to cut the pigtail off at molded plastic button

12 Pigtail removed


14 Power Supply connected to Monitor

15 Snap Mat Ground Cord onto Mat

16 Mat Ground Cord Connect this end to ground


18 Snap Monitor to Mat Cord into Place (found in plastic bag)

19 Monitor to Mat Cord Connect this end to Monitor

20 Connector used to connect Monitor to ESD Mat cord and Monitor to ground cord

21 Monitor to Mat Cord

22 Monitor to Ground Cord (found in Monitor box plastic bag)

23 Monitor to Ground Cord

24 Monitor Ground Connection Monitor to Mat Connection

25 Connect this end to ground


27 Monitor to Mat Monitor to Ground Monitor to 732 Remote Jack

28 732 Remote cord connected to Monitor

29 732 Remote mounted to bench (Recess Remote to prevent damage to ESD Wriststrap Cords)






35 Recommend Switches be set as indicated for maximum ESD protection

36 Switch #1 Soft Off Switch #2 Mat Audible Dip Switch Settings LoudOn

37 Switch # 2 Mat Audible Mat Audible Recommend switches set as indicated

38 This product should be used for cleaning ESD Mat (Reconditions mat staticdisipative surface)


40 Used to wipe down prime generators that must be used in ESD Safe Areas


42 Ground Monitor 732 Remote AC Adapter ESD Mat Static Dissipative To prevent a false positive indication do not connect these grounds together (use same ground but different locations) Hook ESD Constant Monitor as shown in the above block diagram


44 Remove rubber feet from bottom of mat if the mat bows due to heavy items on mat Use a non metallic tool such as a Spudger


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