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Published byMagnus Jacobs Modified over 10 years ago
November 1-4, 2007 2007 USPSA AREA 6 3-GUN CHAMPIONSHIP Moss Branch Shooting Range Anniston, AL Match Sponsor
Thanks to Our Match Sponsor Sabre Defence Industries While we are relatively new to the US commercial market, Sabre Defence Industries is best known to fighting forces around the world and for good reason; our biggest client is the US Government! You wouldn’t know it, but every time you see a US military vehicle or aircraft armed with a Browning.50 machine gun, you could virtually guarantee that its three-piece, Stellite-lined barrel was made by Sabre. The same goes for all the US Air force’s M134 7.62mm Miniguns, better known from films such as Predator and Terminator. With Sabre’s products so heavily deployed now in Iraq and Afghanistan, it would be fair to say that we are one of the most significant providers of equipment dedicated to ensuring the security of individual US service personnel at the very sharp end.
Welcome From the Match Director Welcome to the 2007 USPSA Area 6 3 Gun Championship. We’re glad you’re here. You’ve worked hard getting ready for this match and we’ve worked hard getting ready for you. I wish you luck and success. By participating in this sport, you are making a contribution to its advancement. Anyone who has participated in practical shooting for even a few years is well aware of the tremendous number of aftermarket products that are available to make our guns faster, more accurate, and easier to handle. Many of the vendors and craftsmen of our sport have made a decision to sponsor this match and others like it. Please remember, when you purchase products and services from our sponsors, you are not only expressing your appreciation for their support, you are also helping them to support our future matches. I hope you will visit our vendor area and personally thank each of them while you are here. This match would not be possible without the generous contributions of the staff and volunteers. The staff of RO’s, CRO’s, Stats Officers, and support people all donate hundreds of hours of their time and effort to be part of your Championship match. Please make an effort to thank the staff at every opportunity. Good shooting. Mark Hearn 2007 USPSA Area 6 3 Gun Championship Match Director,
SPONSORS Match Sponsor Sabre Defence Industries Division Sponsors Docter Optics Mike Gibson Manufacturing LaRue Tactical Heavy Metal Category Springfield Armory Stage Sponsors Chris’ Winning Shooting Accessories Civilian Marksmanship Program Saw Custom MSTN DPMS Power Scope Adjuster Smith & Wesson Mark Otto Shotgun Accessories General Sponsors Trijicon Redding Reloading Nosler STI BlueBook Competitive Edge Dynamics USA Midway Otis Starline Brass Competitive Edge Dynamics Stewart Solutions LLC FFL/SOT Midway Shooting Supplies
Match Summary Stage #NameFirearmRoundsPoints 1 Barrel’s of Pain Pistol22110 2 Maze of Strain Pistol28140 3 Cuffed Up Pistol24120 TotalPistol74370 4 Rocky Top Rifle24120 5 Barrel’s of Fun Rifle24120 6 Seeing Double Rifle26130 TotalRifle74370 7 Euro Technical Shotgun1995 8 Change Up Shotgun27135 9 Jungle Rumble Shotgun22140 TotalShotgun64370 Match Total1110 Points
Friday Event Schedule
Saturday & Sunday Event Schedule
Stage 8 Change Up Shotgun Ross Davis Matt Tipton Stage 9 Jungle Rumble Shotgun Tom Iten Johnny Jackson Stage 4 Rocky Top Rifle Roger Cash Tammy Pruitt Stage 7 Euro Technical Shotgun Peter Adams James Swenson Stage 2 Maze of Strain Pistol Brian Thompson Kevin Alfieri Stage 3 Cuffed Up Pistol Cindy Noyes John Morgan Stage 5 Barrels of Fun Rifle Alan Shepherd Mike Cunningham Chronograph Ken Skeeter Ashley Bunn Stage 1 Barrels of Pain Pistol Glen Smith Sam Keen Side Match Stage 6 Seeing Double Rifle Stephan Wiggins Danny Deval John Ellis Stat Shack Entrance Bill Noyes Range Map with RO Assignments Vendor Tent Registration Lunch Mary & Tony
Barrels of Pain Stage 1. Stage Designer: Mike Gettemy: Pistol Scoring Method: Comstock Targets: 11 IPSC Points/Rounds: 110 Points/22 Rounds Start/Stop: Audible/Last Shot Penalties: As per current edition of rule book. Starting Position: Seated in either chair. Back against back of chair. Hands on knees. Facing up range. Handgun is lying flat on either table inside circle. Muzzle facing downrange, unloaded, hammer down (striker released, as applicable), slide forward (cylinder closed, as applicable). Stage Procedure: On the signal, retrieve handgun from table engage targets as they become available only from Area A. POINTS:_____________STAGE POINTS: __________ TIME: _______________ Personal Stage Data STAGE PERCENT: _________ HIT FACTOR: _________ STAGE PLACE: ___________ HIGH HIT FACTOR: ____________ Scored Hits: Best 2 per IPSC
Barrels of Pain Stage 1: Pistol Area A
Maze of Strain Stage 2. Stage Designer: Mike Gettemy: Pistol Scoring Method: Comstock Targets: 11 IPSC, 6 Pepper Poppers Points/Rounds: 140 Points/28 Rounds Start/Stop: Audible/Last Shot Penalties: As per current edition of rule book. Starting Position: Seated upon chair, back against chair back, hands touching designated spots upon table. Handgun is lying flat upon table, unloaded, hammer down (striker released, as applicable), slide forward (cylinder closed, as applicable), trigger over “X”. Stage Procedure: On the signal, engage targets as they become available. POINTS:_____________STAGE POINTS: __________ TIME: _______________ Personal Stage Data STAGE PERCENT: _________ HIT FACTOR: _________ STAGE PLACE: ___________ HIGH HIT FACTOR: ____________ Scored Hits: Best 2 per IPSC, steel must fall Note: Door activates swinger. Swinger must be activated prior to engaging.
Maze of Strain Stage 2 : Pistol
Cuffed Up Stage 3. Stage Designer: Mike Gettemy: Pistol Scoring Method: Comstock Targets: 12 IPSC Points/Rounds: 120 Points/24 Rounds Start/Stop: Audible/Last Shot Penalties: As per current edition of rule book. Starting Position: Standing at window, wrists in respective cuffs, hands touching “Xs”. Handgun is loaded and lying flat upon shelf, muzzle pointed safely downrange per ready condition in rule 8.1.1 and 8.1.2.. Stage Procedure: Upon start signal, engage targets T-1 thru T-10. POINTS:_____________STAGE POINTS: __________ TIME: _______________ Personal Stage Data STAGE PERCENT: _________ HIT FACTOR: _________ STAGE PLACE: ___________ HIGH HIT FACTOR: ____________ Scored Hits: Best 2 per IPSC
Cuffed Up Stage 3 : Pistol T2 T1T10 T9 T12 T6 T7 T5 T4 T3 T11 T8
Rocky Top Stage 4. Stage Designer: Roger Cash: Rifle Scoring Method: Comstock Targets: 9 IPSC targets, 6 steel Points/Rounds: 120 Points/24 Rounds Start/Stop: Audible/Last Shot Penalties: As per current edition of rule book. Starting Position: Facing down range. Heels on marks. Gun at low ready. Gun is loaded as per USPSA 8.1. Stage Procedure: On the signal, engage targets as they become available only from Area A. POINTS:_____________STAGE POINTS: __________ TIME: _______________ Personal Stage Data STAGE PERCENT: _________ HIT FACTOR: _________ STAGE PLACE: ___________ HIGH HIT FACTOR: ____________ Scored Hits: Best 2 per IPSC, Steel=5 pts
Rocky Top Stage 4: Rifle Plates 1 & 2 T1-T9 Platform Area A Plate 3 Plate 5 Plate 6 Plate 4 Barricade with kick down door and window XX
Barrels of Fun Stage 5. Stage Designer: Roger Cash; Rifle Scoring Method: Comstock Targets: 12 IPSC targets Points/Rounds: 120 Points/24 Rounds Start/Stop: Audible/Last Shot Penalties: As per current edition of rule book. Starting Position: Facing down range standing with heels on marks. Gun at low ready. Gun is loaded as per USPSA 8.1. Stage Procedure: On the signal, engage targets as they become available only from Area A. POINTS:_____________STAGE POINTS: __________ TIME: _______________ Personal Stage Data STAGE PERCENT: _________ HIT FACTOR: _________ STAGE PLACE: ___________ HIGH HIT FACTOR: ____________ Scored Hits: Best 2 per IPSC
Barrels of Fun Stage 5 : Rifle Door Door activates swinger X
Seeing Double Stage 6. Stage Designer: Roger Cash: Rifle Scoring Method: Comstock Targets: 10 IPSC targets, 6 steel Points/Rounds: 130 Points/26 Rounds Start/Stop: Audible/Last Shot Penalties: As per current edition of rule book. Starting Position: Heels on marks. Facing down range. Gun at low ready. Gun is loaded as per USPSA 8.1. Stage Procedure: On the signal, engage targets as they become available only from Area A, Box A and Box B. All three self resetting steel must be shot from Box A and Box B POINTS:_____________STAGE POINTS: __________ TIME: _______________ Personal Stage Data STAGE PERCENT: _________ HIT FACTOR: _________ STAGE PLACE: ___________ HIGH HIT FACTOR: ____________ Scored Hits: Best 2 per IPSC, Steel=5 pts
Seeing Double Stage 6 : Rifle Area A Box A Box B X
Euro Technical Stage 7. Stage Designer: Jeff Cramblit: Shotgun Scoring Method: Comstock Targets: 10 clays, 9 Plates Points/Rounds: 95 Points/19 Rounds Start/Stop: Audible/Last Shot Penalties: As per current edition of rule book. Starting Position: Standing in Box A, facing down range. Standing erect, relaxed and natural, with the shotgun in the ready condition held naturally in the strong hand only, barrel parallel to the ground, muzzle pointing downrange with fingers outside the trigger guard and weak hand hanging naturally at the side. Loaded (Option 2):magazine filled and fitted (if applicable), chamber(s) empty and the action closed: Stage Procedure: On the signal, engage targets as they become available only from Area A. Box A is not part of Area A. POINTS:_____________STAGE POINTS: __________ TIME: _______________ Personal Stage Data STAGE PERCENT: _________ HIT FACTOR: _________ STAGE PLACE: ___________ HIGH HIT FACTOR: ____________ Scored Hits: Clays must break, Steel=5 points
Euro Technical Stage 7: Shotgun Area A Wall X X No Shoot Steel X Area A Port X Area A Port Box A
Change Up Stage 8. Stage Designer: Jeff Cramblit : Shotgun Scoring Method: Comstock Targets: 15 clays, 6 IPSC Points/Rounds: 135 Points/27 Rounds Start/Stop: Audible/Last Shot Penalties: As per current edition of rule book. Starting Position: Standing in Box A. Facing down range. Muzzle touching start post. Gun loaded as per USPSA 8.1. Stage Procedure: On the signal, engage clays 1-15 and T1-T6 as they become available only from Area A. Box A is part of Area A. T1-T6 are to be shot with slugs. POINTS:_____________STAGE POINTS: __________ TIME: _______________ Personal Stage Data STAGE PERCENT: _________ HIT FACTOR: _________ STAGE PLACE: ___________ HIGH HIT FACTOR: ____________ Scored Hits: Clays must break, Best 2 per IPSC
Area A AreaAAreaA Change Up Stage 8 : Shotgun Box A White No Shot Clay T1 T2 T3 X T5T6 Wall T4 Door X
Jungle Rumble Stage 9. Stage Designer: Jeff Cramblit: Shotgun Scoring Method: Comstock Targets: 16 clays, 5 plates, 1 Pepper Popper Points/Rounds: 140 Points/22 Rounds Start/Stop: Audible/Last Shot Penalties: As per current edition of rule book. Starting Position: Facing down range heels on marks. Gun at low ready. Gun is loaded as per USPSA 8.1. Stage Procedure: On the signal, engage targets as they become available. POINTS:_____________STAGE POINTS: __________ TIME: _______________ Personal Stage Data STAGE PERCENT: _________ HIT FACTOR: _________ STAGE PLACE: ___________ HIGH HIT FACTOR: ____________ Scored Hits: Clays must break, Steel must fall Steel=10 pts
Jungle Rumble Stage 9 : Shotgun Clays 1-16 XX Plates 1-5 No Shoot Clays PP 1
Thanks to Our Division Sponsors Open Division Limited Division Tactical Division Heavy Metal Category Sponsor
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