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MOTOTRBOTM Software Release 2.1 Training.

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Presentation on theme: "MOTOTRBOTM Software Release 2.1 Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOTOTRBOTM Software Release 2.1 Training

2 Sections: New Features for 2.1 Small Enhancements
Auto Range Transponder System (ARTS™) Input Method Editor (IME) Dual Capacity Direct Mode (DCDM) Radio Management (RM) Over-the-Air Programming (OTAP)

3 Small Enhancements Mobile Shut-off timer – radio waits X number of minutes, after the ignition is turned off, before powering down. DM4000 series. Direct channel access via radio keypad - Allow users to enter a channel number from their radio keypad and recall the desired channel; e.g. to get to channel 524 the user could enter via the radio keypad. SL4000 and DP/DM4800 series. Quick Access to Notification List via Programmable Button - One of the programmable buttons can now be set as shortcut to Notification List. SL4000, DP/DM4800, DP4600 and DP2000 series. Software Licenses Activation button on Registration Complete Digital Telephone Patch – This feature is now available on the SL4000 series (note: DTP was made available as part of R2.0.5 for the DP/DM4000 series).

4 Auto Range Transponder System (ARTS™)

5 ARTS: Feature Summary What is Auto Range Transponder System (ARTS™)?
Analog only feature, which supports Conventional Analog, MDC, QCII systems Informs users when they are either “IN” or “OUT” of range of other ARTS enabled radios ARTS is available for DM/DP4000 and DP2000 series (display and non-display) subscribers Programmable by channel for Direct or Repeater Mode ARTS is not operational under the following conditions: Scan Mode Voting Scan Mode Test Mode Emergency Non-ARTS enabled channel Illegal Mode (eg. unassigned channel) Call Alert Decode During Voice Call

6 How arts™ works Radio sends a short beacon transmission (500ms) “ARTS Signal” every 25 or 55 seconds (CPS programmable) to let other radios know that they are in range of this radio When a radio receives an incoming “ARTS Signal” or an incoming normal call, it resets an internal counter and provides an “In Range” audible and/or visual indication, as programmed If the radio does not receive an “ARTS Signal” or normal transmission for more than 2 minutes, its internal counter expires and provides an “Out of Range” audible and/or visual indication, as programmed If the radio receives an “ARTS Signal” or normal transmission again under an “Out of Range” state, it will revert back to the “In Range” state and inform the user with an “In Range” audible and/or visual alert Notes: During the brief “ARTS Signal” transmission, all buttons are blocked, except: PTT Press, Channel /Mode Change, Emergency Button, Power Off.

7 ARTS™: Operating modes
TX Only Radio transmits an “ARTS Signal” beacon only to connect with other radios Not able to notify user of its own range status RX Only Radio only receives an “ARTS Signal” beacon to be notified when in range or out of range Able to notify user of its own range status TX & RX Radio transmits and receives “ARTS Signal” beacon signals Disabled The radio disables ARTS.   TX The radio transmits polling signals only to connect with other radios. The radio cannot notify the user of its own range status.   RX The radio receives polling signals only to be notified when in range or out of range. The radio can notify the user of its own range status.   RX & TX The radio transmits and receives polling signals, connects with other radios and can be notified of its own range status.  

8 Input Method Editor (IME)
“Allows for easier and more productive messaging”

9 XT9 or “Predictive Text”
Enhanced method of inputting multi-language characters and symbols via the 12-key numeric telephone style keypad Multi-tap - multiple press of key to dial a letter (“Hi” press 2x4=H ; 3x4=i) XT9 - type as if the key contains only the letter that you want to enter and let the software predict the word that you want to type (“Hi” press 4,4) Available only on DP/DM4800 and SL4000 series subscribers Supports new advanced features: Note: Predictive Text is not available when: Adding a Contact, dialing a Channel or entering a Password NEW Word Completion Word Correction Word Prediction Smart Punctuation Auto Accenting Number Lock Sentence Capitalization & Caps Lock User Defined Dictionary (“My Words”)

10 How ime works: Accessing Editor Options
While in Text Message > Compose or Contact Names > Search mode - access IME options with a Long press of the “#” key There are 4 options to choose Switch between Letters and Numbers Access the Symbols list (#, <, >,=) Switch between Multi-tap and XT9 Change input Language Radio will remember last selected editor option while radio is kept on; reset to default option if power cycled IME Selection List Editor Text Area Input Method Icon Abc = Multi-tap Xt9 = Predictive text Alphabetic

11 new advanced IME features:
Word Prediction - provides alternatives based on frequently used words or phrases (e.g. User inputs “Happy New Year”, next time the user inputs “Happy”, “New” will be displayed in the IME Selection List) Word Completion - provides word alternatives which match the input sequence (e.g. User inputs “o”, and the IME Selection List display frequently used choices) Word Correction - provides the correct spelling of a words (e.g. User inputs “tjme”, the IME Selection List will display “time”) Sentence Capitalization - Capitalizes the first character of a sentence, and after terminal punctuation is used Caps Lock - accessed via Long Press of the “0” button (e.g. XT9) Auto accenting for words in languages such as French and Spanish (e.g. User inputs “soiree”, IME Selection List will display “soirée”) Smart Punctuation - Embedded Punctuation (eg. can’t) and Terminal Punctuation (e.g. today?)

12 new advanced features (cont)
User Defined Dictionary - Allows frequently used words to be added to the radio’s IME dictionary via the radio menu Utilities > Radio Settings > Text Entry > My Words Users can “Add”, “Delete”, or “Edit” entries Enhanced Contacts Name Search – expanded search filter through list of Contact Names List EXAMPLE: Search for “Thomas“ would find the contact “Dave Thomas” in addition to “Thomas Smith” Feature does not support combination searches “BJ” for “Ben Johnson” Note: IME Options can be Enabled/Disabled via Utilities > Radio Settings > Text Entry

13 Dual capacity direct mode (dcdm)
“Receive spectral efficiency without additional investment”

14 What is DCDM? Dual Capacity Direct Mode (DCDM) is also known as 6.25 kHz Equivalence Direct Mode (6.25e DM) DCDM provides additional spectral efficiency without requiring additional investment by supporting up to two simultaneous Direct Radio-to-Radio Mode subscriber calls within a 12.5kHz allocation of spectrum Price sensitive customers, migrating from Analog to Digital (TDMA) can move up to 2 Talk Paths, with 6.25e KHz Direct Mode (TDMA) without a repeater Increases the total number of users supported in the 12.5 kHz bandwidth with no degradation in performance DCDM Channels CAN be Included in Scan Lists along with 12.5kHz Digital, Analog and Repeater channels 2 simultaneous transmissions Slot 1 used for voice call 1 Slot 2 used for voice call 2

15 How does DCDM Work? Subscribers Automatically & Cooperatively Elect a Channel Timing Leader One Channel Timing Leader for the RF Channel (regardless of slot) All 6.25e Direct Mode Channel Timing signaling communicated using the “All Site” Color Code (15) Channel Timing Leader periodically announces the Channel Timeslot Structure (using “Beacons”) DCDM Beacon Rate = 600 msec transmission every 4.5 minutes Receiving Radios Receive the Beacons Determine whether to accept the timing If the timing is accepted, then re-transmit the timing (using “Forced Propagations”) to the next generation further away from the leader If the timing is not accepted, then possibly attempt to correct the errant timing transmission Radios normally track Beacons and Forced Propagations on the Selected Channel, however while scanning they track Beacons and Forced Propagations on the Designated Transmit Channel instead

16 Defining the Channel TS Structure
Beacon & Forced Propagation Example (occurs ever 4.5 minutes) Channel Timing Leader Use Slide Show Mode For Animation!

17 Channel Timing Leader Selection
Channel Timing Leader election process is hidden from User One of the subscribers with higher Leader Preference setting is elected as the Channel Timing Leader If the leader leaves the channel, the system will elect a new leader A Channel Timing Leader can’t be pre-programmed, but election can be influenced via CPS Leader Preference settings Preferred “Good” candidate: always turned on, always on a 6.25e channel, never scans, has large transmit coverage, not using battery Least Preferred - Not CPS Selectable, but automatically selected when Scan is used Eligible - DEFAULT Ineligible - At least one Subscriber must not be “Ineligible” “Bad” candidate: often changes channels, often roams

18 Programming considerations
Color Code 0-14 are allowed Color Code 15 is reserved and not available for 6.25e channels Operating in timeslot 1 or timeslot 2 6.25e Direct Mode Channels May NOT be Used as GPS Revert Channels Where 6.25e DM channel selected, subscriber MAY Revert to 12.5KHz GPS / Emergency Revert Channels Legacy subscribers cannot receive calls on 6.25e direct mode channels Access Rules - Admit Criteria of Channel Free, Color Code Free and Always - operate WITHIN a Timeslot Talkaround for a Repeater Channel is ALWAYS 12.5 (as today); NEVER 6.25e DCDM 6.25e direct mode is a different mode of operation, will not work with current repeater or 12.5e talkaround/direct mode system

19 Radio Management (RM) “Enables faster more efficient radio programming” WARNING Radio Management (RM) can be used to store codeplug and template information for All MOTOTRBO radios, when read/written via cable. However ONLY the SL4000, DP/DM4000 and DP2000 series MOTOTRBO radios can be programmed over the air (OTAP).

20 Accessible via current CPS
Radio Management is: Extension of current MOTOTRBO CPS that maintains historical record of radio codeplug information for each device in a centralized server, with the ability to search, sort and group radios and apply programming templates to multiple units for unmanned programming. CPS is the Client or window into Radio Management (RM) RM Server stores codeplugs and templates and pre-processes jobs Device Programmer (DP) acts as the programming interface to the radios NOTE: Although distributed installation of Client, RM Server and Device Programmer on separate machines is possible, for this initial release it is recommended to install all of them on the same PC The Client is accessed through the CPS > File menu

21 Application availability
The CPS Client, RM Server and Device Programmer are included on the CPS DVD GMVN5141_ (issue AA onwards) and are also available to download from Motorola Online. Radio Management may optionally use the Motorola Presence Notifier (PN) and Multi Channel Device Driver (MCDD) applications. The Motorola PN / MCDD applications are included on the CPS DVD GMVN5141_ (issue AA onwards) and are also available to download from Motorola Online. Please be aware that the PN / MCDD applications are not installed automatically from the CPS DVD, instead they need to be manually copied over from the top level DVD folder.

22 RM client Screen Actions Schedule Job Refresh Search Field Job View Radio View Actions: Performs many of the actions within RM, such as Populating the RM server, Editing templates, Adding template groups, Changing server settings, or Managing RM licenses Schedule Job: Schedules Read or Write jobs via the wire or over-the-air, and includes switchover parameters Refresh: Refreshes the client screen, including programming job status Search : Allows for filtering of RM entries (e.g. template names) Radio View: Main RM screen that lists all radios in the database Job View: Provides a history of all jobs, including the job status Groups: Where groups of customer configuration templates can be added, deleted or edited, for more organized management Add Group Templates

23 Over The air programming (OTAP)
“Remotely and securely update radio parameters anytime, anywhere”

24 OTAP FEATURES Writes and Reads Radio Configurations Over the Air
Manages up to 5,000 Radio Configurations Group and Individual Archive Management Application to Radio Mutual Authentication Compressed and Differential Configuration Transfer Designed to allow Voice Traffic Priority while Transferring Data Utilizes Existing Over the Air Encryption Unmanned Batch Processing of Numerous Over the Air Operations Synchronized Configuration Switchover Remote Client Capability Session Logging Historical Reporting All Features Available in Direct Mode, Single Site Repeater, IP Site Connect, Capacity Plus, and Linked Capacity Plus

25 What OTAP Does NOT Do… Does not perform radio Software Upgrades
Does not support Language Packet updates Does not perform Radio Tuning parameter updates Does not perform Device Recovery Does not perform Software License updates over the air Does not update or download Voice Announcement files Does not support Radios Prior to system Release 2.1 Does not program Repeaters (performed by IP Repeater Programming) Does not support Connect Plus Does not operate in Analog Mode (can change Analog codeplug parameters) The services that are supported are not available to ADP developers

26 BASIC TOPOLOGY Three basic deployments that are used as the building blocks for more complicated configurations: Local Single Channel Configuration Local Single Channel Configuration with Presence Notifier Multi-Channel Configuration Over the Air Programming with CPS works the same regardless of the underlying system architecture. There are no settings within the RM Application for the specific system configuration. The control station, which is used to communicate with radios over the air, has to be set up for the specific system configuration (e.g. Conventional vs IP Site Connect vs Capacity Plus) OTAP data is sent as Private Call to the target Radio ID, so the RX List and TX Contact should be set to “None” in the Control Station.

27 BASIC TOPOLOGY Local Single Channel Configuration PC
RM Client Server Device Prog USB Driver Control Station Radio System USB OTA SU PC In the local deployments, the 3 Radio Management (RM) components are installed on the same computer: RM Client: Main User Interface RM Server: Storage of Configurations RM Device Programmer: Communication to Radio System via control station(s) that’s connected to the RM PC via a USB cable No other over the air data application is supported on the same PC as the Radio Management (RM) application

28 BASIC TOPOLOGY Local Single Channel Configuration with Presence Notifier RM Client Server Device Prog Presence Notifier USB Driver Control Station Radio System USB OTA SU PC The Radio Management (RM) can utilize the Motorola Presence Notifier (PN) to optimize over the air operations. Without PN, the RM attempts to contact each radio one by one, regardless if they are present on the system or not With PN, the radios announce their presence, so RM can start any pending jobs for the present units PN must be installed on the same computer as the connected control stations. The PN Server connection is configured in the Settings tab of the RM Device Monitor.

29 BASIC TOPOLOGY Multi-Channel Configuration PC
RM Client Server Device Prog Presence Notifier USB Driver Control Station Radio System USB OTA MCCD SU PC Multiple conventional channels can be supported per RM Device Programmer This requires a control station per channel - up to 16 Because radios can move from channel to channel, the Motorola Multi-Channel Device Driver (MCDD) should be installed on the same PC as the RM Devise Programmer The MCDD tracks the location of the radios as they move from channel to channel and updates the IP routing accordingly It is not recommended to utilize multiple control stations without MCDD and PN (MCDD is not required in Capacity Plus mode) NOTE: The Motorola Presence Notifier (PN) is required when using the MCDD It is not recommended to utilize multiple control stations without MCDD and PN (MCDD is not required in Capacity Plus mode), otherwise: CPS messages will not be properly routed. Specific routing can be added in the PC, but this means that radios can only be contacted on one channel.

30 PROCESS DETAILS There are five high level steps for over the air programming Program Radio System Parameters into the Radio via wired CPS Populate the RM Server with the current Radio Configurations Modify the Radio Configuration within the RM Server Deliver/Write the Modified Radio Configurations to the Radios Apply (or Switching Over) the radio to the new Radio Configurations

31 Program Parameters into the Radio via wired CPS
All the parameters required for the subscriber radio to communicate on the Radio System must be programmed via CPS through USB wire: Radio Firmware - to R2.1 or greater System and Channel Parameters: frequencies, color codes, channels, talkgroups, voice privacy keys, etc… NOTE: If the radio cannot communicate on the radio system properly, RM will not be able to contact it Data (Network) Parameters: Radio IP, ARS Radio ID, etc. Radio ID - every radio must have a unique Radio ID NOTE: If different customer systems have duplicate Radio IDs, they can be added and managed by the RM Server, in separate Groups, but only 1 system can be OTAP’ed at a time. In conventional every radio on a channel must have a unique Radio ID. Every radio communicating through the Presence Notifier and MCDD must have a unique Radio ID. Different customer systems may utilize the same Radio IDs, but each customer must have its own CPS Server. In Capacity Plus and Linked Capacity Plus, every radio must have a unique Radio ID. If one customer operates multiple Capacity Plus systems, then every radio across those systems must have a unique Radio ID. If this is not achievable, each customer must have its own CPS Server. Over the Air Authentication Key - must match between radio and RM application (the only new OTAP parameter required to be programmed in the radio)

32 Populate the RM Server with Radio Configurations
There are 3 ways to populate the RM Server with the radio configurations: Import saved Archive - for each radio Ideally, the saved archive should contain the OTA Authentication Key and Enhanced Privacy Keys that were entered in CPS during wire programming These cannot be retrieved from a radio read via wire If not in the imported archive, the keys have to be entered into the RN Server prior to first OTA delivery Open saved Radio Identity Comma Separated Value (CSV) File Required information: Serial number, Radio ID, Common Air Interface ID (CAI), OTAP authentication key ID and OTAP authentication key value Manually Enter Radio Identity Information

33 Populating the RM database
Actions Three mechanisms to import radios via the “Actions” button Archive Importing (Import Radios) Import a CSV file (Import CSV) Manually enter new radio information (New Radio)

34 Populating the RM database Importing saved archive - Recommended
Manually Enter Radio Identity Information Importing saved archive - Recommended Sample CSV Template – available in CPS folder

35 Recommended RM Server Population Method before OTAP operations can be performed
The following is considered the most optimal CPS Server population for OTAP Via wired CPS - Update the firmware (if required) Via wired CPS - Read and save the codeplug Via RM Client - Import the saved codeplug into the RM Server Via RM Client - Assign the proper Radio ID, Common Air Interface ID (CAI), OTAP Key ID and OTAP Authentication Key value Via RM Client - Select an appropriate radio Template Via RM Client - Schedule a wired delivery of the new parameters These steps should be followed for each radio A scheduled retrieval operation must be performed for all radios with status “New” (Manually or CSV entered) before other operations can be performed The RM Device Programmer should be configured with a ‘Radio Connection Method’ of ‘Wired’ during these steps Start > Programs > Motorola > RM Device Programmer

36 Modify the Radio Configuration within the RM Server
The radio configurations in RM are modified using the classic CPS interface, but started through Actions > “Edit Template” The referenced configuration can be unique to the specified radio, or can be a configuration referenced by numerous radios (Template) Using Templates is similar to codeplug Cloning - radio identity information is retained while other parameters are updated to match the master configuration If critical communication parameters, required to communicate, are entered incorrectly - the radio may be out of communication after the changes are applied – wired re-write will be required to correct the error When a radio’s configuration is updated, its status will be updated to “Codeplug Modified”. Although it may seem obvious, great care should be taken when changing parameters over the air. Be cautious of changing dial position assignments as the radio user may end up on a different channel (out of contact of CPS) after applying changes If changing parameters such as Radio ID and OTAP Authentication Key ID and Value over the air, the previous known values are used to deliver the new values. If these values become out of sync (possibly due to an unmanaged wired write of a radio), the Reset Identifiers feature should be utilized.

37 RM Configuration Management Considerations
If the radio user is allowed to make changes via the radio front panel, these updates will not be retained after an OTAP or Wired Write (delivery). The configuration in the RM Server will overwrite what is in the radio when delivered Similar to current CPS - the OTAP user must Read (retrieve) the radios over the air first, make individual updates to each, and then Write (deliver) the new configurations, in order for the previous changes made by the radio user If using a Template configuration to program a group of radios, there is no way to retain any individual changes that the radio users had made All radios will be updated to match what is in the Template, with the exception of the radio identity information. Programming radios with an unmanaged (not connected to RM Server) wired CPS will make the radio to be out of sync with the RM Server. This will cause the next over the air operation to take longer since the entire configuration must be Read (retrieved) or Written (delivered)

38 Deliver/Write the Modified Radio Configurations to the Radios
Schedule a Job The RM allows scheduling of multiple radio configurations to be delivered over the air unattended. The RM will start the delivery at a scheduled time and continue until all selected radios are either Complete, Errored, or Cancelled. Voice can coexist with the OTAP data, although system performance (voice access time, and data throughput) may be degraded slightly It is recommended that OTAP operations are scheduled during time of low radio system activity After the delivery is successful, the radio status will be “Switchover Required” Job View RM Device Programmer

39 Apply (Switch Over) of the Delivered Radio Configurations
Delivery with Switchover - radio will apply the changes immediately after delivery Use when changing non-critical parameters: address book entries or button configurations Delivery without Switchover - radio will not apply the changes after delivery. Switchover job must scheduled separately Use when changing critical communication parameters: TX or RX frequencies, color codes, privacy keys, etc Switchover timer is set to zero by default- the switchover occurs immediately upon receiving the switchover message If greater than zero - radio user will receive a prompt to Accept or Delay the Switchover Accept- immediately reset and apply the changes Delay, or no selection, the radio will wait until the switchover timer expires to reset and apply the changes For Non critical changes, (address book entries or button layout) ARS can be suppressed .  If 3rd Party Application require presence be sent after a power cycle, or critical communication parameters are changed, ARS should not be suppressed after a switchover.  If updating a critical communication parameter like transmit or receive frequency, and Delivery with Switchover is used, the first radio may be out of communication with the last radio until the last radio is switches over It is not recommended to have a large switchover timer when changing critical communication parameters, otherwise the first radio will apply its changes well before the last and result in possible communication disruption

Design Considerations for Two Slot IPSC Design Considerations for Capacity Plus with Data Revert Design Considerations for Multiple Systems Design Considerations for 3rd Party Applications

Control Station Configuration In addition to the appropriate system type parameters (frequency, color code, etc) control stations must be configured with: Confirmed Data Enabled UDP Header Compression Disabled Enhanced Channel Access Enabled All voice privacy keys utilized in the system Unique Radio ID (different from any other subscriber in the field) If MCDD is not utilized, a static, persistent route will be required in the PC for correct message routing : Open: Start > Programs > Command Prompt window Type: route add mask metric 50 –p Note: the above line assumes that the control station IP address is  Verify the route was added to the persistent routes table, by typing: route print Increase preambles if radios are scanning. Enabled Enhanced Channel Access on Fielded Radios. Fielded Radios will automatically set their Confirmed Data and UDP Header Compression settings for OTAP data only. It is recommended to use next generation MOTOTRBO mobiles (2.1 or greater) as CPS control stations UDP Header Compression increases the number of lower layer headers, which decreases reliability. The decrease in reliability is not worth the benefits of the compression in case of large messages. Since no MCDD is utilized, a static route is required in the PC so that messages get routed to the control station. So for example, to ensure that packets addressed to 12.x.x.x get routed to control station , type the following at the Windows Command prompt: route add mask metric 50 -p

In IPSC, radio users can change between channels that are monitored by control stations during an active over the air session Radios can also roam between sites during an active over the air session MCCD and PN can be used to effectively monitor the radio’s channel presence If radios move to channels not monitored by control stations, the over the air operation will stop When the radio returns to the monitored channel, and registers its presence, the over the operation will resume again

In Capacity Plus, the OTAP data is always sent on the Trunked channels and the ARS presence notification are sent on the revert channel Outgoing RM Application messages are sent through a single trunked control station. A static route will be required in the PC so outgoing messages are not sent on the revert channels. MCDD is never used in Capacity Plus since the repeaters handle mobility The Conventional control stations have the Radio ID = ARS ID programmed in the field radios The Trunked control station have a unique Radio ID Since no MCDD is utilized, a static route is required in the PC so that messages get routed to the trunked control station. So for example, to ensure that packets addressed to 12.x.x.x get routed to control station , type the following at the Windows Command prompt: route add mask metric 50 -p

44 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS - 3rd Party Data Applications
OTAP Programming is supported on systems with 3rd party data applications, but with the following considerations and configuration requirements: RM Server and RM Device Programmer are not supported on the same computer as a 3rd party data application. If 3rd party data application does not utilizes ARS – field radios can be programmed to send their ARS registration to RM control station(s) If 3rd party data application utilizes the ARS - field radios must continue to send ARS to the 3rd party application control stations and: Control station(s) connected to RM PC must be set up with an ARS Monitor ID that matches the Radio ID of the 3rd party data application’s control stations RM Server and RM Device Programmer are not supported on the same computer as a 3rd party data application, because if the 3rd party data application utilizes a different message routing strategy than what is used by RM and the MCDD, message delivery may become unreliable if on the same computer. Passive Presence Notifier and the ARS Monitor ID Configuration - allows the CPS to passively monitor the automatic registration messages sent by the radio to the third party data application without interfering. Control stations with an ARS Monitoring ID continue to transmit and receive normally on their own programmed Radio ID. When the Motorola Presence Notifier is configured with the “Passive” option enabled, it continues to monitor for incoming automatic registration messages and notify its ARS watchers, but does not acknowledge the incoming messages. CPS control stations should be in a location with similar RF conditions as the third party data application control stations. The Radio IDs (Not the ARS Monitoring ID) of the CPS control stations must be different than those of the third party data application. the Motorola Presence Notifier must have the “Passive” option enabled. If operating RM without a Presence Notifier, no additional considerations are required

45 OTAP and 3rd Party Data Apps
Note that only the control stations used for monitoring automatic registration messages on the revert channels require an ARS Monitor ID.

46 PERFORMANCE Time to Complete Over the Air Operations
The time to deliver (Write) or retrieve (Read) a new configuration is highly dependent on: Size of the configuration update Number of radios being processed System loading RF environment.

47 RADIO MANAGEMENT (RM) software licenses
Radio Management (RM) Server can store and manage up to 5,000 radio codeplug archives Initial installation contains licenses for 10 radio archives by default To add additional radio archives to RM for Wired or OTAP management and programming – additional licenses have to be purchased HKVN4065A - block of licenses to add an additional 500 radio archives WARNING Radio Management (RM) can be used to store codeplug and template information for All MOTOTRBO radios, when read/written via cable. However ONLY the SL4000, DP/DM4000 and DP2000 series MOTOTRBO radios can be programmed over the air (OTAP).

48 Importing RM licenses Actions > Manage Licenses
Total Entries Unused Total Available Entries Total Entries Used


Radio Management PC CPS Client Server Device Prog Presence Notifier (PN) Multi-Channel Device Driver (MCDD) USB Driver Control Station 1 IP: localhost ( ) Port (ARS): 4005 Port (Watcher): 3000 IP: localhost ( ) Port: 8675 Control Station 2 CPS Client Settings: Configure CPS Client to reference Server Device Programmer Settings: Configure Device Programmer to reference Server and Presence Notifier

Radio Management PC Control Station 1 USB Driver USB Channel 1 Network Address Translation Radio ID = CAI Network = 12 Radio IP = (Accessory IP = ) Forward to PC = Enabled ARS UDP Port = 4005 Color Code = 1, TX/RX Frequency = MHz Compressed UDP Data Header = Disabled Data Call Confirmed = Enabled Enhanced Channel Access = Enabled CPS App PN MCDD Results in Radio Network IP Address = (internal) / (PC) Control Station 2 USB Channel 2 Network Address Translation Radio ID = CAI Network = 12 Radio IP = (Accessory IP = ) Forward to PC = Enabled ARS UDP Port = 4005 Color Code = 1, TX/RX Frequency = MHz Compressed UDP Data Header = Disabled Data Call Confirmed = Enabled Enhanced Channel Access = Enabled Results in Radio Network IP Address = (internal) / (PC)

52 RADIO CONFIGURATION Initial Radio Parameters
Radio Name / Radio ID = 0, 1 & 2 CAI network = 12 ARS Radio ID = ARS UDP Port = 4005 Privacy Type = None Digital Channel 1: Color Code = 1 TX/RX Frequency = MHz ARS = On System Change Digital Channel 2: TX/RX Frequency = MHz Results in Radio Network IPs = , & Results in ARS Radio Network IP =

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