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Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24.

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Presentation on theme: "Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer Development and implementation of a competency-based management system for trainers in vocational education and training, to be integrated into existing HR systems

2 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer CHARACTERISTICS Leonardo da Vinci programme 10 partners, 7 countries lifespan: 3 years (operational since 1 Dec 2003)

3 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer WHY THIS PROJECT ? Reflection on Life long learning: what about our trainers in adult education ? Change in trainees' and learners' target groups Contextual factors New technological possibilities and challenges Comprehensive offer of training methods Introduction of competency management in HR policies

4 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer INNOVATION: Content Improving the quality of training and the lifelong acquisition of skills and competencies for VET trainers The overall competency approach Linking HR management to line management Facilitating cooperation between public training providers...

5 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer INNOVATION: Project management (1) Quality management : Quality tool (project BSC) Extranet for maximum partner interaction and transparency Concept of "project values" Result commitment: quality monitoring and evaluation has direct consequences for funding of partners)

6 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer INNOVATION: Project management (2) Dissemination : Project has engaged a dissemination partner, committed to: Working out a dissemination tool Developing and maintaining a project website

7 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer Partners Belgium/Flanders: Flemish Institute for the Self-Employed (VIZO) Department of Education of the Flemish Community (DVO) Flemish Service for Employment and Vocational Training (VDAB) Germany: Internationaler Bund, Berufsbildungszentrum Stuttgart (IB): Finland: Vocational Teacher Education College of Jyväskylä Polytechnic (VTEC) Seinäjoki Vocational Adult Education Centre (SAAKK)

8 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer Ireland: FAS- Training and Employment Authority Italy: International Training Center of the International Labour Organisation Poland: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji (IteE) Portugal: Ass. Para o desenvolvimento das competencias (ADC)

9 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer Have a look at our project website:

10 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer PHASES Analysing the existing profiles of the VET trainers Elaborating a common frameword for this target group Defining the competenties Developing a chart model for a competentcy-based system Designing a number of competenty-based modules of training of trainers Pilot testing of these modules Generating a competency-bases system for VET trainers, integrated into HR management Analysing the overall situation Situating the competency-based modular training of trainers into the overall HR cycle Defining a common language framework Defining the quality criteria of a workable HR competency-based management system Designing an appropriate HR competenty-based management system Integrating the competency-based management system into the HR cycle of the organisation Collecting and exchanging existing goodbest practices of tools facilitating the application of HR competency-based management systems Producing recommendations as to the products developed, the lesson learnt, continuation of the competency processes via future proposals PRODUCTS Analysis of the job profile of the VET trainer Truncus communis for the novice, the trainer and the expert Descriptive sheets of competencies Competency chart model: competencies/result areas – general overview Curricula of competency-based modules Set of working agreements for pilot testing / improvement actions and finalisation Analysis of the initial situation with the project partners A concept A common language framework A list of quality criteria A concept/model for an appropriate HR competency-based management system A phased action plan for integration of the competency-based management system into the full HR cycle of the organisation Selected tools by the project through collection, exchange and demonstration, to be implemented Recommendation paper

11 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer PHASES Analysing the existing profiles of the VET trainers Elaborating a common frameword for this target group Defining the competenties Developing a chart model for a competentcy-based system Designing a number of competenty-based modules of training of trainers Pilot testing of these modules Generating a competency-bases system for VET trainers, integrated into HR management Analysing the overall situation Situating the competency-based modular training of trainers into the overall HR cycle Defining a common language framework Defining the quality criteria of a workable HR competency-based management system Designing an appropriate HR competenty-based management system Integrating the competency-based management system into the HR cycle of the organisation Collecting and exchanging existing goodbest practices of tools facilitating the application of HR competency-based management systems Producing recommendations as to the products developed, the lesson learnt, continuation of the competency processes via future proposals TIMING Ready; to be validated Ready; to be validate December 2005 July 2006 Ready; to be validated April 2005 January 2006 April 2006 October 2006

12 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer CRITICAL SUCCESFACTOR Proces Perspective 1. The diversity and complementarity of the partnership is utilized to the most at each stage 2. Each completed project phase means progress towards the final project aim 3. All project phases, processes, actions and gradual progress are neatly presented to all at all times 4. The continuity of the process of growth is ensured by project values respected and maintained by the whole partnership Consensus-score on participation & involvement in WP N-OK <8 Consensus-score on effectiveness & efficiency of WP N- OK <8 Monthly increase number of hits >10 and > 1 per partner Transnational meetings starts with reminder of values KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1a. The (inter-)activities are spread amongst the partners as stipulated in the contract 1b. Each partner has ample opportunity to contribute to every aspect of the meetings 2a. The expected outcome of each WP has been reached 2b. The phased project output/products have been realized as stipulated, and in due time 2c. Cost control does not affect quality too adversely 3. The webspace is dynamically being used by all partners (re-actively and pro-actively) 4; All group initiatives, in particular transnational meetings, start with reminding the partners of the 10 Project Values

13 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer CRITICAL SUCCESFACTOR Financial Perspective 1. All partners fulfil their duties as to providing the contractor with the agreed documents in due time 2. Each partner receives his share of the funding on the terms stipulated in the project agreement – also wiqth respect to the two different kinds of payment (fixed / related to results) 3. Cost efficiëncy: expenses and surplus costs are under control Customer perspective 1. Each partner is represented at the transnational meetings 2. There is continuity in the identity of the partners' representative(s) 3. Each partner is content with the results reached at each stage of the project 4. Each partner is content with the working, collaboration and decision-making methods all along the project stages N-OK <10 N-OK 1 complaint N-OK >10% deviation of amount allowed N-OK <10 N-OK >1 new face compared with Brussels meeting N-OK <8 (average) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1. The agreed documents are sent to the contractor, duly filled out and on schedule 2. There are no complaints whatever of any particular partner about negligence of these payments nor of the terms stipulated 3. Expenses follow the amount allowed in the contract 1. All partners have a representative at the meeting 2. Number of new representatives (physical presence) at each transnational meeting is kept as low as possible 3. Satisfaction sheet (Q 2+3+4) at the end of each plenary meeting 4. Satisfaction sheet (Q5+6+8) at the end of each plenary meeting

14 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Competent-sys-Trainer CRITICAL SUCCESFACTOR Innovation and learning 1. Product development: each output has a distinct (innovative) additional value compared to existing products or methods 2. Product development: dissemination is one of the priorities all along the project 3. Process dynamics: the road (and by-roads) to results is object of reflection and innovation – project experience leads to project expertise Consensus-score on additional value N- OK <8 Consensus-score on dissemination initiatives N-OK <8 Consensus-score on process quality N- OK <8 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1. The real (partial) output is scrupulously weighed against the aims and output stipulated in the project agreement, esp. From the innovative point of view 2a. Dissemination plans, actions and results are screened after each WP (transnational WP meeting) 2b. Website is used for dissemination purposes at most 2c. All partners inovke their own network for internal dissemination 3. At each stage the working methods, tactical decision process, strategic direction, overall routing and project management (e.g. Quality Mgt) are being discussed, scrutinized and possibly fineturned

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