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14 Sound Waves character of sound waves speed of sound sound intensity resonance Homework: 2, 3, 4, 10, 17, 41, 45, 81, 91.

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Presentation on theme: "14 Sound Waves character of sound waves speed of sound sound intensity resonance Homework: 2, 3, 4, 10, 17, 41, 45, 81, 91."— Presentation transcript:

1 14 Sound Waves character of sound waves speed of sound sound intensity resonance Homework: 2, 3, 4, 10, 17, 41, 45, 81, 91.

2 Sound Waves pressure/density waves compressions rarefactions reflects refracts (similar to light) diffracts (bends around corners)

3 Sound Spectrum ultrasonic (f > 20kHz) (human) audible (20Hz < f < 20kHz) infrasonic (f < 20Hz) dogs, cats (50Hz < f < 45kHz) bats up to 120kHz elephants as low as 5Hz

4 Sound Speed in air: v = 331 + 0.6T C m/s in solids:~ 1800 to 5000 m/s in liquids:~ 1100 to 1500 m/s in gases:~ 300 to 1200 m/s

5 Sound Intensity intensity, I: power/area [watt/m 2 ] decibel:  = 10log(I/I o ) I o =10 -12 watt/m 2. Example: 10 -9 watt/m 2 = 30 decibels

6 Example: Intensity point source of sound, 0.010 watts I at 10 meters: = power/area = 0.010watts/(4  10 2 m 2 ) = 7.96x10 -6 watt/m 2.  = 10log(7.96x10 -6 /10 -12 ) = 69dB

7 Resonance in Tubes Due to constructive interference of waves within the tube open at both ends: all harmonics closed at one end: odd harmonics only

8 Doppler Effect f’ increase on approach F’ decrease on separation Eq. 14.14a page 487

9 demos Vernier microphone, logger pro, physics with computers, voice program measure voice, chilandi plates, tuning forks, anyone with perfect pitch, meter stick? Open/closed tubes Take data on chilandi plates, compare to sand patterns with wave driver applied.

10 End

11 11 Example of wavelength distortion due to source motion:

12 12 Nature of Sound Waves Longitudinal Oscillations are: Condensations (higher pressure areas) and Rarefactions (lower pressure areas) Sound travels at about 343m/s at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure

13 13 Doppler Effect Frequency received is different than the Source frequency due to: Source Motion, Receiver Motion or, a combination of Source and Receiver motions.

14 14 values of “A” and “f”?

15 15 Decibels intensity level where I o = 1.0x10 -12 W/m 2. Example: Intensity of sound is 4.0x10 -5 W/m 2. Intensity level is

16 16 Sound Intensity (I) Intensity = power/area = P/A [watt/meter 2 ] Spherical Radiation I = P/4  r 2. Example: Small speaker emits 1.0W of sound in all directions. Intensity 10m from the speaker is 1.0/(4  10 2 ) W/m 2.

17 17 Frequency of Sound Audible Range: 20Hz to 20,000Hz Infrasonic: f < 20Hz Ultrasonic: f > 20,000Hz

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