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Jenny Short (Inspir.ed) March 2015 AAIA SW 2015 Conference Exploring and Evidencing Mastery Learning -children as the best advocates of their own learning!

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Presentation on theme: "Jenny Short (Inspir.ed) March 2015 AAIA SW 2015 Conference Exploring and Evidencing Mastery Learning -children as the best advocates of their own learning!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jenny Short (Inspir.ed) March 2015 AAIA SW 2015 Conference Exploring and Evidencing Mastery Learning -children as the best advocates of their own learning!

2 …..and this is now!

3  Physical Growth =  Communication =  Walking =  Teeth = Alice = 8 2 1 2 3 Assessment scale: 1=not met 2=met 3=exceeded NameScoreNext steps in second year? Alice8 Ben 8 Carla9 David 9 Ellie 7 Fred8 Gill10

4 “What matters is……..………….that we have evidence that the interpretations we wish to make are warranted, and also that plausible rival interpretations are less warranted.” Dylan Wiliam Principled Assessment Design 2015

5 Right under your noses! In the way children respond to the tasks you set them In the things they say and write down In the things they create and the problems they overcome in the course of the learning journey you plan with them With the children make these things explicit, audible and highly visible so the evidence is incontrovertible. Watch and listen because the evidence lies in what you see and hear. Look for and capture the SIGNIFIERS. Jan Dubiel Effective Assessment in the EYFS 2014

6 “ You gather assessment data best when you know what it is you are looking for and focus on the important.” Dylan Wiliam Principled Assessment Design 2015

7 Walks unaided and self initiated Walks unaided after steadied, balanced and encouraged by adult Balances for a while unsupported on two feet “Cruises” supporting self on furniture/push toy Pulls self up to stand on two feet “Walks” using legs and feet when weight supported by adult Pulls up to stand if prompted and supported by adult Crawls/shuffles Rolls over

8 Walks unaided and self initiated

9 Over time look for: The signifiers that are worthy of note! These are what tell you the learner is ON TRACK to meet that standard

10 EVIDENCE  Of what?  For what purpose? What evidence do others require of the school’s outcomes? (DFE? OFSTED?) What is useful for you in order to be the best you can be? (SLT? Governors?) What is useful to empower children to become effective learners?

11 Attainment: by end of KS2 The average standardised score for the cohort The % that met or exceeded standardised score of 100 in test The % that got a “high” score in the test Progress: Did they make “sufficient” progress from R baseline (or KS1)

12 Scores: 1= not met end of year standard 2=met end of year standard 3=exceeded end of year standard

13 Scores: 1= not on track to meet end of year standard 2= on track to meet end of year standard 3=looks like will exceed end of year standard

14 Remember WHY you are doing it! 1. “What matters is……..………….that we have evidence that the interpretations we wish to make are warranted, and also that plausible rival interpretations are less warranted.” 2. MOST importantly…to support the children in developing as effective learners and knowing themselves how to become good readers, writers, mathematicians etc.

15  Determine the standard  Plan the teaching, learning and assessment that will get them there  Use formative strategies when setting tasks so that * pupils can demonstrate the extent of their learning clearly in their responses * the evidence is visible and or audible and can be retained (manageably)

16 Walls Court Farm Academy Susie Weaver and staff

17 Post-It Pig Face Feedback Learning to use persuasive words Post It Pig is looking for: Walls Court Farm Academy Susie Weaver and staff

18 Curry Mallett Primary Wendy Devereux and staff

19 Curry Mallett Primary Wendy Devereux and staff


21 Hayesdown First School Sue Heal and staff


23 Check out “Leaders of their own Learning” by Ron Gerber et al ………………..and his work in “Expeditionary Learning Schools” Think about how pupils might  Record their reading progress  Talk about their learning STRUGGLES in celebration assemblies (rather than their good or best work)  Lead parent meetings talking with their teacher and parents about their learning  Best contribute to their own reports  Be best prepared for a conversation about their attainment and progress with OFSTED or with governors

24 Jenny Short (Inspir.ed) March 2015 AAIA SW 2015 Conference Exploring and Evidencing Mastery Learning -children as the best advocates of their own learning!

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