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Lesson 8 – Making Sense of Things.  Audible  Audi + ible (able)  Literal definition – able to hear  Dictionary definition – (adj) able to be heard.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 8 – Making Sense of Things.  Audible  Audi + ible (able)  Literal definition – able to hear  Dictionary definition – (adj) able to be heard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 8 – Making Sense of Things

2  Audible  Audi + ible (able)  Literal definition – able to hear  Dictionary definition – (adj) able to be heard  The audible laughter was distracting to the speaker as he delivered his speech.

3  Audience  Audi + ence (act of)  Literal definition – act of hearing  Dictionary definition – (n) the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event, such as a play, movie, concert, or meeting  The audience enjoyed the performance and gave the singer a standing ovation.

4  Audio  Dictionary definition – (n) sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced  The poor audio in the video made it difficult to understand what was being said.

5  Periscope  Peri (around) + scop  Literal definition – look around  Dictionary definition – (n) an instrument by which an observer, usually in a submerged submarine or behind a high wall, can see things that are otherwise out of sight  The soldier used his periscope to see over the wall and locate the enemy.

6  Scope  Dictionary definition – (v) to look at carefully; (n) a range of view or action  The bodyguard scoped the audience looking for any signs of danger.  Changing the schedule was beyond the scope of his abilities, so he was stuck with what he had.

7  Telescope  Tele (far, distant) + scop  Literal definition – look far  Dictionary definition – (n) an optical instrument designed to make distant objects seem nearer  The most powerful telescope can make objects millions of miles away seem close.

8  Despicable  De (down, away, from) + spic  Dictionary definition – (adj) literally, to look down upon; deserving hatred or contempt  Your actions were despicable, and they may never forgive you for what you did.

9  Inspect  In (in, into) + spect  Dictionary definition – (v) literally, to look into; to look at closely, usually to assess the condition or discover problems or shortcomings  We inspected the car before we bought it to make sure it didn’t have any problems.

10  Spectator  Spect + or (one who)  Literal definition – one who watches  Dictionary definition – (n) a person who watches a game, show, or other event

11  Contact  Con (together, with) + tact  Literal definition – touch together  Dictionary definition – (n) a state of physical touching; (v) to communicate, usually to give or receive information  If that plant makes contact with your skin, it might leave a red mark.  Please contact me if you need further instructions.

12  Intact  In (not) + tact  Literal definition – not touched  Dictionary definition – (adj) not damaged in any way; complete; untouched  Luckily, our house was still intact after the tornado passed.

13  Tangible  Tang + ible (able)  Literal definition – able to be touched  Dictionary definition – (adj) able to be touched; perceptible by touch; clear and definite  You need to show tangible proof, like a receipt or note, if you are going to convince me you were really at the doctor yesterday.

14  Evident  E (out) + vid + ent (that which)  Literal definition – that which sees out  Dictionary definition – (adj) plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood  It is evident that you didn’t read your book because you can’t answer even the most basic questions about it.

15  Video  Vid  Literal definition – see  Dictionary definition – (n) the system of recording, reproducing, or broadcasting moving visual images on or from videotape  We watched a video on diagramming sentences in grammar class. It was the best video ever!

16  Visible  Vis + ible (able)  Literal definition – able to see  Dictionary definition – (adj) able to be seen  Visible signs of sickness might include red eyes and pale-colored skin.

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