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Clarification. 1. Preparing a clear presentation Work on the 10-line presentation of your research Note down the place of stress Check the pronunciation.

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Presentation on theme: "Clarification. 1. Preparing a clear presentation Work on the 10-line presentation of your research Note down the place of stress Check the pronunciation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clarification

2 1. Preparing a clear presentation Work on the 10-line presentation of your research Note down the place of stress Check the pronunciation Check on a partner’s work regarding stress and pronunciation

3 2. Clarifying the presentation Cf Carnet et al. 2002. La Communication orale scientifique en anglais. Paris, Ellipses a. Inviting questions b. Misunderstandings c. Answering questions d. Agreeing / disagreeing

4 a. Inviting questions The floor is open to questions Who would like to answer questions? Are there any questions regarding the first presentation? The paper is open to discussion I would like to invite questions from the floor I am throwing the question open to the floor Are there any comments? I have a general remark and two questions

5 b. Misunderstandings Sorry, I did not understand what you said Could you repeat that? Could you say that again? I am afraid I did not quite catch that I missed what you said I am afraid you have missed the point I am not quite sure what you mean by … If I have understood your question correctly, …

6 Misunderstandings (2) I am afraid you do not speak loud enough Speak up! Speak into the microphone! Speak in a louder voice! Speak clearly!

7 Exercise: react to the following situations Un intervenant ne parle pas assez distinctement Il parle trop loin du micro Il ne parle pas de façon assez audible Vous n’avez pas compris ce qu’il a dit Vous n’avez pas compris la deuxième partie de la question Vous lui demandez de préciser le sens de son intervention Work in pairs. Student A presents his (her) research. Student B reacts. Student A adjusts his (her) presentation Then change roles

8 c. Answering questions: useful expressions It clarifies the situation It is claimed that … It is generally acknowledged that … This means that … What I am trying to say is that … By way of illustration, … As can be seen on the diagramme, … As indicated by …

9 To simplify, … (or: to put it simply, …) To clarify, … (or: to make it clearer, …) This can be demonstrated by studying … They have established that … These data indicate that … There is plenty of evidence Our study is proof that...

10 This is clearly the case What is clear is that … For obvious reasons, … This supports the argument that … This goes to show two things. There is only one way to show …

11 d. agreeing/disagreeing Quite so! Right on! Splendid! Excellent! Exactly! Naturally! Surely! Admittedly!

12 Agreeing That is a good suggestion There is a grain of truth in that This is a very valid point You correctly said that … We see eye to eye on a range of issues I agree with you wholeheartedly I entirely approve of the idea I find myself in agreement with you on that I agree up to a certain extent

13 Disagreeing Not really! Absolutely not! Certainly not! This is debatable! That is unacceptable Ridiculous/ludicrous! Nonsense! You can’t be serious!

14 I completely disagree with you I strongly disapprove of your conclusions The majority is vehemently opposed to … I do not think so I do not think that is right Few people agree on how to deal with the issue I disagree with you

15 We are in disagreement on the theory Actually, I think you are wrong I cannot share your views on the subject This view is challenged by … Several researchers are at odds over … Many people are hostile to the project

16 Working in pairs. Student A reads a statement or question, student B agrees, student A disagrees. Take turns Wine or health Football or rugby Cats or dogs Voting or going to a picnic The USA or China Cinema or video Sweet or savoury Eating meat or vegetarianism Riding a bike or driving a car Changing or staying the same

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