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1.) Name the two dental arches.

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1 1.) Name the two dental arches.

2 Maxillary (Mx) Mandibular (Mn)

3 2.) Name the two sets of teeth for the human.

4 Primary / Deciduous Permanent

5 3.) When does the Transitional or Mixed Dentition Period begin and end?

6 The Transitional Dentition Period lasts from 6 to 12 years of age
The Transitional or Mixed Dentition Period is defined by the presence of both Primary and Permanent teeth in the oral cavity

7 4.) Describe when the Deciduous Dentition Period would end.

8 The Deciduous Dentition Period ends when the initial permanent tooth erupts into the oral cavity
When the initial Permanent Mandibular First Molar erupts at approx. 6 years of age

9 5.) In the dental formula, the letters I, C, P, & M represent which teeth?

10 I = Incisor C = Canine P = Premolar M = Molar

11 6.) What is the dental formula for the deciduous dentition?

12 The dental formula for the Primary / Deciduous Dentition
I 2/2, C 1/1, M 2/2 x 2 = 20 The dental formula for the Primary / Deciduous Dentition

13 7.) What is the dental formula for the permanent dentition?

14 The dental formula for the permanent dentition
I 2/2, C 1/1, P 2/2, M 3/3 x 2 = 32 The dental formula for the permanent dentition

15 8.) Please annotate the Dentition to the right using all 3 systems presented in class.


17 9.) Please annotate the Dentition to the right using the International and Universal systems.


19 10.) What tooth tissue covers the crown of the tooth?

20 is the tooth tissue that covers the crown of the tooth
Enamel is the tooth tissue that covers the crown of the tooth

21 11.) What tooth tissue covers the root of the tooth?

22 is the tooth tissue that covers the root of the tooth
Cementum is the tooth tissue that covers the root of the tooth

23 12.) What two terms can be used to describe the junction of these two tooth tissues?

24 Cemento-enamel Junction Cervical Line
The Cemento-enamel Junction can be abbreviated CEJ

25 13.) Name the other two tissues.

26 The four tissues of the tooth: Enamel Cementum Dentin Pulp

27 14.) Name the portion of the Maxilla or Mandible which supports the teeth within the jaw and surrounds the root of the tooth.

28 The Alveolar Process The Alveolus is the CAVITY or SOCKET in the alveolar process of the Mx and Mn in which the root or roots of the teeth are fixed

29 15.) Name the surface of the central incisor facing the lip.

30 Labial (La) surfaces which face the lip on anterior teeth are called Labial surfaces, and can also be referred to generically as Facial surfaces

31 16.) Name the surfaces of the molars facing the cheek.

32 Buccal (B) surfaces which face the cheek on posterior teeth are called Buccal surfaces, and can also be referred to generically as Facial surfaces

33 17.) Name the surface of any tooth which faces toward adjoining teeth in the same dental arch.

34 Proximal surfaces of the teeth which face adjoining teeth in the same dental arch are generically called Proximal surfaces

35 18.) Name the surface of the tooth facing toward the midline while following the curve of the dental arch.

36 Mesial (M) the surfaces of teeth which face the midline while following the curve of the dental arch are called Mesial surfaces

37 19.) Name the surface of the tooth facing away from the midline while following the curve of the dental arch.

38 Distal (D) the surfaces of teeth which face away from the midline while following the curve of the dental arch are called Distal surfaces

39 20.) Name the surface of any tooth that faces toward the tongue.

40 Lingual (Li) all teeth have a Lingual surface, it is the surface facing toward the tongue

41 21.) Name the teeth considered to be Anterior Teeth.

42 Central Incisors Lateral Incisors Canines
these three types of teeth in both the Mx and Mn are considered to be Anterior Teeth

43 22.) Name the teeth considered to be posterior teeth.

44 1st Premolars 2nd Premolars 1st Molars 2nd Molars 3rd Molars
these five types of teeth in both the Mx and Mn are considered to be Posterior Teeth

45 23.) What is the general term used to describe quantitative defects in enamel?

46 the general term referring to all quantitative defects of enamel
Enamel Hypoplasia the general term referring to all quantitative defects of enamel

47 24.) What is the general term used to describe qualitative defects in enamel?

48 Hypocalcification the general term referring to all qualitative defects of enamel also referred to as Opacities

49 25.) What number of weeks in utero does calcification normally begin?

50 14 weeks in utero at approximately 14 weeks in utero calcification has initiated for the Mx and Mn Central Incisors of the Primary Dentition

51 26.) At what age can the emergence or eruption of the Primary Dentition usually be observed?

52 6 months the Primary Mn Central Incisor is
usually the first Deciduous tooth to erupt into the oral cavity, it can erupt as early as 6 months of age

53 27.) At what age is the emergence or eruption of the Primary Dentition usually completed?

54 30 months by 30 months (or 2 ½ years) the Primary (Deciduous) Dentition has usually completely erupted into the oral cavity

55 28.) True or False. Calcification of the Primary Dentition occurs both in utero and postnatal.

56 True The first initiation of calcification of the Primary Dentition begins at 14 weeks in utero with the Deciduous Mn Central Incisor, and the crowns are not fully completed in the Deciduous Mx 2nd Molars until almost 30 months (or 2 ½ years) of age

57 29.) True or False. Calcification of the Permanent Dentition occurs both in utero and postnatal.

58 False the calcification of the Permanent Dentition does not begin until just after birth (at 0 months of age)

59 30.) True or False. Premature loss of Primary Teeth are of no significance.

60 False premature loss of Primary Teeth can lead to significant issues in the development and eruption of the succedaneous teeth that follow, especially with spacing and alignment issues

61 31.) Where are the follicles of the developing Permanent teeth found relative to the Primary tooth roots?

62 Primary tooth predecessors
Lingual (Li) the developing tooth follicles of the succedaneous teeth are usually found Lingually and Apically to their Primary tooth predecessors

63 32.) Under normal conditions, what must happen to the Primary Incisors before the Permanent Incisors can erupt into the oral cavity?

64 Exfoliation the Primary Incisors must first
Exfoliate, or be shed from the oral cavity, before the Permanent Incisors can erupt into the oral cavity

65 33.) What are the four or more centers of formation of a given tooth called?

66 Lobes the term used to describe the morphological divisions of the crown of a tooth

67 34.) After these centers of formation coalesce, signs of these centers are still evident in the enamel of the teeth, what are these remnants on the surface of the tooth called?

68 Developmental Grooves
grooves on the tooth formed during appositional growth of enamel, dentin, and cementum, often referred to as those grooves that separate cusps on posterior teeth

69 35.) What is the connective tissue organ of the tooth that consists of arteries, veins, lymphatic system, and nerves?

70 Pulp the cellular, vascular, neural, and connective tissue that fills the central cavity of a tooth in development, the dental papilla becomes the dental pulp as the primary dentin is laid down

71 36.) What are the four functions of the Pulp?

72 Sensation (nerves) Protection (sclerotic dentin) Production of Dentin Vascular Supply (Nutrition)

73 37.) True or False. Illness or injury can effect the development of a tooth.

74 True Mulberry Molar – Congenital Syphilis – lumpy presentation, lots of little bumps/wrinkles Hutchinson Incisor – Congenital Syphilis – tapers incisally, screwdriver shaped extended fever at the age of 12 months (1 year) will effect the Calcification of the crowns of the Permanent 1st Molars, Central Incisors, and Lateral Incisors

75 38.) True or False. Primary or Deciduous Molars are replaced by Permanent Molars in the normal exfoliation and eruption sequence.

76 False the Permanent Molars are not succedaneous teeth – meaning that they do not succeed any other teeth in the Primary Dentition the Primary Molars are succeeded by the Permanent Premolars after their exfoliation

77 39.) True or False. Primary teeth do not have pulp chambers.

78 all teeth have pulp chambers, and pulp canals
False all teeth have pulp chambers, and pulp canals

79 40.) True or False. The crests of convexity or cervical ridges for Primary teeth are more prominent than for the Permanent teeth.

80 True

81 41.) True or False. All teeth develop from 4 or more lobes.

82 all human teeth develop from at lest four lobes
True all human teeth develop from at lest four lobes

83 42.) True or False. The outlines of all teeth may be represented by trapezoids of various dimensions (when viewed from the Fa or Li aspect).

84 True

85 43.) True or False. The shortest of the uneven sides of these trapezoids would represent the Incisal or Occlusal surface of the teeth.

86 False

87 44.) Where can the Interdental Papillae be found?
Posterior surface of the tongue On the Hard Palate Cervical to the Proximal Contact Adjacent to the Fovea Palatinae

88 C) Cervical to the Proximal Contact
Filling the interdental void, or interproximate space of the cervical embrasure which lies cervical to the contact point

89 45.) Name the widest Anterior tooth.

90 Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor
the widest Anterior tooth is the Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor measuring 8.5 mm in M-D dimension

91 46.) Name the narrowest Anterior tooth.

92 Deciduous Mandibular Lateral Incisor
the narrowest Anterior tooth is the Deciduous Mandibular Lateral Incisor measuring just 4.1 mm in M-D dimension

93 47.) Which of the Incisor Class of teeth has the most prominent marginal ridges?

94 Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor
the Incisor class tooth with the most prominent marginal ridges is the Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor

95 48.) Which of the Incisor class of teeth has the most well developed middle developmental lobe?

96 Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor
the Incisor class tooth with the most well developed middle developmental lobe is the Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor

97 49.) Name the set and arch of the Incisor Class of teeth that exhibit poorly developed marginal ridges and a less prominent Cingulum and Lingual Fossa.

98 Permanent Mandibular the Permanent Mandibular Incisors exhibit poorly developed marginal ridges and a less prominent Cingulum and Lingual Fossa

99 50.) Name the tooth which when viewed from the Labial (Facial) has M and D crests of convexity that are found incisally placed in the Incisal third of the crown.

100 Permanent Mandibular Central Incisor
The proximal contacts on both the Mesial and Distal when viewed from the Labial (Facial) are found incisally in the Incisal third of the crown on the Permanent Mandibular Central Incisor

101 51.) Which of the Incisal class of teeth has a distinct twisting of the incisal ridge relative to the root base of the tooth?

102 Permanent Mandibular Lateral Incisor
a prominent annotational feature of the Permanent Mandibular Lateral Incisor is the distinct twist of the incisal ridge relative to the root base

103 52.) Which class of Anterior teeth has a cusp in addition to a cingulum, marginal ridges, fossa, a single root with only one pulp canal (as the most prevalent form) and develops from four developmental lobes?

104 Permanent Canine both the Mx and Mn Permanent Canine presents with a single cusp tip, a cingulum, marginal ridges, fossa, a single root with only one pulp canal (as the most prevalent form), and develops from four developmental lobes

105 53.) When viewed from the M and D aspects (proximally) which teeth most commonly have an incisal ridge that is slightly offset to the Lingual?

106 Permanent Mandibular Incisors and Canine
both the Permanent Mandibular Central and Lateral Incisors as well as the Permanent Mandibular Canine present with an incisal ridge slightly offset to the Lingual when viewed from the M and D

107 54.) Which of the Maxillary Anterior teeth has greater Labiolingual dimension than Mesiodistal dimension?

108 Permanent Maxillary Canine
the Permanent Maxillary Canine is the Maxillary Anterior tooth with greater Labiolingual dimension than Mesiodistal dimension

109 55.) How many cusp ridges are found in the Maxillary Canine?

110 Two while every cusp theoretically has four ridges when counting the Facial or Lingual ridge and/or the triangular ridge along with the M and D cusp ridges, here the question is asking specifically for the number of “cusp ridges” present on the Mx Canine

111 56.) How many marginal ridges are found on the Mandibular Canine?

112 Two although they are not as predominant as on the Maxillary Canine, there are two marginal ridges present on the Mandibular Canine

113 57.) There is a ridge of enamel found on the Li surface of the Mx Canine running from the cusp tip to the cingulum, name this ridge.

114 Lingual Ridge the ridge of enamel found on the lingual surface of the Mx Canine running from the cusp tip to the cingulum

115 58.) What is the longest tooth in the human dentition, and how long is it on average?

116 Permanent Maxillary Canine = 27 mm
the longest tooth in the human dentition is the Permanent Maxillary Canine, which averages 27 mm in overall length

117 59.) True or False. A tooth root may have multiple Apical Foramina.

118 True

119 60.) True or False. Incisors have multiple roots and multiple pulp canals, more often than not.

120 Incisors normally present with a single root and a single pulp canal
False Incisors normally present with a single root and a single pulp canal

121 61.) True or False. Mandibular Canines are more likely to have two pulp canals than Maxillary Canines.

122 True Mandibular Canines present with a single canal 70% of the time,
20% have 2 canals, 1 foramen, and 1 root 10% have 2 canals, 2 foramina 6% may have 2 canals, 2 foramina, and 2 roots Maxillary Canines present with a single canal 100% of the time

123 62.) Describe the location of the La and Li Crests of Convexity when viewed from the proximal for all anterior teeth.

124 Cervical all anterior teeth have La and Li Crests of Convexity in the Cervical third of their crowns when viewed from the proximal

125 63.) Name the ridges that along with the incisal ridge and the cingulum form or border the Lingual Fossa of the permanent Mx Central Incisor.

126 Mesial and Distal Marginal Ridges
form the border of the Li Fossa on the Mx Central Incisor along with the Incisal Ridge and the Cingulum

127 64.) For the Permanent Mx Lateral Incisor, when viewed from the Fa, which profile will more likely be convex?

128 Distal

129 65.) Which Permanent Mx Incisor is most likely to have a Li Pit?

130 Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisors
are the Permanent Mx Incisor most likely to have a Li Pit

131 66.) What percentage of Permanent Mx Lateral Incisors have a bifurcated root?

132 0% 100% of Permanent Mx Lateral Incisors have a single pulp canal and root, while up to 10% exhibit lateral root canals

133 67.) Which Permanent Mx Incisor Type is the narrowest Mesio-distally?

134 Lateral Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisors are the narrowest Maxillary Incisors Mesio-distally

135 68.) Which Permanent Mn Incisor Type is the narrowest Mesio-distally?

136 Central Permanent Mandibular Central Incisors are the narrowest Mandibular Incisors Mesio-distally

137 69.) List the time of eruption for the following teeth: Permanent Mx Central Incisor Permanent Mn Central Incisor Permanent Mn First Molar Permanent Mn Canine Permanent Mx Canine

138 Permanent teeth eruption dates Mx Central Incisor 7-8 years Mn Central Incisor 6-7 years Mn First Molar 6-7 years Mn Canine 9-10 years Mx Canine years

139 70.) Name the classes of teeth that have occlusal surfaces.

140 Premolars Molars posterior teeth have occlusal surfaces anterior teeth have incisal or cusp ridges

141 71.) Name the Classes of teeth that have Marginal Ridges and Fossae.

142 Incisors Canines Premolars Molars

143 72.) Name the four major functions of the Incisor and Canine classes of teeth.

144 Mastication Aesthetics Phonetics Guidance

145 73.) Name the ridges running from the MBO or DBO point angles toward the Lingual. These ridges form the M and D borders of the occlusal table on Premolars and Molars.

146 Marginal Ridges

147 74.) Describe the location of the Li crest of convexity for the Mx 1st Premolar when viewed from the mesial aspect.

148 Middle Third the Li crest of convexity for the Mx 1st Premolar when viewed from the Mesial is in the middle third

149 75.) Describe the location of the B crest of convexity for the Mx 1st Premolar when viewed from the proximal aspect.

150 Cervical Third the B crest of convexity for the Mx 1st Premolar when viewed from the Proximal is in the cervical third

151 76.) When viewed from the facial which profile of the Mx 1st Premolar will most likely include a concavity from proximal contact to cervical line?

152 Mesial

153 77.) When viewed from the buccal which profile of the Mx 1st Premolar will most likely be described as convex from proximal contact to cervical line?

154 Distal

155 78.) What is the age of emergence (eruption) for the Mx 1st Premolar?

156 10-11 years the Maxillary 1st Premolar usually emerges (erupts) at approximately years of age

157 79.) Which Mx Premolar is likely to present with a distinctive mesial concavity in the cervical third of the tooth crown and root?

158 Maxillary 1st Premolar commonly presents with a distinctive mesial concavity on the cervical third of the tooth crown and root

159 80.) What percentage of Mx 1st Premolars present with a bifurcated root?

160 of Mx 1st Premolars present with a bifurcated root
61% of Mx 1st Premolars present with a bifurcated root

161 81.) Which Mx Premolar commonly presents with a shorter central groove, more supplemental grooves, wider marginal ridges, and broader line angle concavities?

162 Mx 2nd Premolar the Mx 2nd Premolar commonly presents with a shorter central groove, more supplemental grooves, wider marginal ridges, and broader line angle concavities than the Mx 1st Premolar

163 82.) How many roots are usually found in the Mx versus the Mn Molars in the common presentations?

164 Mx Molars = 3 roots Mn Molars = 2 roots

165 83.) For the Mx 1st Molar, name the characteristic feature formed by the confluence of the triangular ridge of the DB cusp with the D cusp ridge of the MLi cusp.

166 Oblique Ridge

167 84.) For the Mx 1st Molar, describe the location of the facial or buccal crest of convexity when viewed from the mesial.

168 Cervical Third

169 85.) For the Mx 1st Molar, name the groove that extends from the central groove and separates the MB and DB cusps terminating on the buccal surface.

170 Buccal Developmental Groove

171 86.) For the Mx 1st Molar, describe the location of the Lingual crest of convexity when viewed from the proximal.

172 Middle Third

173 87.) For the Mx 1st Molar, when viewed from the facial, which profile will most likely include a slight concavity, and which profile will most likely be convex, from crest to cervical line?

174 Mesial Profile – concavity Distal Profile – convex
the Mx 1st Molar, when viewed from the facial, will most likely include a slight concavity on the mesial profile, and will most likely be convex on the distal profile, from crest to cervical line

175 88.) From which arch would you most likely find a premolar with three cusps and one pulp canal?

176 Mandibular The Mandibular 2nd Premolar is most likely to present with three cusps and only a single pulp canal

177 89.) Which type of Mandibular Premolar has a Lingual cusp that is ½ to 2/3 as long as the Bu cusp?

178 Mandibular 1st Premolar
usually presents with a lingual cusp tip that is ½ to 2/3 as long as the Bu cusp

179 90.) Which Mx Premolar has narrower marginal ridges when compared to the other type in its class?

180 Mx 1st Premolar the Mx 1st Premolar has narrower marginal ridges that the Mx 2nd Premolar

181 91.) At what age does the Mn 1st Premolar erupt?

182 10-12 years the Mn 1st Premolar normally erupts into the oral cavity at years of age

183 92.) At what age does the Mn 2nd Premolar erupt?

184 11-12 years the Mn 2nd Premolar normally erupts into the oral cavity at years of age

185 93.) Name the occlusal curve which runs laterally across the arch, and helps to explain the Bucco-lingual inclination of the Mx and Mn Posterior teeth.

186 Curve of Wilson the occlusal curve which runs laterally across the arch, and helps to explain the Bucco-lingual inclination of the Mx and Mn Posterior teeth is the Curve of Wilson

187 94.) Name the occlusal curve that can be viewed from the lateral view of the skull and runs antero-posterior from the canine cusp tip and along the Bu cusps of the posterior teeth.

188 Curve of Spee the occlusal curve that can be viewed from the lateral view of the skull and runs antero-posterior from the canine cusp tip and along the Bu cusps of the posterior teeth is the Curve of Spee

189 95.) List the three terms that describe the different methods for loss of tooth structure (or wear of tooth structure).

190 Attrition Abrasion Erosion
Attrition – tooth to tooth wear which occurs normally, such as at the proximal contact points Abrasion – wear induced by a third party, such as brushing and such induce Erosion – chemical removal of tooth structure, such as with tobacco use

191 96.) How many pulp canals are most often found for the Permanent Mx First Molar?

192 Three canals = 41% Four canals = 57% Five canals = 2%

193 97.) Which root of the Permanent Mx 1st Molar is most likely to have multiple pulp canals?

194 Mesio-buccal Root 20% 1 canal, 1 foramen 40% 2 canals, 1 foramen
20% 2 canals, 2 foramina (this = 60% with 2 canals, and therefore 60% of Mx 1st Molars have four or more pulp canals)

195 98.) How many pulp canals are most commonly found for the Mn 1st Molar?

196 Three (3) 100% of Mn 1st Molars have at least 3 pulp canals but only 2 roots 70% have three canals, two of which are in the Mesial Root 30% have four canals, with two in each root Frequency of canals in Mesial root – 40% 2 canals, 1 foramen 60% 2 canals, 2 foramina Frequency of canals in Distal root – 70% 1 canal, 1 foramen 20% 2 canals, 1 foramen 10% 2 canals, 2 foramina (may show bifurcation)

197 99.) Where can the Maxillary Tuberosity be found?

198 Posterior to the Mx 3rd Molar (or the Mx 2nd Molar if the Mx 3rd Molar was extracted)

199 100.) Where can the Retromolar Pad be found?

200 Posterior to the Mn 3rd Molar (or the Mn 2nd Molar if the Mn 3rd Molar was extracted)

201 101.) What teeth in the adult human dentition are comprised of five lobes?

202 Mn 2nd Premolar Mn 1st Molar
both the Mn 2nd Premolar and the Mn 1st Molar develop from five lobes the rest of the teeth in the permanent dentition develop from four lobes

203 102.) Name the three types of Oral Mucosa.

204 Masticatory Lining Specialized
Oral Mucosa = the mucous membrane that lines the oral cavity Masticatory – gingiva is tightly held down mucous membrane and fibrous connective tissue that covers the alveolar process Lining – not tightly held down Specialized – tissue covering the tongue – papillae and taste buds

205 103.) What are the five functions of embrasures?

206 Spillway for food materials – reduces force on the teeth
Spillway for food materials – reduces force on the teeth Part of self-cleansing process of the teeth Stimulation of the pariodontium Aesthetics – especially anterior embrasures Prevent food impaction – contact areas

207 104.) What is the name given to a horizontal connection between pulp canals?

208 a horizontal connection between pulp canals
Anastomosis a horizontal connection between pulp canals

209 105.) What is the name given to the entire central space in the dentin of a tooth which contains the pulp tissues?

210 Pulp Cavities the entire central space in the dentin of a tooth which contains the pulp tissues is called the pulp cavities, which are composed of the Pulp Chamber, Pulp Canal(s), Apical Foramen, Lateral (accessory) Canal(s), Supplemental Canal, and Anastomosis’

211 106.) What significant role do the Fa and Li heights of contour play?

212 The Fa and Li heights of contour provide protection and stimulation of the gingival tissue by deflecting food away from the tissues

213 107.) Which Permanent tooth is most readily identifiable by a Mesio-buccal Cervical Protrusion?

214 is most readily identifiable by a Mesio-buccal Cervical Protrusion
Mn 2nd Molar is most readily identifiable by a Mesio-buccal Cervical Protrusion

215 108.) Which anterior tooth is most likely to have a bifurcated root?

216 Mn Canine Is the anterior tooth most likely to bifurcate, but still only bifurcates 6% of the time

217 109.) What is the primary function of the soft palate?

218 to close off the nasal pharynx
the primary function of the soft palate is to close off the nasal pharynx

219 110.) What two structures combine to create the oblique ridge on the Mx molars?

220 converge to create the oblique ridge of Mx Molars
The triangular ridge of the disto-buccal cusp and the distal cusp ridge of the Mesio-lingual cusp converge to create the oblique ridge of Mx Molars

221 111.) What trend is noticeable among proximal contacts as you move from anterior to posterior?

222 as you move from anterior to posterior
proximal contacts become larger and are positioned more cervically and facially as you move from anterior to posterior

223 112.)


















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