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Prenatal Brain Development and Organization. Formation of Neural Tube Three primordial tissues –endoderm –mesoderm –ectoderm Which tissue does nervous.

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Presentation on theme: "Prenatal Brain Development and Organization. Formation of Neural Tube Three primordial tissues –endoderm –mesoderm –ectoderm Which tissue does nervous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prenatal Brain Development and Organization

2 Formation of Neural Tube Three primordial tissues –endoderm –mesoderm –ectoderm Which tissue does nervous system develop from? –ectoderm

3 Neural crest

4 Neural crest

5 Neural Tube Related Birth Defects Anterior neural pore Posterior neural pore failure to close = anencephaly failure to close = spina bifida

6 Neural crest becomes peripheral nervous system (PNS) Neural tube becomes central nervous system (CNS) Somites become spinal vertebrae. Somites

7 Three-vesicle stage (Week 4) Prosencephalon or forebrain Mesencephalon or midbrain Rhombencephalon or hindbrain

8 mesencephalon metencephalon myelencephalon 6 weeks 4 weeks Five-vesicle stage





13 Differentiation of Forebrain


15 Human Brain at Birth 6 Years Old 14 Years Old

16 A lot can go wrong. Rate of neurogenesis incredibly rapid. Failure to form appropriate connections may be basis of many neurological and psychiatric disorders.

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