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Broadening Participation  Tom Brady – Potential Activities for ’07 Budget  Sally O’Conner – Cyber Tools for Undergraduate Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Broadening Participation  Tom Brady – Potential Activities for ’07 Budget  Sally O’Conner – Cyber Tools for Undergraduate Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadening Participation  Tom Brady – Potential Activities for ’07 Budget  Sally O’Conner – Cyber Tools for Undergraduate Education

2 Broadening Participation FY 2007 Goal: Increase the number of proposals submitted to BIO from individuals from groups under- represented in those areas of the Biological Sciences supported by NSF


4 BIO Research Proposals and Funding 1999-2004

5 National STEM Production of Ph.D.’s as a Percentage of Domestic Ph.D.’s

6 Comparison of the Number of Doctoral Recipients in Selected Sciences and Engineering 2003 Biological Sciences ChemistryComputer Science Physics & Astronomy Engineering % of Total % of Total % of Total % of Total Total Doctoral Recipients* 569420378661247 5265 Total US Citizens 3782 66%1169 57%384 44% 625 50% 1899 36% African American 100 1.76% 35 1.72% 17 1.96% 13 1.04% 86 1.63% Latino/Hispanic 157 2.76% 38 1.87% 8 0.92% 23 1.84% 96 1.82% American Indian 11 0.19% 2 0.10% 2 0.23% 0 0.00% 7 0.13% *Includes individuals who did not report their citizenship at time of survey. (Source: Survey of Earned Doctorates Summary Report 2003).

7 Broadening Participation Research Grants QEM Workshops CAA/RIG Minority Postdocs *CREST *Graduate Supplements for Broadening Participation *Undergraduate Mentorships for Broadening Participation

8 QEM Workshops  Three year award  Two workshops per year  Focused on Faculty from Underrepresented Groups and those at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)

9 Research Initiation Grants Career Advancement Awards Broadening Participation – Faculty from underrepresented groups or minority serving institutions RIG – New Investigators CAA – May have previously been PI $150k, 24 months, $25k equipment

10 Minority Postdocs Increase the number of research scientists from underrepresented minority groups Awards for research and training Applicants choose sponsoring scientist and provide research/training plan 2-3 Year Awards $50K/yr $4K Travel Grant $50K Starter Grant

11 *Graduate Supplements  Supplements to Current or New Research Awards  Students from Underrepresented Groups  Up to 3 years  $37K per year - $27K stipend, $10K for research  Attract New Students into Graduate School

12 *CREST Centers for Research Excellence in Science and Technology Partner with EHR (Directorate for Education and Human Resources) Joint Competition Establish up to 5 new CREST Centers with a Biological Focus

13 CREST Centers for Research Excellence in Science and Technology  Build Research Capability at Minority Serving Institutions  Build Strength in Specific Research Area  Develop Knowledge  Expand Diverse Student Presence in STEM Fields GOALS

14 Competitive Proposals Unifying research Focus Long-term institutional objectives & priorities consistent with project Potential to reach national standards of excellence Ability to produce demonstrable achievements within award period Potential to develop National Competitiveness

15 Focus Attract Faculty Secure Instrumentation Faculty Start-up Packages Robust Metrics Leverage Partnerships Integrate Across NSF Research Directorates

16 Current CREST Centers (14)

17 CREST centers pursuing biology related research California State University at Los Angeles New Mexico State University Alabama A&M University Texas A&M University - Kingsville University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras

18 California State University Los Angeles Center for Environmental Analysis (CES-CREST) CEA-CREST team formulated spatially explicit model of predator-prey dynamics

19 New Mexico State University Center for Research Excellence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BCB) Among the first minority institutions with research center in bioinformatics and the first BCB program in New Mexico

20 Alabama A&M University Center for Forest Ecosystems Assessment (CFEA) Intellectual benefits of CFEA shared with greater community of scholars, students, and practitioners of natural resource science and policy

21 Texas A&M University - Kingsville Research on the Environmental sustainability of semi-arid coastal areas (RESSACA) Minority student involvement at graduate level of environmental engineering, integration of research and education, and environmental research as pertains to public policy

22 University of Puerto Rico – Rio Piedras Center for Tropical Applied Ecology and Conservation at the University of Puerto Rico Multidisciplinary groups work together to solve complex environmental problems facing the tropics, with emphasis on the Caribbean

23 Research Centers in Minority Institutions The National Center for Research Resources (NIH-NCRR) provides RCMI grants to expand research capacity in colleges and universities that: –Have 50% or greater enrollment of students underrepresented in the biomedical sciences –Award doctoral degrees in the health professions or health- related sciences

24 Research Centers in Minority Institutions (NIH/NCRR)  Tuskegee University  Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science  Howard University  Florida A&M University  Clark Atlanta University  Morehouse School of Medicine  University of Hawaii  Morgan State University  Jackson State University  City College, CUNY (two Centers)  Universidad Central del Caribe  University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus  Ponce School of Medicine  Meharry Medical College  Texas Southern University  University of Texas, El Paso  University of Texas, San Antonio

25 Research Centers in Minority Institutions (NIH/NCRR)

26 Undergraduate Mentoring in the Biological Sciences  Enhancement activities that will prepare students for a scientific career including graduate studies  Mentoring activities that will ensure the successful completion of students in the program  Research and field experiences  $600K/4yrs

27 Treisman Model Focus on excellence, rather than adequacy Collaborative learning Faculty sponsorship

28 UMBC Meyerhoff Scholars Program The Meyerhoff Program seeks to increase the number of minorities, particularly African-Americans, who earn doctoral degrees in the sciences, mathematics, computer science, and engineering.  Open to all highly-achieving minority high school seniors with an interest in graduate study in the sciences or engineering.  The program currently holds approximately 180 students.  95% of graduating Meyerhoff Scholars immediately enter into professional and graduate schools.

29 Structure of the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program Scholarship support for all students The Summer Bridge Program prior to entrance, featuring academic coursework, time management coursework, and social networking activities. Research experience Interaction with a practicing professional mentor Personal interaction with UMBC faculty and staff Special academic support, cultural enrichment, and career- oriented workshops

30 Broadening Participation FY 2007

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