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ECGD4107 Pavement Engineering Summer 2008 Sat. 15:30-18:30 PM K004

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1 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
ECGD4107 Pavement Engineering Summer 2008 Sat. 15:30-18:30 PM K004 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

2 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Lecture 3 Vertical Alignments Geometric Characteristics Sight Distances: Crests & Sags Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

3 Types of Vertical Alignment
Crest vertical curves Sag vertical curves Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

4 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Crest Vertical Curves Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

5 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Crest Vertical Curves Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

6 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Sag Vertical Curves Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

7 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Sag Vertical Curves Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

8 Elements of Vertical Curves
G1 = initial roadway grade in percent G2 = final roadway grade in percent A = Absolute value of difference in grades (initial minus final, usually in percent) Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

9 Elements of Vertical Curves
PVC = point of the vertical curve (the initial point of the curve) PVI = point of vertical intersection (the intersection of initial and final grades) PVT = point of vertical tangent, (the final point of the vertical curve) Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

10 Elements of Vertical Curves
L = length of the curve measured in a constant elevation horizontal plane Ascending = +ve grading Descending = -ve grading Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

11 Presentation of Vertical Curves
Parabolic mathematical expression Provides a constant sloping rate y = ax2 + bx + c Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

12 Presentation of Vertical Curves
y = elevation at a corresponding distance x from the beginning of the vertical curve (PVC) x = distance from the beginning of the vertical curve a & b = constant coefficients c = elevation at the beginning of the vertical curve Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

13 Calibration of Coefficients
The first derivative is the slope at location x dy/dx = 2ax + b At the PVC, x = 0 and slope = G1 b = G1 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

14 Calibration of Coefficients
The second derivative is the rate of slope change d2y/dx2 = 2a = (G2 – G1)/L a = (G2 – G1)/2L At the PVC, x = 0 and y = y0 c = y0 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

15 Calibration of Coefficients
Then the parabolic vertical curve can be defined in terms of G1, G2, L, and y0 as: Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

16 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Significance For algebraic grade differences of 2% and greater, and design speeds equal to or greater than 60 km/h, the minimum length of vertical curve in meters should not be less than twice the design speed. For algebraic grade differences of less than 2%, or design speeds less than 60 km/h, the vertical curve length should be a minimum of 60 m. Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

17 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Significance Vertical curves are not required where the algebraic difference in grades is 0.5% or less. Since flat vertical curves may develop poor drainage at the level section, adjusting the gutter grade or shortening the vertical curve may overcome any drainage problems. Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

18 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Example1 A 600 ft long equal-tangent sag vertical curve has the PVC at station with an elevation of 1000 ft. The Initial grade is -3.5% and the final grade is +0.5%. Determine the stationing and elevation of PVI, PVT and the lowest point on this curve. Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

19 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Example1 / Solution Since the curve is equal tangent, the PVI will be 300 ft or 3 stations from the PVC, the PVT will be 600 ft or 6 stations from PVC, therefore, the stationing of PVI and PVT are: and respectively. Elevation of PVI is: (-3.5/100)(3)(100) = ft Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

20 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Example1 / Continued The elevation of the PVT is: (0.5/100)(3)(100) = ft Coefficients of the curve: b = G1 = -3.5/100 = a = (G2 – G1)/2L = [0.5-(-3.5)]/[(100)(2)(600)] = 1/30000 y0 = 1000 ft Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

21 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Example1 / Continued The function of the curve: y = x2/30000 – x The lowest point on the curve: dy/dx = 0 at x = ft The level of this point is: y = ft Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

22 Offsetting of Vertical Curves
Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

23 Offsetting of Vertical Curves
Offset (Y): the vertical distance from the initial tangent to the curve line Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

24 Offsetting of Vertical Curves
Substituting for the middle offset at x = L/2 Substituting for the final offset at x = L Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

25 Offsetting of Vertical Curves
K: the horizontal distance required to cause a 1% change in the slope of the vertical curve K-value can be used to calculate the highest and lowest point location in crest and sag curves Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

26 SSD for Vertical Curves
Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

27 SSD for Vertical Curves
s = SSD H1 = height of driver’s eye above road surface H2 = height of object above road surface Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

28 SSD for Vertical Curves
From the property of parabola for an equal tangent curve, for S < L: For S > L: Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

29 SSD for Vertical Curves
To determine the minimum length of curve required to provide adequate SSD (recommended by AASHTO’s Green Book) Use: H1 = 3.5 ft and H2 = 2.0 ft Use: Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

30 SSD for Vertical Curves
For L > SSD For L < SSD Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

31 SSD for Vertical Curves
Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

32 SSD for Vertical Curves
The critical concern for sag vertical curve design is the actual length of roadway illuminated by the vehicle headlights during nighttime In day light, the driver's sight distance on a sag vertical curve is unrestricted. Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

33 SSD for Vertical Curves
L can be expressed by the parabola properties as: For L > S For L < S Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

34 SSD for Vertical Curves
To determine the minimum length of curve required to provide adequate SSD (recommended by AASHTO’s Green Book) Use H = 2.0 ft and  = 1.0 degrees Use Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

35 SSD for Vertical Curves
For L > SSD For L < SSD Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

36 SSD for Vertical Curves
For crest vertical curves: For sag vertical curves: Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

37 SSD for Vertical Curves
In practical calculations of Lm for both crest and sag vertical curves The assumption that L > SSD is always the dominant decision made When computing SSD, G is always ignored Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

38 PSD for Vertical Curves
Passing Sight Distances on crest vertical curves: For L > PSD: For L< PSD: Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

39 PSD for Vertical Curves
As was the case for stopping sight distance, It is typically assumed L > PSD Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

40 PSD for Vertical Curves
Underpass distance on sag vertical curves: For L > S: For L < S: Hc: is the net clearance height of overpass structure above road surface Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

41 Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab
Due to next lecture: Study this lecture (AASHTO 2001 – Ch. 3) Review geometric alignments (Practical) Dr. Wa'el M. Albawwab

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