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RESEARCH PRODUCE PRESENT. Families… Group 1 – Hydrogen Group 1 – Alkali Metals Group 2 – Alkaline Earth Metals Groups 3-12 – Transition Metals Period.

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Presentation on theme: "RESEARCH PRODUCE PRESENT. Families… Group 1 – Hydrogen Group 1 – Alkali Metals Group 2 – Alkaline Earth Metals Groups 3-12 – Transition Metals Period."— Presentation transcript:


2 Families… Group 1 – Hydrogen Group 1 – Alkali Metals Group 2 – Alkaline Earth Metals Groups 3-12 – Transition Metals Period 6 & 7 Pullout – Lanthanides & Actinides Groups 13-15 – Metals in Mixed Groups (Poor Metals) Groups 13-17 – Metalloids (Semi-metals) Group 13 – Boron Family Group 14 – Carbon Family Group 15 – Nitrogen Family Group 16 – Oxygen Family Group 17 – Halogens Group 18 – Noble Gases (Inert Gases)

3 Family Crest Classwork 1.Use resources to gather information about your family. Textbook (Page 89-101) Websites (Periodic Table Resources Folder in K: Drive Mihalyov Folder)

4 Family Crest Classwork 2.Record information in your lab notebook. Family Name Location – may be group number, pull out period, or combination of groups/periods Elements in the family – draw tag/box for each element (include atomic #, symbol, and atomic mass) Common Properties – Physical State (solid, liquid, or gas), Type of Elements (metal, nonmetal, or metalloid), Color?, Shiny?, Conductor?, Reactivity, # of Valence Electrons, Compounds?, Uses or where found?, Important elements in family?, etc. Motto/saying – Capture the essence of the family!

5 Family Crest Classwork 3.Create “rough draft” of Family Crest in your notebooks using VISUALS with LIMITED WORDS to represent your family’s information. (see examples for ideas)

6 Family Crest Classwork 4.Get “rough draft” approved and transfer design to half-sheet of poster board. Use markers, crayons, and/or colored pencils to make project look nice. BE SURE ALL WRITTEN INFORMATION CAN BE READ FROM A DISTANCE!


8 Family Name and Group Number Family name and group number are spelled correctly, neatly written, and large enough to easily identify on crest. (2 points) Elements in the Family Elements are identified with each tag box drawn and labeled correctly (atomic number, symbol, and atomic mass). (2 points) Physical and Chemical Properties The properties which are characteristic of the group are depicted with neatly drawn visual representations using only a few words for emphasis. Must include reactivity, valence electrons, physical properties common to group, and common uses/important elements in family. (4 points) Group Motto A motto is created that adequately captures the most important and/or identifying properties of the group. The motto must be written neatly and grammatically correct. (2 point) Family Name: _________________________Class: ________________________ Created by: ___________________________________________________________________

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