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The ideal tool for patient periodontal self management.

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Presentation on theme: "The ideal tool for patient periodontal self management."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ideal tool for patient periodontal self management


3 Why does it work? “ subgingival debridement with a brush is effective in removing plaque deposits from periodontally involved root surfaces.” Carey et al 2001 J Clin Periodontol 2001; 28: 820– 827

4 How much could it remove? - The average amount of bacteria removed was averaged at 83.9% - Bacteria had been partially removed from the surface of calculus in some areas. Carey et al 2001 J Clin Periodontol 2001; 28: 820–827

5 Systemic Health? Periodontal disease is a risk factor or marker for Coronary Heart Disease that is independent of traditional Coronary Heart Disease risk factors, including socioeconomic status Periodontal Disease and Coronary Heart Disease Incidence: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis J Gen Intern Med 23(12):2079–86 2008



8 Patient Testimonials Anna

9 NHS dental services in England An independent review led by Professor Jimmy Steele June 2009 Longer recall intervals are a marker of success, not an abdication of duty, and the recall interval is integral to a continuing care arrangement. A move away from the six-month interval should be the prize of a preventive- led service, releasing resources for other services. Subject to emerging evidence, strong and aligned messages may be required to help patients to understand the advantages of longer intervals. The essential element of continuing care is about the relationship, not the frequency

10 Dear Hani, “ I support your efforts to produce a new brush to allow patients to achieve subgingival cleaning. I have been advising patients to use such a device, adapted from a standard single-tufted brush (eg CTS Super Interspace) for about 20 years, having been taught this technique by Bernie Kieser at the Eastman in the early 1990s. I have found it to be highly effective in helping to control the subgingival biofilm in periodontitis patients, as shown (albeit with a different brush) in the 2001 study by Carey and Daly (J Clin Periodontol. 2001 Sep;28(9):820-7). I have taught this technique to hundreds, if not thousands, of dentists and hygienists over the years on the many courses I have given (including the 2009 'Talking Points' tour round the UK) and feedback on the technique has been universally positive. Good luck with your endeavours.” Kind Regards, Phil Ower Statement of Support – Phil Ower,

11 I am happy to confirm that NHS Dentist has continued to provide a full hygienist service on the NHS for patients presenting with periodontal disease, despite the 2006 contract which effectively cut funding for all such treatments. We have done this by implementing the system advocated by Philip Owers' subgingival oral hygiene instruction to our patients, because it is effective and in order to minimise the future financial burden to our Practice and the NHS. This practice has treated over 80,000 NHS patients since we opened in 1999. Sharon Bierer Practice Manager” NHS Dentist 02076101110 Statement of Support – NHS Dentist

12 Statement of Support – Warwick University Statement of Support, I am looking forward to working with Hani on the Gumsaver concept. As you will see from his hypothesis that there is much to hope for with regards to self efficacy. The burden of periodontal disease on an ever aging population means that treatments where patients could be given more effective self management of this condition is a very positive one. In light of recent studies and a believable mechanism linking oral bacterial burden to a number of systemic diseases I feel we should be promoting this well reasoned argument towards subgingival brushing. This has fantastic potential to reduce morbidity both in the mouth and to potentially reduce impact on an individual’s general health. Yours sincerely, Edward Lynch Head of Dentistry University of Warwick


14 For any further info: 07884256724

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