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Unit 9 D2. toothache toothache toothache toothache.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 9 D2. toothache toothache toothache toothache."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 9 D2

2 toothache

3 toothache

4 toothache

5 toothache

6 toothache

7 dentist

8 dentist

9 dentist

10 dentist

11 pain

12 pain

13 pain


15 arm

16 arm

17 tentacle arm

18 arm

19 A broken arm

20 sharp

21 sharp knife

22 sharp mountain

23 sharp look

24 sharp

25 sharp


27 brother sharp

28 guy

29 guy

30 guy

31 guys

32 cold pack

33 cold pack

34 cold pack

35 cold pack

36 cold pack

37 What’s the matter?



40 What’s the matter?

41 R U Ready?

42 guy arm sharp cold pack toothache dentist pain what’s the matter? 1. 手臂 2. 牙痛 3. 牙醫 4. 傢伙 5. 怎麼了 ? 6. 鋒利的 7. 疼痛 8. 冰袋

43 每題 12 分 1. 手臂 arm 2. 牙痛 toothache 3. 牙醫 dentist 4. 傢伙 guy 5. 怎麼了 ? What’s the matter? 6. 鋒利的 sharp 7. 疼痛 pain 8. 冰袋 cold pack

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