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Glossing – Lesson 6 The order of sentence structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Glossing – Lesson 6 The order of sentence structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glossing – Lesson 6 The order of sentence structure

2 Lesson 6A Topic – Topic must appear at or near the beginning of the sentence ASL structure = topic – comment – I have a dentist appointment next week. If you want to emphasize a point put it at the end. – I have a dentist appointment; next week! – DENTIST APPOINTMENT HAVE ME next-WEEK

3 Lesson 6A If…Then… Statements – If the baby sleeps, then we’ll watch the video. SUPPOSE BABY SLEEP WE WATCH VIDEO WILL – If you finish your homework, then we’ll go fishing.

4 Things to remember Suppositional statements – Means “what if…” – Examples Should a tornado come go to the closet. When our friends arrive, call me. HAPPEN FRIEND++ ARRIVE SUMMON ME

5 Things to remember Conditional statements – You’ll get wet if that water balloon pops. – SUPPOSE WATER BALLOON EXPLODE YOU WET WILL The word last… – If last describes an order of events sign “FINAL” She is last in line. – If last means previous sign “PAST” The last slide showed nouns.

6 Things to remember When – Can be a question or a statement When is the homework due? When it rains I use my umbrella. – For statements sign “HAPPEN”WHQ HOMEWORK DUE WHEN

7 Things to remember Wh- questions – That is whom you should see [PERSON] – You missed what I was saying. [THING] – This is where you must go next [ ] – That’s how we got into trouble [WAY] – Here is the bag, which was missing. [ ] – That’s why God made computers. [REASON]

8 Things to remember The sign BEFORE can be used, but not the sign AFTER – Shake well before spraying. SHAKE-mime GOOD BEFORE SPRAY-mime – After you eat take your pills.

9 Examples 6A I love your mother’s cooking. My friend failed yesterday’s test. I’m going to the football game.

10 Lesson 6B Chronological order – ASL sentences show real-time sequencing – First is the cause then the effect They cancelled the game because it rained all day. – First comes the condition then the result/consequence People who steal need to go to jail. PEOPLE STEAL GO-TO JAIL MUST

11 Examples 6B I hate when the alarm rings early. The dog woke up when the door slammed. I’ll call you if I need you. If it rains then we can’t go.

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