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GLOBAL BRIGADES Information Session APRIL 2015. LEALEADERSHIP TEAM Becca Polyack Peter Krzywosz Michelle Naporano Victoria Spradling Kristin Creel.

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBAL BRIGADES Information Session APRIL 2015. LEALEADERSHIP TEAM Becca Polyack Peter Krzywosz Michelle Naporano Victoria Spradling Kristin Creel."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLOBAL BRIGADES Information Session APRIL 2015

2 LEALEADERSHIP TEAM Becca Polyack Peter Krzywosz Michelle Naporano Victoria Spradling Kristin Creel

3 What is ? The world’s largest student-led global health and development movement Started at Marquette University in 2003 Operates in four countries: Honduras, Panama, Ghana, and Nicaragua Ten programs Since 2004, almost 40,000 volunteers from six countries

4 Started at UD in 2011 Six brigades: three to Honduras, two to Nicaragua and one to Panama Over 250 student volunteers Honduras, 2011

5 RURAL NICARAGUAN STATISTICS ABOUTLOCATIONMEDICALBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION Average level of education is approximately 5 th grade Typically no doctors within a 20 mile radius 70% of the population have no access to a dentist 65% have no access to public sanitary services Typical families walk 6 hours a day to get access to water Limited to no access to microfinance

6 Every 20,000 Nicaraguan People typically has access to only the following healthcare resources: 7 doctors 1 dentist 20 nurses

7 For every 1 Medical Volunteer 24 people receive access to medical care =

8 For every 1 Public Health Volunteer 1 water storage pila can be built =

9 Medical Brigades Provides communities with access to doctors and medicine every 3-4 months Through multiple 9 day brigades, community members receive doctor care, medicine, and health education workshops Brigadistas are trained in communities to help provide follow-up to care and refer medical emergencies between brigades WHAT IS A MEDICAL BRIGADE? ABOUTLOCATIONMEDICALBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION

10 Public Health Brigades Improve health through the construction of eco-stoves, latrines, water storage units, and concrete floors The four projects were chosen based on observations of medical brigade patient records, which illustrated high levels of respiratory illness, chagas disease and other preventable ailments caused by poor in-home health infrastructure Brigadistas are trained in communities to ensure project sustainability and maximum health impact WHAT IS A PUBLIC HEALTH BRIGADE? ABOUTLOCATIONPUBLIC HEALTHBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION

11 What does a brigade look like?

12 In-take Station Volunteers record the following information from each patient using forms created by Global Brigades: Name, age, gender Community Residence & date of Visit ABOUTLOCATIONMEDICALBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION in-taketriageconsultationdentaleducation prescription pick-up MEDICAL CLINIC STATIONS

13 Triage Station Below are some of the items volunteers may record for each patient: Vitals & Chief complaints Blood pressure & temperature Allergies, etc. ABOUTLOCATIONMEDICALBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION in-taketriageconsultationdentaleducation prescription pick-up MEDICAL CLINIC STATIONS

14 ABOUTLOCATIONMEDICALBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION Consultation Station Doctors diagnose & prescribe medication to patients Students shadow and ask questions throughout consultation Students also translate for doctors. in-taketriageconsultationdentaleducation prescription pick-up

15 MEDICAL CLINIC STATIONS ABOUTLOCATIONMEDICALBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION Gynecology Station All women 16 years and older are strongly suggested to go to the gynecology station. One-two female students can shadow the physician and assist in taking pap smears. in-taketriageconsultationdentaleducation prescription pick-up

16 ABOUTLOCATIONMEDICALBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION Dental Station Dental Initiative will include teeth cleaning, extractions, fluoride treatments, and educational charlas. in-taketriageconsultationdentaleducation prescription pick-up MEDICAL CLINIC STATIONS

17 ABOUTLOCATIONMEDICALBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION Education Station While prescriptions are filled, patients receive public health education o Dental care o Understanding personal health o Preventative care in-taketriageconsultationdentaleducation prescription pick-up MEDICAL CLINIC STATIONS

18 ABOUTLOCATIONMEDICALBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION Pharmacy Station Patients pick-up prescriptions, volunteers provide the following information: o Types of medication o Dosage amounts o Directions for medication usage in-taketriageconsultationdentaleducation prescription pick-up

19 ABOUTLOCATIONPUBLIC HEALTHBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION Basic Hygiene Station Consists of one structure with a pila, latrine, and shower. Build latrines for sanitary and proper waste disposal. Water “pilas” allow for convenient storage, saving families hundreds of hours per year walking to water sources Showers provide a safe, clean, and private space to bathe oneself PPUBLIC HEALTH PROJECT

20 ONE WEEK BRIGADE Concrete Floors Chagas is a potentially fatal disease spread through insects that burrow the ground and in adobe bricks Children learn to crawl and walk in homes with bare feet, increasing parasitic infection Concrete floors are a simple solution to this health challenge Eco-Stoves Build eco-stoves with chimneys for proper release of carbon elements from homes Harmful pollutants that cause many respiratory illnesses are diverted Eco-stoves burn more efficiently, limiting deforestation ABOUTLOCATIONPUBLIC HEALTHBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION


22 Usually eggs, beans, rice, and fruit By bus and van; up to 2.5 hours Boxed lunch; tortillas, beans, rice common An electronic medical record is maintained for each patient Meat or fish, beans, rice common Later: Reflection on day’s activities; relaxation

23 How is your Brigade Funded? Volunteers’ Program Contribution: $950 (Nicaragua) o Brigade expenses o Program sustainability Airfare: Variable Program Contribution Details 9 day program (Nicaragua) Accommodations and meals (vegetarian options available) Clean drinking water Airport pick-up and drop-off In-country transportation Spanish translators and coordinators, and security Program sustainability and follow-up between brigades TOTAL CONTRIBUTION ABOUTLOCATIONMEDICALBRIGADE TAKE ACTION CONTRIBUTION

24 Timeline Medical/Public Health Brigade January 9-17, 2016 Applications due online by April 27 Acceptance emails sent April 30 $250 deposit due by May 10 $800 or Full airfare due Nov. 1 Final amount due Jan. 1 TIMELINE

25 Expectations UDI 376 – WEEKLY MEETINGS (FRI 3:00) – READINGS Fundraising – GOAL - $11,000 for meds and supplies Medical/Dental Supply Donations Passport (Valid for 6 months after arrival) Spanish Language Skills EXPECTATIONS


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