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For LIFE Presented By for LIFE Presented By Fundraising 101: How to Win Friends and Influence Donors THE COLLEGE ORGANIZATION Carolyn Percifield, PFP Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "For LIFE Presented By for LIFE Presented By Fundraising 101: How to Win Friends and Influence Donors THE COLLEGE ORGANIZATION Carolyn Percifield, PFP Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 for LIFE Presented By for LIFE Presented By Fundraising 101: How to Win Friends and Influence Donors THE COLLEGE ORGANIZATION Carolyn Percifield, PFP Staff Advisor THE PARTNER ORGANIZATION Steve Florence, Team 461 Teacher-Mentor

2 for LIFE Presented By for LIFE Presented By The College Organization Carolyn Percifield, Director of Strategic Planning and Assessment of Purdue University, Member of Engineering Cabinet of Purdue University, PFP Staff Advisor

3 for LIFE Presented By Plan First What do you want to be now? What do you want to be in the future? What will it cost to meet your current goals? What will you need to meet your future growth plan? How does the College or University fit in the picture?

4 for LIFE Presented By Be Realistic Think impact – Don’t overestimate speed and scale of growth, do some scaling/phasing scenarios Translate to resources – Don’t underestimate – Do plan a Volkswagen budget (vs Cadillac luxury)

5 for LIFE Presented By Acquire Resources Think Holistically – anything can be donated – People/Skills/Services – Space/Equipment/Supplies – Money Write your CASE statement – who you are and what you do – projected impact and investment Plan Acquisition activities

6 for LIFE Presented By Ladder of Productivity Descending order of effectiveness – Special Events – Direct Mail/Mass Mailings – Telethons – Blind Proposals – Cold Calls – Personal Phone Call – Personal Visit

7 for LIFE Presented By Cost vs Benefit ActivityInvestmentResult Special Event Very High Effort High $$ cost = ~$0.50/net dollar raised Very Low NET $$ raised High risk to lose $$ Moderate to High reach/visibility Direct Mail – New Donors Low Effort Very High $$ cost = ~$1.00 - $1.25 per dollar raised (1% + response) Very Low Net $$ raised High risk to lose $$ Very High reach Direct Mail – Donor Renewal Low Effort Moderate $$ cost = ~$0.20 - $0.25 per dollar raised (50% + response) Low Net $$ raised Low risk to lose $$ Moderate to High reach Phon-a-thon – Donor Renewal High Effort Low-Moderate $$ cost = no estimates published Low Net $$ raised Low risk to lose $$ Moderate to High reach Blind Proposal Low Effort Low - No $$ cost Very Low probability of success Moderate $$ raised Cold Call (meeting) Moderate Effort Low – No $$ cost Low probability of success Moderate $$ raised Personal Proposal – mailed or emailed Low Effort Low – No $$ cost Low – Moderate probability of success Moderate $$ raised Low reach Personal Phone Call Low – Moderate Effort Low – No $$ cost Moderate – High probability of success Moderate – High $$ raised Low reach Personal Visit Moderate Effort Low $$ cost High probability of success High $$ raised Low reach

8 for LIFE Presented By Fundraising = Building Relationships Plan how you will engage donors – Communications – Events – Networking – Make it personal Share impact results – Numbers – Stories – Pictures – Make it personal

9 for LIFE Presented By Show your Gratitude Quickly & Over Time Imagine the experience a donor would have if, after making a gift, s/he received – e-mail an hour later, – a letter a week after that, – a phone call a month after that, – a personal visit three months after that, and – a postcard six months after that. All just to say “Thank You” Quick vs. Constant March 1st, 2010 - by Dan Allenby

10 for LIFE Presented By for LIFE Presented By The Partner Organization: A Team’s Perspective Steve Florence, Team 461 Teacher- Mentor, Boilermaker Regional Planning Committee

11 for LIFE Presented By Fundraising Strategies Team Decision – Size – Scope of participation – Student involvement – Parental involvement

12 for LIFE Presented By Community Support Product sales Donor Shirts ($50-$500) – Small Businesses (food/restaurants, chain stores, etc.) – Mom and Pop (independent local businesses) – Professionnels (doctors, lawyers, dentist, etc.) – Alumni

13 for LIFE Presented By Sponsors ($1,000-???) (one time or multi-year support) Local Companies/Corporations – Foundations – Grants – Etc. – Show Sponsorship documentation

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