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National Library of Medicine Free Resources for Biology, Genetics, Public Health and the Environment Holly Ann Burt NN/LM-GMR, Outreach & Exhibits Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "National Library of Medicine Free Resources for Biology, Genetics, Public Health and the Environment Holly Ann Burt NN/LM-GMR, Outreach & Exhibits Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Library of Medicine Free Resources for Biology, Genetics, Public Health and the Environment Holly Ann Burt NN/LM-GMR, Outreach & Exhibits Coordinator 2nd Wisconsin Health Information Outreach Summit August 16, 2006 Green Bay, WI

2 World’s largest biomedical library Provide a wide variety of biomedical resources via free online databases

3 This program is coordinated by the National Library of Medicine and carried out by a nationwide network of over 4,600 health science libraries and information centers: –8 Regional Medical Libraries –156 Resource Libraries National Network of Libraries of Medicine

4 Mission of the NN/LM To advance the progress of medicine and improve the public health by providing all US health professionals with equal access to biomedical information To improve the public's access to information to enable them to make informed decisions about their health

5 1:New York University School of Medicine 2: University of Maryland at Baltimore - HSL 3: University of Illinois at Chicago - LHS 4: University of Utah (800) 338-7657 5: Houston Academy of Medicine, Texas Medical Center Library 6: University of Washington 7: University of California - Los Angeles 8: University of Massachusetts


7 MedlinePlus User friendly source Health information for patients and the public Quality filtered Credible sources Links to MEDLINE searches

8 MedlinePlus Health Topics (700+) Information on Drugs and Herbal Supplements Medical Encyclopedia Dictionary Publications/News On-line Tutorials Surgery Videos Hospitals Doctors/Dentists Organizations Databases Directories Libraries Links to MEDLINE & Genetics Home Reference

9 Drug & Supplements Information Drug information comes from MedMaster™ from the American Society of Health System Pharmacists and the USP DI® Advice for the Patient ® from the United States Pharmacopeia Information on Herbal Supplements is from Natural Standard©, an international research collaboration on complementary and alternative therapies

10 Medical Encyclopedia The A.D.A.M. Health Illustrated Encyclopedia Over 4,000 articles, many illustrated

11 Other MedlinePlus Features Medical Dictionary –Merriam-Webster Current Health News –The latest health news from sources such as Reuters and UPI Directories –You can find doctors, dentist, hospitals, etc. Other Resources –Links to other resources that are helpful

12 MedlinePlus En Español MedlinePlus is available in Spanish by clicking on the “español” link This is not a “mirror” site, all the materials here are responsive to the language, dietary, and cultural needs of the Hispanic population A term typed in English will be translated into an equivalent term in Spanish.

13 Genetics Home Reference is a website for information about genetic conditions and the genes responsible for those conditions.

14 Information in GHR Genetic Condition Summaries –Each summary explains the condition’s genetic cause and pattern of inheritance Gene Summaries –Each summary provides the official name and symbol of a gene, its chromosomal location, and an explanation of its normal function and how mutations in the gene cause particular genetic conditions

15 Help Me Understand Genetics –This document provides a basic explanation of how genes work and how mutations cause disorders Glossary –A searchable glossary to find definitions of genetic and medical terms Resources for Educators –Classroom activities and guidelines for teachers. Information in GHR

16 The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) is a continuously updated catalog of human genes and genetic disorders containing textual information and references. Contains nearly 17,000 entries of genes and phenotypes. Searched through NCBI Entrez

17 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Linked to from the Entrez gateway, the NCBI query bar, and from within several databases Contains extensive links to MEDLINE to additional related resources Clinical Synopsis is provided for many diseases OMIM Gene Map presents the cytogenetic locations of genes


19 Human Genome Resources Genes and Human Health –Gene Database, OMIM, RefSeq, dbSNP Reagents –molecular probes, cDNA clones Transcribed Sequences: –UniGene, SAGEmap, GEO Maps and Markers –Map Viewer, UniSTS, Electronic PCR Genomic Sequence –BLAST, DNA Sequences, Clone registry Comparative Genomics –HomoloGene, Homology Map Cytogenetics –SKY/CGH




23 Tox Town Interactive guide to toxic substances and environmental health

24 What can you find in Tox Town? Everyday locations where you might find toxic chemicals Descriptions of chemicals Links to selected, authoritative chemical information on the Internet How the environment can impact human health Internet resources on environmental health topics

25 Tox Town Neighborhoods Current neighborhoods Town City U.S. - Mexico Border Farm Future neighborhoods Beach Ocean

26 TOXNET A cluster of databases covering toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health and related areas. TOXNET provides free access to these databases

27 TOXNET Databases HSDB - Hazardous Substances Data Bank LactMed - Drugs and Lactation IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System ITER - International Toxicity Estimates for Risk TRI - Toxic Chemical Release Inventory CCRIS - Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System GENETOX - Genetic Toxicology ChemIDplus Haz-Map Household Products Database TOXMAP

28 TOXNET Bibliographic Databases TOXLINE - references from toxicology literature covering the biochemical, pharmacological, psychological, and toxicological effects of drugs and other chemicals DART - references from Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology literature


30 Household Products Database This database from NLM contains information about thousands of household products and their potential health effects

31 Questions for the Household Products Database What are the chemical ingredients and their percentage in specific brands? Which products contain specific chemical ingredients? Who manufactures a specific brand? What are the acute and chronic health effects of chemical ingredients? What other information is available (like health studies) in related databases?

32 Household Products Database This database also links to over 6,000 consumer brands health effects from Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) provided by the manufacturers.

33 What is an MSDS Sheet? A Material Safety Data Sheet is designed to provide workers and emergency personnel with the proper procedure for handling or working with a particular substance. MSDS’s include information such as toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill/leak procedures

34 Household Products Database Search Methods Browse –By product (using brand name, type of product, and manufacturer) or alphabetically Ingredient –Search by chemical name or CAS Registry ingredients –MSDS sheet (by health effects of products) MSDS sheet –Search by the health effects of products

35 Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB) Focuses on the toxicology of potentially hazardous chemicals. It has information on human exposure, industrial hygiene, emergency handling procedures, environmental fate, regulatory requirements, and related areas. Contains information on over 5000 chemicals. Searched through

36 HSDB Category Groupings Human health effects Emergency medical treatment Animal toxicity studies Metabolism/ Pharmacokinetics Pharmacology Environmental fate/ exposure Chemical/physical properties Chemical Safety & handling Occupational exposure Standards Manufacturing/use information Laboratory methods Special references Synonyms and identifiers Administrative information

37 ChemIDplus A free web-based search system that provides access to structure and nomenclature authority files used for the identification of chemical substances Search through or use the advanced search option at:

38 Features of Advanced ChemIDplus Structure searching Direct links to many biochemical resources Nearly 380,000 chemicals records including names, synonyms, and structures Advanced Search

39 Searching ChemIDplus Enter a term into the search box –valium Has a spell check feature –valeum => valium Systematic names –2H-1,4-Benzodiaz* = valium

40 Haz-Map is a database designed to link jobs to occupational diseases, to hazardous agents that can cause disease, and to other job tasks that can cause disease

41 Haz-Map Features Jobs - over 250 different jobs associated with occupational diseases Job tasks - nearly 200 job tasks that can cause damage Occupational diseases - over 180 diseases Agents - over 1,100 hazardous agents Symptoms - catalog of occupational diseases Industry - over 440 industries are included Non-Occupational Activities - 25 activities associated with hazardous agents Processes - 50 processes associated with hazardous agents

42 How do I search Haz-Map? Text Search –Enter a term in the search box and click on either the Agent, Disease or Job links (Text search is less effective) Browse –Click the link of a major category and the tree will expand to the next level of information –Browse alphabetical listings of agents or diseases, by adverse effect, by types of job or types of agents, by jobs and related symptoms

43 TOXMAP ToxMap is a Geographic Information System (GIS) from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) that uses maps of the United States to help users visually explore data from the EPA's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI).

44 TOXMAP - Types of Maps Facilities maps - show all facilities that reported to the EPA’s TRI program Releases maps - show color-coded maps for reported chemical releases Trends maps - show changes in reported release amounts for a chosen chemical

45 http:// /

46 Creating a map in TOXMAP Use Quick Search to search by a city Choose the Facilities, Releases, or Trends tab –Choose a chemical on the search page –Move the map to the desired area with the navigation tools Note: mapping is also available from other databases (e.g. HSDB) http:// /



49 A central resource for current information on clinical trials for AIDS patients and others infected with HIV Rapid access to the latest information on AIDS research, diagnosis, treatment, control and prevention Special sections for students Spanish resources available

50 AIDSInfo Guidelines –List of current guidelines for medical management of HIV Drugs –Takes you to the AIDSinfo Drug Database Clinical Trials –Ways to research latest therapies Vaccines –Latest research on preventive and therapeutic vaccines Health Topics –Information for patients, researchers and health professionals AIDSInfo Tools –Including a glossary, Live Help, and PDA tools

51 DailyMed provides information on over 550 marketed drugs FDA approved drug label information in DailyMed includes description, clinical pharmacology, indications and usage, contraindications, warnings, precautions, adverse reactions, dosage & administration, and patient counseling information.



54 Provides free access to MEDLINE, NLM's database of nearly 16.5 million bibliographic citations Links to the full-text of articles at participating publishers' web sites (via PubMed Central) New citations are usually added to PubMed Tuesday through Saturday.

55 Use My NCBI –To save searches –To email new searches –To save collections of citations –To set up five personal filters Download informational brochures at –PubMed Basics –PubMed My NCBI –Searching with MeSH

56 PubMed Central is a digital archive of life sciences journal literature and aims to fill the role of a world class library in the digital age. PubMed Central may also be searched through

57 A growing collection of books that allows you to access the full text of the book. The book list is updated frequently and contains many core biomedical books Available through PubMed or directly at:


59 History of Medicine collection includes print and non-print materials that document the history of medicine, health, and disease in all time periods and cultures. The Images from the History of Medicine (IHM) database consists of over 60,000 images of NLM’s historical prints and photographs collection. History of Medicine

60 Images from the History of Medicine Subjects range from medieval astrology to 19 th century slum conditions to World War I hospitals to the international fight against drug abuse and AIDS Most images in the collection are from earlier time periods, although 20 th century images are included, the majority dating from World War II

61 Historical Anatomies on the Web

62 Online Syllabus Archive

63 The National Library of Medicine’s archival collection celebrates twentieth-century leaders in biomedical research and public health. It makes the archival collections of prominent scientists, physicians, and others who have advanced the scientific enterprise available to the public through modern digital technology.

64 The Profiles in Science collection Three sections: –Biomedical Research –Health & Medicine –Fostering Science & Health Narrative exhibit on the scientist’s life and work and a selection of noteworthy documents Additional documents from the scientist’s papers available through a search engine and in alphabetical and chronological “views”


66 View the history of forensic medicine, the "visible proofs" that can persuade judges, juries, and the public. Explore significant cases, technologies, and people; examine artifacts and images A variety of education and other resources are available

67 Changing the Face of Medicine

68 The Visible Human Project The project was established in 1989 to build a digital image library of volumetric data representing complete, normal adult male and female anatomy

69 Questions? Comments? Holly Ann Burt Visit the NLM website Call your local network office at: 800-338-7657 or Contact us at: Tammy Mays

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