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Unit 2 My family Time One.

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1 Unit 2 My family Time One

2 Contents Review of Unit 1 Task one Describe your family in English
Describe your home in English Task two Word list Home work

3 Review of Unit 1 be_utif_l pl_ygr_und im_gin_tive sw_et gu_rd r_om
Put in a letter to make a complete word be_utif_l pl_ygr_und im_gin_tive children’s sl_de sw_et gu_rd r_om c_te sw_ng l_vely l_bby intr_sting sle_ping room str_ct sta_r way n_ughty h_alth f_cilities alm_ghty l_ft n_isy d_ll h_use h_nest cupb_ard br_ve c_binet book sh_lf act_ve pi_no conf_d_nt bl_ckb_ard k_nderg_rten d_sk he_lthy ch_ir fr_nt gate toy c_binet

4 Translate the following sentences into Chinese
Good morning honey! Hi! Hello! Say Bye to your daddy / mommy /grandpa/grandma. How are you today? Glad to see you. It’s so nice to see you today. Who took you here today? You look great today! Let’s have a morning check. Show me your hands please Let me have a look at your hands. Open your mouth please. Let me take your temperature. Take off your schoolbag/coat, please. Put your schoolbag/ coat in the cupboard, please. Please put your morning check card there. Let ‘s find your seat? Let ‘s seat in group one.

5 Task one Describe your family in English Look at the picture and discuss Q1 .What can you see in the pictures? Q2. Do you have your family pictures with you? Talk about them to your classmates?

6 Listen and fill in the blanks
Anne George Kate ant Phil uncle Susan mother Bob father Peter Billy brother Jane Mary sister Leo

7 Describe your home in English
Task two Listen and match the pictures with words bedroom bathroom living room furniture garden study kitchen

8 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
Q1: How many people are living in Tom's house? Who are they? Q2: How many rooms are there in Tom's house?  Q3: Where is the study? Q4: Where is the living room? Q5: Where is the kitchen?

9 The children are drawing pictures of their homes on paper
The children are drawing pictures of their homes on paper. Tom is telling Lyn about his home. Tom: This is my house. My father, mother and I live in it. Lyn: How many rooms are there in your house? There are two bedrooms. a study, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Where are the two bedrooms? They are upstairs. My parents live in the bigger room, and I live in the other one. Is that the study? Yes, it's upstairs next to my parents' bedroom. Where is the living room? It's downstairs between the kitchen and the bathroom. The kitchen is on the left and the bathroom is on the right. Oh, your house looks so beautiful!

10 Listen again and fill in the blanks
Tom's house Parents' bedroom kitchen Bathroom

11 Ask and answer in pairs Example: -Where is the bedroom? -It upstairs in the middle. You may use bedroom upstairs bathroom on the left study downstairs balcony on the right living room next to in the middle opposite to kitchen between... and... near

12 Listen and match sofa table washing machine computer wardrobe refrigerator tea table

13 Fill in the blanks and say
This is my house. It has two storeys. There's living room, a bathroom and a kitchen downstairs. My father likes to sit in the ______ to watch TV. The ______is opposite to the sofa in the living room. Near the sofa, there's a(n)______ on a small table. I often call my friends with it. There're also four ______ and a big ______ in the living room. We often have meals there. There's a(n) _____ in the bathroom and a(n)______ in the kitchen. My mother often does housework with them. There is a big _______ and a(n) __________ in both bedrooms. There is also a study upstairs in my house. My parents often work there. I love my house very much.

14 Word list grandpa n. niece grandma bedroom father study mother
爷爷 姥爷 niece 侄女 外甥女 grandma 奶奶 姥姥 bedroom 卧室 father 爸爸 study 书房 mother 妈妈 living room 客厅 daddy kitchen 厨房 mommy bathroom 卫生间 ant 姑姑 阿姨 furniture 家具 uncle 叔叔 舅舅 garden 花园 nephew 侄子 外甥 upstairs 楼上 right adj. 右边 downstairs 楼下 left 左边 opposite 相对的 相反的 sofa 沙发 Washing machine 洗衣机 table 桌子 computer 电脑

15 Home work wardrobe n 衣柜 refrigerator tea table 1.每个单词里遍,要求会背,下次课默写
电冰箱 tea table 茶几 Home work 1.每个单词里遍,要求会背,下次课默写 2. 编写一个介绍自己家的小对话 3. 画一幅 但英文单词的房屋图片

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