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Hiding in the Bathroom Why Inspired Parenting Will Kill You.

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Presentation on theme: "Hiding in the Bathroom Why Inspired Parenting Will Kill You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hiding in the Bathroom Why Inspired Parenting Will Kill You

2 Inspired Parenting Approaches 1. My Child is My Guru 2. I Woke Up Drunk

3 My Child is My Guru Parenting



6 Our children are not short Dalai Lamas. They are short sinners.

7 We are not saying what’s really going on.

8 I Woke Up Drunk Parenting

9 We are so tired! We were up really late letting Johnny watch Paw Patrol. Mom 1:

10 We are so tired! We were up really late letting Johnny watch Paw Patrol. Mom 2:

11 Its cool, y’all. I woke up drunk. Mom 3:

12 I Woke Up Drunk Parenting We are not saying what’s really going on.

13 I Woke Up Drunk Parenting Rage Against the Mini Van Scary Mommy Mama’s Losin’ It

14 I long for perfection. Anxiety is my drug of choice. And I want people to see only the version of my mess that is quaint enough to post on Facebook.

15 Neither one is authentic to our struggles. And neither one really acknowledges our sin. And, of course, they offer us no Grace.

16 Away We Go

17 “All we can do is be good for this one baby, we don’t have control over much else.”

18 We are only saved by Grace upon Grace.

19 What does parenting with Grace mean?

20 Reminders of Grace aren’t really about me reflecting on the sins of my kids, instead, I think it means as I parent I am forced to be honest about my own sins in front of them.

21 Parenting with Grace Say you are sorry Ask for forgiveness Tell them the story

22 Parenting with Grace Saying you are sorry.

23 Parenting with Grace Ask for forgiveness.

24 Parenting with Grace Tell them the Story.

25 Best Thing in Texas

26 Fixer Upper

27 Fixer Upper Signage


29 We do yelling. We do poop. We do tired. And God’s Grace covers us anyway.

30 Inspired Parenting

31 “So when the devil throws your sins in your face and declares that you deserve death and hell, tell him this: I admit that I deserve death and hell, what of it? For I know One who suffered and made satisfaction on my behalf. His name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, and where He is there I shall be also!” ― Martin Luther


33 Give up trying so hard. You can’t really do anything. Because I have done it all. I brought you Grace upon Grace.


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