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Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Lab9 - Sensor Network 2014/11/25/ 21 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Lab9 - Sensor Network 2014/11/25/ 21 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Lab9 - Sensor Network 2014/11/25/ 21 1

2 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Learn how to establish a simple sensor network (SIOTAS) on STM32F207. 2014/11/25/ 21 2

3 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Host System  Windows XP  Build System  IAR Embedded Workbench + Ubuntu 8.04  Target System  PTK development board (STM32F207)  Software  SQL Agent  Prepared Database  mCloud Portal  MySQL Connector ODBC  mCloud AppClient  PTK Examples Version 2  You can find all software on RSWiki CSL Course Software.RSWiki CSL Course Software 2014/11/25/ 21 3

4 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  We would like to build a sensor network for the elders.  A gateway device is used to collect data from node devices by using Zigbee.  All the sensing data will be sent to a server and recorded in database.  We can use a browser to monitor the history of data and graphs. 2014/11/25/ 21 4 Server Side Client Side Sensor Devices gateway device node device

5 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  We use STM32F207 as the base of each device.  Gateway Device  Collect all the data from other sensors, and send them to the server.  Lighting Device  Detect the current value of temperature and luminance flux, and turn on the light when it is dark.  Bathroom Device  Detect the movement of users and record user in/out events.  Entrance Device  Detect the door whether it is open, and record events of user entrance.  User can go indoor/outdoor by using RFID.  Activity Device  Detect the heart beat rate and calories consumption. 2014/11/25/ 21 5

6 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  We would establish LAMP environment.  LAMP means Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.  Create a website for monitoring and analyzing.  Design a database for data captured by sensors. 2014/11/25/ 21 6

7 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  data_block  This is used to record continuous data.  Data will store into a file and record the filename in database.  data_feed  This is used to record intermittent data.  The data will be stored into value defined by the schema.  For detailed description, please refer to the document. 2014/11/25/ 21 7

8 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Step 1: install several packages.  % sudo apt-get install unzip  % sudo apt-get install apache2  % sudo apt-get install mysql-server  You must use the predefined password “ microtime ” for root in the installation process.  % sudo apt-get install php5  % sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin  Please choose apache2 by SPACE key in the installation process.  % sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev  Step 2: modify the configuration of MySQL.  % sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf  bind-address =  [mysqld]  plugin_dir = /usr/lib/mysql/plugin 2014/11/25/ 21 8

9 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Step 3: download sql-agent.tar.gz.sql-agent.tar.gz  Step 4: install MySQL plugin  % sudo mkdir /usr/lib/mysql/plugin  % sudo mkdir /home/test0001  % sudo tar zxvf sql-agent.tar.gz -C /home/test0001  % sudo cp /usr/lib/ /home/test0001/  % cd /home/test0001/lib_mysqludf_sys  % sudo./  Step 5: add some tasks to rc.local.  % sudo nano /etc/rc.local cd /home/test0001./  Step 6: reboot and check.  % sudo reboot  % ps -A 2014/11/25/ 21 9

10 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Step 1: connect MySQL by a browser.   Step 2: import the prepared database.  “ 載入 ”  “ 選擇檔案 ”  mCloud-SIOTAS.sql  “ 執行 ” mCloud-SIOTAS.sql  Step 3: create a new user.  “ 權限 ”  “ 新增使用者 ”  使用者名稱 = imami  主機 = 任何主機  密碼 = imami  database for user = None  整體權限 = 全選 2014/11/25/ 21 10

11 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Install the website.  Step 1: download  % sudo unzip -d /var/www  % sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/mcloud  Step 2: check the website.   Password is microtime 2014/11/25/ 21 11

12 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Install MySQL Connector.  Step 1: download mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.8-win32.msi.mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.8-win32.msi  “ 控制台 ”  “ 系統管理工具 ”  “ 資料來源 (ODBC)”  “ 系統資料來源名稱 ”  “ 新增 ”  “MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver”  “ 完成 ”  Data Source Name = MySQL-mCloud  Description = MySQL ODBC 5.1 driver  TCP/IP Server =  Port = 3306  User = imami  Password = imami  Database = imami  Step 2: Test the connection.  Click “Test”. 2014/11/25/ 21 12

13 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Install mCloud-AppClient.  Step 1: download and install mCloud-SIOTAS-setup-1.0.1-004.exe.mCloud-SIOTAS-setup-1.0.1-004.exe  Step 2: execute mCloud-AppClient.exe. 2014/11/25/ 21 13

14 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Step 0: download new PTK_Example.PTK_Example  Step 1: turn off the power.  Step 2: install Zigbee module (PTK-RF-ZB-ZB01).  Step 3: install LED module (PTK-MEMS-RTC). 2014/11/25/ 21 14

15 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Step 4: open the gateway project.  PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM- V6/Case_Study/MT_Case_SIOTAS-PTK/node_gateway/demo.eww  Step 5: modify configuration in app_cfg.h. APP_TCPIP_CFG_IF_IP_ADDR_STR = "" APP_TCPIP_CFG_IF_MASK_STR = "" APP_TCPIP_CFG_IF_GATEWAY_STR = "“  Step 6: modify constant values in app.c. static const MT_MCLOUD_SIGNAL_T gSignalConfig[] = { { MK_MID_SID(0x0001, 0x0000), // MID_SID "Light", // Name MCLOUD_DATA_UINT16, // DataType 0, // Type COM_TYPE_ZB, // ComType "Lighting_0001", // Paring "", // ShareLib … 2014/11/25/ 21 15 The 4 digits number is the last 4 digits of MAC address of Zigbee.

16 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Step 1: turn off the power.  Step 2: install Zigbee module (PTK-RF-ZB-ZB01).  Step 3: install LED module (PTK-MEMS-RTC).  Step 4: open the lighting project and download.  PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM- V6/Case_Study/MT_Case_SIOTAS-PTK/node_lighting/demo.eww 2014/11/25/ 21 16

17 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Step 1: turn off the power.  Step 2: install Zigbee module (PTK-RF-ZB-ZB01).  Step 3: install passive infrared sensor module (PTK-MEMS-PIR).  Step 4: open the bathroom project and download.  PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM- V6/Case_Study/MT_Case_SIOTAS-PTK/node_bathroom/demo.eww 2014/11/25/ 21 17

18 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Step 1: turn off the power.  Step 2: install Zigbee module (PTK-RF-ZB-ZB01).  Step 3: install RFID module (PTK-RFID-EWTJ680).  Step 4: install reed switch module (PTK-MEMS-REEDSW).  Step 5: open the entrance project and download.  PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM- V6/Case_Study/MT_Case_SIOTAS-PTK/node_entrance/demo.eww 2014/11/25/ 21 18

19 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Step 1: turn on power.  Step 2: pressing Reset and KEY0.  Step 3: release Reset.  Step 4: release KEY0 after 2 seconds when hearing beep sound. 2014/11/25/ 21 19

20 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Try to connect them all together and get a simple sensor network.  The goals are  You can monitor the light and temperature on the website.  You can use bathroom device and entrance device in advance.  Tips:  For more information, please refer to documents on the course website. 2014/11/25/ 21 20

21 Lab 9 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Show that you can connect a gateway device and a lighting device, record the data into database, and also see the values on a browser.  Show that you can track user movement by a bathroom device and an entrance device. 2014/11/25/ 21 21

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