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Parent Orientation NWIS 2014-2015. Welcome to the start of another New Year at NWIS School Timings 10:55 - 2:00 (Daylight savings) 9.55 - 1.00 (Regular)

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Orientation NWIS 2014-2015. Welcome to the start of another New Year at NWIS School Timings 10:55 - 2:00 (Daylight savings) 9.55 - 1.00 (Regular)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Orientation NWIS 2014-2015

2 Welcome to the start of another New Year at NWIS School Timings 10:55 - 2:00 (Daylight savings) 9.55 - 1.00 (Regular)

3 Key Positions Founder Dr. Adnan Mansoor School Principal Sr. Munawara Vice Principal Sr. Shabana Tahir Academic Excellence Sr. Maria Cokar Teacher Coordinator Sr. Saima Mafat

4 Key Positions Administration - 1 Br. Azhar Amin Br.Mohammed Abbas Administration – 2 Sr. Humera Abbas Sr. Aliya Adnan Database& Communication Br. Imran Rajput Facilities Br. Hani Saleh Volunteerism Br. Tahir Moin

5 ACADEMICS A look at





10 TEXTBOOKS Grade 5

11 TEXTBOOKS Grade 7

12 Teachers for Boys Grade 1 Primary: Humaira Choudhary Assistant: Nawal Vajeed Quran: Fahad Farooq Grade 2 Primary: Yumna Mann Assistant: Nafee Rashid Quran: Fahad Farooq Grade 3 Primary: Ziad Paracha Assistant: Saad Khurshid Quran: Fahad Farooq

13 Teachers for Boys Grade 5 Primary: Rasim Qureshi Assistant: Humza Sultan Quran: Sh. Fayaz / Ali Rahmatullah Grade 7 Primary: Zain Arshad Assistant: Khisal Khan Quran: Sh. Fayaz / Ali Rahmatullah Grade 4 Primary: Salim Fatekka Assistant: Omer Mansoor Quran:Sh. Fayaz / Ali Rahmatullah

14 Teachers for Girls Grade 1 Primary: Amna Fayaz Assistant: Mahnoor Baqai Quran: Arham Ahmed/Raiyaan V Grade 2 Primary: Komal Ayub Assistant: Haiqa Javed Quran: Arham Ahmed/Riyaan V Grade 3 Primary: Asma Azad Assistant: Ummara Ashfaq Quran: Wafa A/Sahar F

15 Teachers For Girls Grade 4 Primary: Rahin Leghari Assistant: Fatima Mohammed Quran: Wafa A/ Sahar F Grade 7 Primary: Mursal Mohammad Assistant: Quran: Samia I/ Hudha ArRafih Grade 5 Primary: Shaheera Mohib Assistant: Mahnoor Imtiaz Quran: Samia I/Hudha ArRafih

16 Parent’s contribution Review curriculum Assist with homework Stay connected with teachers Help with Quran memorization Incorporate knowledge in actions

17 Participate Show your commitment to the school and your child’s learning. Maintain discipline and Islamic etiquette at all times Practice effective parenting

18 Attendance and Punctuality No more than 3 unexcused absences per year – expulsion Two week notice must be given for long absences Plan to arrive at 15 mins before the start of school every Saturday, earlier on snow days

19 Dress Code Boys ◦ No ripped clothing ◦ No underwear showing ◦ Knees Covered Girls ◦ Loose clothing which covers the Satr ◦ Hijab

20 Bring to School: Books Pencil Eraser Agenda Snacks (Finger foods) Water Bottle

21 Importance of Textbooks These books are an important source of knowledge for your child Please ensure no books are lost or damaged and are given respect Lost or stolen books will be replaced for a cost

22 Snacks Please make sure all snacks are Halal by reading the label Should be finger foods Let snacks be healthy NO SHARING ◦ Allergy Concerns

23 Zuhr Prayer We highly recommend you stay to pray Zuhr (jamah) with your children upon pickup

24 Parent Teacher Conferences Get to know who is educating your child Learn more about your child’s strengths and weaknesses Discuss how to help your child with homework and assignments at home. Recognize and appreciate their effort.

25 Parking Procedure Park in an open stall No parking in Disability stalls Watch for kids when reversing! Follow rules as guided by parent volunteers Parents with children in both locations park at the community centre and volunteers will take your child to the musallah.

26 Break Time Safety No students are allowed to leave the premises during school hours (including break) Students need to be careful when playing as injuries may occur No Violent Games No MP3s, iPods, PSPs etc

27 Respecting the Bathroom This is our Musallah, let us keep it clean ◦ Throw trash in garbage ◦ Clean water off the sink ◦ Refill bathroom rolls when empty ◦ Do not drop water on ground!!

28 A glance at A glance at FINANCE Presented by: Br. Kashif Jahangir

29 2014-2015 Last Year's Balance $ 23,000 Total Income (Students Fee/Donations)* $ 61,485 Total $ 84,485 2014-2015 NWIS Budget * Tax Receipts are available in May-June 2015

30 2014-2015 NWIS Budget Expense Breakdown Staff Salary $ 25,210 Honorarium $ 10,000 Community Center Rent $ 5,000 Community Center - cleaning cost $ 2,000 Security Guards $ 7,000 Books $ 9,941 Stationary $ 735 Furniture $ 873 Website Maintenance/IT $ 4,200 Graduation Ceremony $ 6,000 Miscelleneous $ 1,975 Contigency $ 1,551 Reserved Fund $ 10,000

31 Welcome to the world of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) Presented by: Mr. Hemant Bhadane

32 Our Backbone VOLUNTEERING Presented by Br. Taher Moin

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