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Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Spring 2015 PARCC 8: March 2 nd -6 th PARCC 7: March 9 th -13 th PARCC 6: March 16 th -20.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Spring 2015 PARCC 8: March 2 nd -6 th PARCC 7: March 9 th -13 th PARCC 6: March 16 th -20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Spring 2015 PARCC 8: March 2 nd -6 th PARCC 7: March 9 th -13 th PARCC 6: March 16 th -20 th PARCC Make up Testing: 23 rd -27 th

2 Testing Dates/Timing (Grades 6, 7, 8) March 2 nd through 6 th and 9 th through 13 th (Grade 7 and 8): Session 1: 8-9:30 (In computer labs by 7:45) Session 2: 10-11:30 (In computer labs by 9:45) Session 3: 12-1:30 (In computer labs by 11:45) March 16 th through 20 th (Grade 6): Session 1: 9-10:30 (In computer labs by 8:45) Session 2: 11-12:30 (In computer labs by 10:45) Session 3: 1:10-2:40 ( In computer labs by 12:55) Note: All ELL and all Home Instruction Students will test March 16 th -20 th only. These students will have a Paper Test.

3 TESTING PROCEDURES In your folder you will find:  Test Administrator's Manual  Daily Schedule  Master Schedule  Homeroom Roster  Testing Roster  Be sure to mark A for absent and N if the student is present without taking the test.  Irregularity Report You may make extra copies of this one.  Testing “Do Not Disturb” Sign  Emergency Procedures/Chain of Command  Directions for Daily Activity

4 Homeroom and Testing Rosters Homeroom Roster  Please check to make sure all students in your homeroom are on this roster.  At the bottom of the homeroom roster, students who are testing in other rooms will be listed. Testing Roster  This is the roster you will use to take attendance. It will be returned each day with your testing envelopes.  Students coming from other classrooms will be listed at the bottom of this roster.  Anyone without a testing roster will be used as a Proctor in another computer lab during their testing session. FOR EXAMPLE...

5 EXAMPLE Marone’s homeroom has been split into three other classes (Krier, Todd and Spengler), leaving Marone with no students to test. During her testing session (session 1, day 1), she will serve as a Proctor in the Special Ed testing labs. When session 2 begins, Peranteau will serve as proctor in the Special Ed testing lab, since her homeroom has been split into three rooms (Fixler, McAlister, Leo), leaving her with no students to test. The same will happen for Session 3. Szypula’s class has been split, and she will be the Proctor in the Special Ed lab. ***Note: All Special Ed classes begin at the same time every day, regardless of Pod. If you do not see your name on the master schedule, it DOES NOT mean you are not testing!!!

6 Homeroom Roster

7 Testing Roster

8 Responsibility of the Proctor  Proctors in the Special Education testing labs are there to assist the Test Administrators in getting started.  Proctors can help give out Testing Tickets and supplies that are in the boxes in the Lab.  All Proctors may assist in helping the Test Administrators inputting the Seal Codes at approximately the same time.  Proctors can also assist with the extra breaks the Special Ed students receive.

9 Security Forms


11 Testing Procedures  The Test Administrator will pick up test materials in the Media Center.  7 th and 8 th grade between 7:15 and 7:35am  6 th grade between 8:00 and 8:30am  Certified Teachers ONLY can pick up materials.  Each Test Administrator will be given an envelop which includes your Testing Tickets, Seal Codes and Testing Roster.  Count Testing Tickets and check Seal Codes before they are signed out. It is the responsibility of the Test Administrator to keep materials secure at all times.

12 Calculator Usage for 6 th, 7 th and 8 th Grade Mathematics  Unit 1 = ONE Calculator section, ONE Non- Calculator section  Unit 2 = Calculators are used for this entire section  This is spelled out in the directions of your Test Administrator Manual

13 PARCC 2015 PBA Mathematics Grades 6, 7 and 8  All Students in 6 th and 7th will have access to a hand-held four function calculator. All 8 th grade students will have a scientific calculator.  Algebra and Geometry students will have access to graphing calculators and graphing paper.  These calculators must have their memory cleared after each testing session!!!!  All students will have scratch paper (have students write names on scratch paper ONLY if they use it).  Rulers and Protractors will be provided on the platform only for 6 th and 7 th grade. 8 th grade students are provided a ruler on the platform and will be provided a hand held protractor. Algebra and Geometry students are permitted to use a hand held ruler and protractor.

14 TESTING SITES  Clock and Chart to Display Time Remaining  Seal Codes to be written on Board or Chart  Good lighting and ventilation  NO Coats, Backpacks, Books or Cell Phones  NO Instructional Displays  NEVER leave students unattended  NO Buzzers, Bells, Non-Emergency Announcements or Interruptions  Monitors - Keep Hallways Quiet and Testing Rooms Undisturbed  No pictures of students testing are permitted  Students may have recreational reading material if they are not testing or have completed testing.

15 TESTING SITES  Each Computer Lab will have the following done each morning by the Computer Teacher for that Lab:  Computers will be turned on and logged on.  Dividers will be placed to separate monitors.  There will be a box in each Computer Lab containing scratch paper, pencils, calculators, and protractors.  This is for students use only and should not be removed from the Computer Labs.  All used paper should be returned each day with the testing envelopes after testing. (Guidance must shred everything).

16 TESTING PROCEDURES  Students MUST test audio prior to logging onto the testing site. If they test the audio in the middle of the test, the computer will kick them out of the test and the Test Administrator will have to resume the test.  Please distribute materials according to the Test Administrator Manual.  Confirm that all students have the correct Testing Ticket. If a Testing Ticket is missing, call Guidance immediately.  Test Administrators may read the directions aloud and clarify from the Test Manual only.  You may NOT individually address a student. You may address the entire class. Approaching an individual can be perceived as coaching or prompting.  Test Administrators should not look at the test. Monitor students through your computer screen only.  *** Pearson states you may tap a student on the shoulder, say his or her name, and remind student to return to his or her work in the Test Administrator Manual. As per New Jersey State training, this is not permitted!

17 TESTING PROCEDURES CONTINUED…  At the end of each subject unit, Math or ELA, direct the class as a whole to complete all the questions the computer says are not answered BEFORE they submit.  Only at the end of the testing unit (Math day 2, ELA day 3) should the students hit “Submit Final Answers” as spelled out in your manuals.  Test Administrators must NOT go over to a student individually and instruct them not to submit until they answered certain questions.  Students MUST NOT SUBMIT FINAL ANSWERS if they were absent and still need to make up a session.  Students are permitted to read recreational materials when they have completed testing. (The Test Manual will provide options A though C in your script when students are finished. Please read Option C).  All materials should be collected alphabetically.  Return all materials to Guidance in the Media Center. Guidance must shred all used scratch paper, testing tickets and seal codes with a witness present.

18 Lavatory Procedures  EMERGENCIES ONLY!  Students who need to use the bathroom during testing may do so, as long as they are escorted by a hall monitor.  Students are instructed to turn off their MONITORS when leaving for the bathroom.  Time continues while the student is out of the room and the student is not allowed to make up missed time.  Students must return to the testing room promptly.

19 Testing Procedures Problems  If a student becomes disruptive to the testing environment, or becomes ill, remove the student and tell the hall monitor to contact administration.  Please fill out an irregularity form and return it with your testing materials  For error codes, pop ups, malfunctioning computers, etc…the extra person in the computer lab will be there to trouble shoot only.  When a student is in the middle of testing and they are kicked off the site, their work will be saved. Every 20 seconds the computers auto save the work in progress.  Please remember not to call the Library Desk extension with problems because students are testing in the Library.

20 Emergency Drills Fire/Evacuation/Lockdown  There is an EMERGENCY PROCEDURES form in your testing folder.  Please collect all testing tickets at the time of the drill and keep track of how much time is lost due to the drill.  Testing will resume at the conclusion of the drill and adjustments will be made to the testing schedule if necessary.

21 Testing Procedures  No Student Teacher or Substitute may administer or supervise a classroom during testing.  Student Teachers and Substitutes should report to Dr. Singer for their assignment during testing.  In the event of an absence, a certified staff member may be pulled from hall duty or classes to administer the test.

22 Prohibited!!  IPods/Kindles  Food/Drinks  Cell Phones  Other electronic devices These items CAN NOT be in the room even if they are turned off!

23 TEST SECURITY ALWAYS  Count your own Testing Tickets before and after testing. Once you sign for the tickets and seal codes, they are your responsibility until returned to the Counselors. These are SECURE materials!  Monitor students closely during the testing period on the student status page. Be sure to CLICK REFRESH every 10 minutes!

24 Important Reminders and Tips…  Hit the blue Refresh button every 10 minutes. This will update student’s test status.  DO NOT HIT THE RED STOP BUTTON…EVER!!!!!  Clicking on “student test status” will group testing statuses together (see slides…)

25 Test Status - Unorganized

26 Test Status - Organized

27 Click on Student Name to put in Alphabetical Order:

28 Clicking on the boxes at the bottom of the page to see page two of class list:

29 Resuming Student Tests  When a student is in the red Exited status, you must Resume the test:

30 Resume Continued…

31 Click on student box and click Resume, then Exit Task

32 Be sure to Unclick the box next to student’s name after resuming:

33 Log In Reminder  All computers should be logged in and have the student sign in screen ready.  Log in can be reached through the PARCC icon on the desktop:  Teacher login is yet to be finalized…Steps to logging in without a link: 1.Go to 2. Use drop down box and click on New Jersey. 3.Sign In The live site will be BLUE. DO NOT go to live site until testing day.  Students will then use the Testing Ticket to sign in:

34 Testing Ticket (Sample)

35 …and you will be provided with a Seal Code each day:

36 Questions???? Thank you for all you do!

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