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Professors C.V. Hollot & Christopher Salthouse Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 13 September 2012 Senior Design Project – SDP13 Problem.

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Presentation on theme: "Professors C.V. Hollot & Christopher Salthouse Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 13 September 2012 Senior Design Project – SDP13 Problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professors C.V. Hollot & Christopher Salthouse Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 13 September 2012 Senior Design Project – SDP13 Problem Statement, Requirement Specifications and Block Diagram

2 2 ECE Department From Idea to Product

3 3 ECE Department Design processes to avoid …

4 4 ECE Department title and abstract (statement of problem) due 20 th September requirements analysis 4 th October system specs & block diagram due 4 th October assess needs analyze requirements design system Some Intermediate Goals detailed block level design and test system integration and test functioning modules

5 5 ECE Department asses needs analyze design requirements design system The problem statement has the following attributes: relatively nontechnical language of the customer straightforward Assess Needs (Problem Statement-1)

6 6 ECE Department Techniques for arriving at a problem statement: 1.question the customer 2.differentiate needs and wants 3.explore project boundaries 4.input/output analysis 5.preview the user interface 6.survey design attributes 7.identify conflicting needs 8.prepare a draft operations manual Assess Needs (Problem Statement -2) asses needs analyze design requirements design system

7 7 ECE Department asses needs analyze design requirements design system Assess Needs (Problem Statement-3) Sections of the problem statement: 1.background 2.the design 3.deliverables of the design project

8 8 ECE Department Problem Statement Example: Paste and Place Students with severe disabilities face many challenges with tasks that we perform every day with little thought. For one student in the “Life Skills” program in West Springfield schools, his limited fine motor skills make it impossible for him to squeeze tooth paste onto his tooth brush. Our “Paste and Place” system will offer him independence by allowing him to brush his teeth without assistance. An easy-loading system will secure the toothbrush, move it under the toothpaste, squeeze the toothpaste, and present the toothbrush for use. asses needs analyze design requirements design system

9 9 ECE Department asses needs analyze design requirements design system Analyze Design Requirements (Requirement Specs - 1) The requirement specifications can be thought of as a technical version of the problem statement. It should not propose a solution.

10 10 ECE Department Implementation-Independent Requirements Puts toothpaste on toothbrush Safe Operable by Jimmy Reliable Fits on Bathroom Counter Portable Battery Powered Motorized Metal Enclosure Power Switch asses needs analyze design requirements design system

11 11 ECE Department asses needs analyze design requirements design system Analyze Design Requirements (Requirement Specs - 2) Requirement Spec organization: Background The Deliverables Special Restrictions Principle of Operation User Interface Input Output Draft User’s Manual Acceptability Test Product Costs

12 12 ECE Department Example 94 GHz Switching Circulator Design Project (SDP06)

13 13 ECE Department asses needs analyze design requirements design system Design System (Block Diagram and System Specs) requirement specification system specs & block diagram Development of concepts Synthesis Analysis reject unworkable concepts system design process

14 14 ECE Department Example: Bluetag (SDP10) – “a system for implementing a novel 'purchase at the rack' shopping experience in modern department stores.”

15 15 ECE Department title and abstract (statement of problem) due 20 th September requirement specification due 4 th October system specs & block diagram due 4 th October assess needs analyze design requirements design system relatively nontechnical language of the customer straightforward technical restatement of the problem statement Development of concepts Synthesis Analysis design is an iterative process Summary

16 16 ECE Department Bibliography - recommended reading

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