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1 Foundation “Ingerii Sperantei” - Angels of Hope - Str. Ion Vidu nr.17 305500 Lugoj, jud. Timis România Phone: (+40)0256-351152 Phone/Fax: (+40)0256-355456.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Foundation “Ingerii Sperantei” - Angels of Hope - Str. Ion Vidu nr.17 305500 Lugoj, jud. Timis România Phone: (+40)0256-351152 Phone/Fax: (+40)0256-355456."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Foundation “Ingerii Sperantei” - Angels of Hope - Str. Ion Vidu nr.17 305500 Lugoj, jud. Timis România Phone: (+40)0256-351152 Phone/Fax: (+40)0256-355456 E-mail: Cod fiscal: 5947847 Cont (lei): R006RNCB4520000002630001 Banca Comerciala Romana, Lugoj

2 2 FoundationÎngerii Speranţei Angels of Hope The Foundation Speranţa Timişoara, Foundation Îngerii Speranţei (Angels of Hope), a non-governmental, non-profit charity organisation, was established on June 11, 1994 by the decision of its founding members. It gained juridical personality by civil sentence nr. 10/22 June 1994 of the Lugoj Court. The Foundation has continued to expand and improve the activities of the former Lugoj branch of Society Speranţa Timişoara, which was founded in 1990. Membership 400, including about 120 children and around 70 volunteers Membership - 400, including about 120 children and around 70 volunteers - consists of families with children suffering from mental handicap or persons with multiple disabilities, and citizens working in the spirit of the United Nations Declaration “Concerning the Rights of Handicapped People”.

3 3 Main projects: Day CentreAngels of Hope, 12-14 projects Day CentreFoundation Day Centre Angels of Hope, (frecquented daily by around 80 children and adults with disabilities). Afterwards appeared around 12-14 projects of the Day Centre, in partnership with the Foundation. Examples: 1. A mechanical workshop which includes 5 jobs 2. A playground with a total area of 460 sq 3. Bathroom which can service 50 people 4. The establishment of the own kitchen for preparing 3 X 100 meals a day 5. Organising several trainings for social assistants, parents and caretakers of handicapped persons 6. Completing a music/ speech therapy room for 5/10 people. 7. Construction of a storehouse for different materials 8. Workshop for different activities, like carpentry of 6 places

4 4 Foundation Day CentreIngerii SperanteiResidential Recuperation and Rehabilitating Centre. Day Centre Starting with 1996 the Foundation has been functioning in public-private partnership with the Day Centre Ingerii Sperantei and the Residential Recuperation and Rehabilitating Centre. The project has been sponsorised from the 5-th July 1994 until the 30-th of September 1996 by Romanian Angel Appeal London, a charity organization, founded by the wifes of the well-known BEATLES singers, as well by Elton John. At the 1-st of October 1996 the Day Centre became an institution of social assistance, financed from the state budget. Protected Agriculture Farm – Centre of Integration by Occupational TherapyFoundation Centre for Recuperation and Rehabilitating. One of the most recent activities was the project for a Protected Agriculture Farm – Centre of Integration by Occupational Therapy, finalised in 2005. The Foundation intended to organize different programs, to develope their construction activities, arrange the buildings for future persons with disabilities, that might have been taken from the Centre for Recuperation and Rehabilitating.

5 5 Elaborated programs: Elaborated programs: programs of preventing the institutionalisation, recovery program, integrating in society, rehabilitation by kynethotherapy, program of the improvement and professional perfection of the employees. Main activities Main activities - partnership with NGO-s from the country and from abroad: S.O.S. Grenoble (France), Demokratisk Forum Rumaenien-Denmark, Friendship Association Romania-Denmark, Local Council from Böblingen Germany. The program of social and professional insertion will continue through different activities, programs, projects and services, most of them depending on donors and sponsorship from different companies who can understand the persons with disabilities and can associate their mentality to the problems of these persons.

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