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Sound and Light-3 rd Grade Photos courtesy of Google images.

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Presentation on theme: "Sound and Light-3 rd Grade Photos courtesy of Google images."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sound and Light-3 rd Grade Photos courtesy of Google images

2 What are the three forms of energy? 1.Sound 2. light 3. heat

3 A form of energy that you hear is called….. sound

4 Sound Discrimination means…… Hearing how sounds are different.

5 Sound is made when objects vibrate. Vibrate means…… To move back and forth.

6 Sound can be absorbed or reflected. Absorbed means….Sounds are taken in by things like carpet and furniture. Reflected means….. Sounds bounce around like echoes.

7 A form of energy that you hear. Sound is…..

8 How high or how low a sound is, is called….. pitch

9 How loud or how soft a sound is, is called volume

10 A form of energy that you can see is called….. light

11 The glass triangle used to separate light into colors is called a…… prism

12 This band of colors made from a prism is called a….. spectrum

13 A form of energy that you can see. Light is…

14 To be able to see clearly through something is called….. transparent

15 To be able to see through something, but not very clearly is called… translucent

16 If you can’t see through something at all it is called….. Opaque (o-pake)

17 Transparent, translucent or opaque? Opaque (o-pake)

18 Transparent, translucent or opaque? Translucent

19 Transparent, translucent or opaque? The wings are transparent.

20 Transparent, translucent or opaque? opaque

21 Transparent, translucent or opaque? The beads are translucent.

22 Transparent, translucent or opaque? The fish is translucent.

23 Transparent, translucent or opaque? The screen is transparent.

24 Transparent, translucent or opaque? The wall is opaque.

25 Transparent, translucent or opaque? The camera is translucent.

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