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1 Communications & Tracking Plan Development Workshops July 9, 11 & 13 2007.

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1 1 Communications & Tracking Plan Development Workshops July 9, 11 & 13 2007

2 2 WV SB 247 and the Miner Act did not revoke the laws of physics Communication Reality WV § 56-4 drafted with all the laws in mind

3 3 WV § 56-4 Wireless – miner not connected by wire Two-way communications to each miner in at least two separate airways Tracking each miner in relation to known points prior and in escapeways after Operators submit Communication/Tracking Plan by July 31, 2007 –Understand needs and thought through risks –Survive accident or be quickly repairable –Communication center operator min. red-hat

4 4 Electro-Magnetics for Miners Enough so you can ask the right questions … not so much it hurts your head

5 5 Frequencies Wave Lengths & Rates Digital Analog Baud Rate = Number of clock cycles per second Bit Rate = Number of bits transmitted per second

6 6 Available Frequencies Practical options are limited by physics and existing uses ELF-LFMF VHF-UHF WiFi

7 7 Band Definitions AbbreviationNameFrequency Band ELFExtremely Low Frequency30 - 300 Hz VLFVery Low Frequency3 – 30 KHz LFLow Frequency30 – 300 KHz MFMedium Frequency300 – 3000 KHz VHFVery High Frequency30 MHz – 300 MHz UHFUltra High Frequency300 – 3000 MHz

8 8 Bandwidth Analog bandwidth is frequency range Digital bandwidth is amount of information in a given amount of time Voice = 300-3400 Hz Analog bandwidth = 3100 Hz Digital bandwidth = 18,600 bps

9 9 Decibels (dB) Decibels are measure of signal and noise Gain is given by: #dB = 10 log 10 P out P in When negative means loss dB level power ratio −30 dB =1/1000 = 0.001 −20 dB =1/100 = 0.01 −10 dB =1/10 = 0.1 −3 dB =1/2 = 0.5 (approx.) 3 dB =2 (approx.) 10 dB =10 20 dB =100 30 dB =1000

10 10 Losses in Wires and Cables Material Absorption Splice Losses Material Scattering Bending Losses Metal Wires & CableFiber Optic Cable Resistance + Skin Affect

11 11 Path loss –Increase as square of the distance Other Losses –Materials –Multi-path Losses in the Entry

12 12 Material Effects MaterialLFMFVHF/UHFWiFi Dry woodRF-lucentRF-absorbentRF-lucentRF-absorbent Wet woodRF-lucentRF-absorbent CoalRF-lucentRF-opaque MetalRF-lucent RF-opaque WaterRF-lucentRF-absorbent RF-lucent lets radio waves pass through it without any substantial loss RF-absorbent allows radio waves to pass but with substantial loss RF-opaque blocks, reflects, and scatters RF waves

13 13 Multi-Path Propagation R D S R= Reflection S=Scattering D= Diffraction

14 14 Reflective Effects Reflected waves interact to form new patterns These may not be recognized by the receiver as useful information

15 15 Ideal Waveguide Effects X Y1 st 2 nd 8 th Confines and guides path of electromagnetic wave

16 16 Realistic Waveguide Effects Reflective losses and absorption increase attenuation modes dB

17 17 Noise Effects All communications systems have noise –Radio frequency interference (RFI) –Electromagnetic interference (EMI) –Laser noise Distortion Masking

18 18 Antenna Choices Antenna design offers many coverage pattern options Critical that the correct one is used for each location

19 19 Leaky Feeder Antennas Internal Wire Outside Sheath w/openings Internal Propagation Propagated Signal

20 20 Transmission Modes Simplex –One direction Half duplex –Either direction, but only one way at a time Full duplex –Both directions at the same time

21 21 RFID Radio Frequency Identification 164B28F34 Reader Antenna Radio command signal issued from reader Signal containing data returned Tag holds unique ID Software matches Tag ID database

22 22 Types of Tags –Passive Power scavenged from reader –Active Transmitter/ battery in tag UHF (850 MHz to 950 MHz) – Ranges to 3 meters and high reading speeds HF (13.56 MHz) – Ranges to 1.5 meters - not susceptible to interference from water or metal

23 23 Wireless Communication and Tracking System Options

24 24 Through The Earth (TTE) Current Reality Commercial One-Way w/Text Off-Axis Reception Problematic Large Antenna Loops Non-Permissible Power Levels Emergency Shelter Option Greatest Potential No In-Mine Backbone 200Hz-4000Hz

25 25 Current Reality Prototype Demonstrated Unknown Safety Medium Frequency (MF) Greatest Potential Use Existing Metal as Backbone Interoperability BELT CABLE 300 kHz - 3 MHz

26 26 Current Reality Initial units demonstrated Limited Node-to-Node Range Line-of-Sight Only Handsets not yet commercial Requires Redundancy & Hardening Wi-Fi Mesh Nodes Greatest Potential Wide Bandwidth Flexibility Interoperability 2.4 GHz NODE

27 27 Current Reality Multiple Installations Commercial Handsets Limited Beyond Sight of Feeder Limited Data Capability Requires Redundancy & Hardening Leaky Feeder (VHF) Greatest Potential Available and Upgradeable Interoperability 150-170 MHz Distributed Antenna System LEAKY FEEDER AMPLIFIER

28 28 Current Reality Multiple Installations Commercial Handsets Some Beyond Sight of Feeder Moderate Data Capability Requires Redundancy & Hardening Leaky Feeder (UHF) Greatest Potential Available and Upgradeable Interoperability LEAKY FEEDER AMPLIFIER 400-500 MHz Distributed Antenna System

29 29 Current Reality Limited Installation Experience Some Needed Devices in Prototype Leaky Feeder Enhancements Greatest Potential Mine Wide Coverage Multiple Pathways RADIATING CABLE EXTENSION 2 ND LEAKY FEEDER RUN SPECIALTY ANTENNA Distributed Antenna System

30 30 Current Reality Standard Telecom Practice Site Specific Best Solution Interoperability Limited Device Development Required Adoptable to Current Technology Future Technologies = Survivability Greatest Potential Multiple Pathways System Integration Signal Takes Whatever Survives

31 31 Tracking Where GPS Won't Go Communicate the Location Dedicated backbone Shared backbone Know the Location Proximity signal strength Acknowledgement Show Information Map display Data analysis Threshold alarms Current Reality Zone Systems RFID Active Tag Systems Ethernet Backbone and Leaky Feeder Backbone Signal Triangulation Near

32 32 After the evaluation of the documentation submitted and with the recommendation of our technical reviewers the Office of Miner’s Health Safety and Training verifies that _________ has demonstrated functionality such as would allow W.Va. underground mining permit holders to meet all or part of their requirements for emergency communications and tracking outlined in the West Virginia Emergency Rule Governing Protective Clothing And Equipment, §56- 4-8 and will be included in the listing of reviewed devices. WV § 56-4 Functionality Reviews Pre-Application Meeting Application Received Reviewed Data Augmentation Requested Re-Reviewed Functionality Determination Letter MSHA IS Approval

33 33 Active Applications Varis Communications 150-170MHz Leaky Feeder Kenwood Radios Digital – 56kbs Hughes Supply 150-170MHz Leaky Feeder 400-500Mhz Leaky Feeder Kenwood Radios Digital – 56kbps Marco North-America 900MHz RFID Tracking Leaky Feeder or Ethernet Hannah Engineering 2.4GHz 802.11 Nodes VoIP Phones and WiFi Tags Digital – 11mbps Matrix Design Group 433 MHz Tag Tracking Fiberoptic Ethernet Backbone Leaky Feeder Backbone Helicomm, Inc (Venture Development) 2.4GHz 802.15.4 Nodes RS845 Ring of Subnet Controllers Digital 250kbs Text Messaging 400-500Mhz RFID Tracking Active Control Technology 2.4GHz 802.11 Nodes VoIP Phones and WiFi Tags Digital 11mbps 2.4Ghz Signal Strength Tracking MineComm (Pyott Boone Electronics) 150-170MHz Leaky Feeder 400-500Mhz Leaky Feeder Kenwood Radios Digital – 56kbps Mine Site Technology (CSE) 150-170MHz Leaky Feeder LF Through the Earth 2.4GHz 802.11 Tag Tracking Mine Radio System 150-170MHz Leaky Feeder Kenwood Radios Digital – 56kbps Ranjant Corporation 2.4 GHz 802.11 Nodes Wireless Backbone Only Northern Lights 2.4GHz 802.11 Nodes Fiber or CAT5 Ethernet Backbone WiFi Tags and VoIP Phones

34 34 Quality of Communications Turns out not to be a trivial question “ Copyright Verizon Accepted Reception Reporting Systems Adapted a standard reporting format from ARRL Can you hear me now?”

35 35 Quality of Reporting Reporting has been done in distances Provides limited information Adopted minimal information requirements for reporting Example of tabular reporting

36 36 Ability to Relate Still need more information to make design decisions

37 37 Developing Your Plan Operators to perfect system design Miners to understand how the systems work Mine Inspectors to ensure adequate coverage Mine Rescue to understand how to contact and track in an emergency Intended to be used by: Our Plan

38 38 Why Write a Plan To organize your thoughts and identify gaps To provide guidance to those that implement your plan –Miners and emergency responders –Contractors To demonstrate that you have chosen a workable solution No points off for grammar or spelling Our Plan

39 39 Tab 5Tab 4Tab 3Tab 2 Tab 1 Emergency Contact Information Our Plan 39

40 40 Communication System Manufacturer Communication System Vendor Emergency Phone # Email address Tracking System Manufacturer Tracking System Vendor Emergency Phone # Email address Mine Name Mine Address Physical Location Mine ID – State Mine ID – MSHA General Manager/Superintendent Name Daytime Phone # Emergency Phone # Email address Safety Manager/Director Daytime Phone # Emergency Phone # Email address Emergency Contact Information Our Plan

41 41 Tab 1 Tab 5Tab 4Tab 3Tab 2 Communication-Tracking System Description Our Plan 41

42 42 Description Overview of structure and operations of the final separate or integrated communication/ tracking system(s) Including actions you have or will have to take to meet §56.4 requirements –Text description of the components that are currently in place and those that are planned to be added –How each contributes to meeting the requirements Our Plan

43 43 Coverage Explain how your plan will allowing for wireless tracking and wireless two way communications with each miner providing coverage in at least two separate air courses, at least one of which shall be an intake. And for knowing the location of miners and direction of travel at key points in the escapeways, at a minimum at junctions (section, section-submain/mains intersections), so that all options of travel are covered. Our Plan

44 44 Survivability Explain what has been or will be done to ensure survivability such that the communication-tracking system will be functional after an accident –What provisions are made for rapidly re- establishing coverage –Maintain communication/tracking after loss of outside power Our Plan

45 45 Shelter(s) Description of the communication system that is or will be used in shelters –Provisions made to rapidly reestablish communication if lost in the accident Our Plan

46 46 Tab 2 Tab 1 Tab 5Tab 4Tab 3 Communication-Tracking System Operations Our Plan 46

47 47 Our Plan Installation and Maintenance Explain how the communications/tracking system will be: –Installed (who and how) –Tested (who and how) –Maintained (who and how) Provide the manufacturer’s checklists for each type of inspection, routine, relocation, annual, etc

48 48 Operating Instructions Provide copies of the operating instructions for each component of the communication- tracking system to be provided for the miner and for emergency personnel Our Plan

49 49 Describe the communication center Include procedures for communication center operators covering at least: –Monitoring at all times when one or more miners are underground –Knowing the location of all miners, in relation to pre-determined points –Check-in and check-out procedures for seldom used areas –Emergency response actions Comm Center Operations Our Plan

50 50 Tab 3Tab 2 Tab 1 Tab 5Tab 4 Proof of order and compliance dates Our Plan 50

51 51 Our Plan Proof of Order Copy of purchase orders to implement plan –Communication-tracking equipment –Installation –Routine and emergency maintenance –If in-house then proof of qualified staff –Documentation should specify: Order date: Delivery date: Operational Date: Only required after approval

52 52 Tab 4Tab 3Tab 2 Tab 1 Tab 5 Training Our Plan 52

53 53 Our Plan Training Explain how miners, supervisors and likely emergency responders will be trained in the use, limitations and inter-operability of communication/tracking system –Initial training dates for implementation of the communication-tracking system –How communication/tracking incorporated in other required training –Where training will be recorded

54 54 Time Line July 31 Mine Submittal August OMHST Markups August – September Re-writing September – October Approvals October + Order-Installation > MSHA Electrical Approvals > > WV Communication Plan Approvals > OMHS&T Communications Plan Team One inspector from each Regional office + Member(s) of the Approval Review Team Our Plan

55 55 Results, Status and Guidance Emergency Communications and Tracking Go to: Click on:

56 56

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