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A Programming Language View of Transactional Memory Hagit Attiya, Technion Joint work with Sandeep Hans, Alexey Gotsman and Noam Rinetzky Published in.

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Presentation on theme: "A Programming Language View of Transactional Memory Hagit Attiya, Technion Joint work with Sandeep Hans, Alexey Gotsman and Noam Rinetzky Published in."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Programming Language View of Transactional Memory Hagit Attiya, Technion Joint work with Sandeep Hans, Alexey Gotsman and Noam Rinetzky Published in PODC 2013 & DISC 2014 Supported by MC-ITN Transform and Cost EuroTM

2 Transactional Memory Consistency The possible histories that a TM can exhibit Equivalent to a history where transactions execute atomically (explanation) Similar to serializability in databases Which transactions to explain, and which to consider in the explanation? Create new stack node nd res = abort while (res == abort) do { res = atomic { = Top = node }

3 TM Consistency Conditions: Opacity All transactions (including live and aborted ones, unlike serializability) have a single explanation … res = atomic { Z = 1/(X-Y) abort } while (res == abort) do { res = atomic { l = Y X = l X = l-1 } [Guerraoui & Kapalka 08]

4 TM Consistency Conditions: Opacity All transactions (including live and aborted ones, unlike serializability) have a single explanation Preserve real-time order of transactions wait until G == 1 … while (res == abort) do { res = atomic { … } … while (res == abort) do { res = atomic { … } G = 1 [Guerraoui & Kapalka 08]

5 TM Consistency Conditions: Opacity All transactions (including live and aborted ones, unlike serializability) have a single explanation Can observe local variables of aborted transactions wait until G ≠ 1 lnd = G while (res == abort) do { nd = } res = atomic { nd = Top = abort } G = nd

6 TM Consistency Conditions: TMS One explanation for all committed transactions BUT Each response has an explanation including a (carefully picked) subset of the transactions Cannot observe local variables of aborted transactions wait until G ≠ 1 lnd = G while (res == abort) do { nd = } res = atomic { nd = Top = abort } G = nd [Doherty, Groves, Luchangco, Moir 09]

7 TM Consistency Conditions: TMS One explanation for all committed transactions BUT Each response has an explanation including a (carefully picked) subset of the transactions Cannot observe local variables of aborted transactions wait until G ≠ 1 lnd = G while (res == abort) do { nd = } res = atomic { nd = Top = abort } G = nd [Doherty, Groves, Luchangco, Moir 09] Formally prove that Opacity / TMS allow to program with atomicity in mind (sufficiency)? Is one of them the minimal condition for that (necessity)? Formally prove that Opacity / TMS allow to program with atomicity in mind (sufficiency)? Is one of them the minimal condition for that (necessity)?

8 The Right Consistency Condition? Must take the program context into account: If local variables are not rolled back after a transaction aborts (e.g., ScalaTM), Opacity is sufficient and necessary If they are rolled back, TMS is sufficient and necessary

9 The Right Consistency Condition? Must take the program context into account: Local actions: access only local variables Interface actions: interact with the TM Global actions: access global variables (not of the TM) only outside atomic blocks

10 Histories History: Finite sequence of interface actions Transactional Memory (TM): set of histories – well-formed, prefix-closed TM Atomic : each transaction appears in whole, without interleaving res req

11 Histories and Traces History: Finite sequence of interface actions Transactional Memory (TM): set of histories – well-formed, prefix-closed Trace: also includes non-transactional (local and global) actions val=9 G=7 val=8 val=3

12 Trace Equivalence Two traces are observationally equivalent  ~  ’ if threads see the same sequence of local values Possibly except for local values inside aborted transactions (because these are rolled back) TM C observationally refines TM Atomic if every trace  with history in TM C has a trace  ’ ~  with history in TM Atomic [He, Hoare, Sanders 86] val=9 G=7 val=8 val=3

13 Why Observational Refinement? Prove properties when running with TM Atomic and deduce them also for TM C Traces with history in TM C Traces with history in TM Atomic  ’’ ~ TM C observationally refines TM Atomic if every trace  with history in TM C has a trace  ’ ~  with history in TM Atomic

14 1 st Main Result TM C is opaque  TM C observationally refines TM Atomic

15 Every trace  whose history is in TM C has an equivalent trace  ’ whose history is in TM Atomic TM C is opaque  TM C observationally refines TM Atomic

16 Every trace  whose history is in TM C has an equivalent trace  ’ whose history is in TM Atomic H is opaque  has a “related” sequential history S Get a trace  ’ ~  of TM Atomic whose history is S trace  history H  TM C sequential history S ~ trace  ’

17 Every trace  whose history is in TM C has an equivalent trace  ’ whose history is in TM Atomic  Permute the actions of  to get  ’, while preserving the order of same-thread and global actions (inductively) trace  history H  TM C sequential history S ~ trace  ’

18 Permuted prefix of  so it is a prefix of a trace in TM Atomic  Locate , the next interface action in S, and move it  Reordering  relative to earlier actions in  may violate trace equivalence Sufficiency: Inductive Step trace  history H  TM C sequential history ~   

19  (action of thread t) is not the beginning of a transaction Only local actions by t before  Move these actions, followed by  followed by actions by other threads Inductive Step: Simpler Case trace  sequential history ~   

20  is the beginning of a transaction by thread t No interface actions by t before  Move actions outside transactions, followed by  followed by actions inside transactions (none by t) Inductive Step: The Other Case trace  sequential history ~   

21 Opacity is Necessary A program P H for every opaque history H Ensure that the real-time order between transactions in every trace of P H agrees with the real-time order of the transactions in H, using global variables Local variables record these order relations TM C is opaque  TM C observationally refines TM Atomic

22 If Local Variables are Rolled Back? Can only remember that an aborted transaction existed, but not what it read Necessity proof does not work  Adapted notion of trace equivalence  TMS: one explanation for all committed transactions, and possibly different one for each response of a live transaction

23 T1T1 TMS: Pick a Past T4T4 T5T5 T3T3  T2T2 C A C CP G 2 =2 G 1 =1 G 1 ==1? -For a response  : take its transaction and some transactions that started to commit (possibly pending or even unsuccessful) -If transaction T is included, include also all the committed transactions that precede T

24 T4T4 T1T1 TMS: Commit the Past T5T5 T3T3  T2T2 C A C -Commit included commit-pending transactions and replace abort with commit for included aborted transactions G 2 =2 G 1 =1 G 1 ==1? CP C

25 T1T1 TMS: Commit the Past T4T4 T5T5 T3T3  T2T2 C A C CP C -Remove all other transactions -Find an equivalent sequential execution -Preserving the real-time order G 2 =2 G 1 =1 G 1 ==1?

26 2nd Main Result Under rollback semantics TM C is TMS  TM C observationally refines TM Atomic

27 Sufficiency of TMS Similar to opacity, but a lot more complicated Construct an equivalent trace for each response TM C is TMS  TM C observationally refines TM Atomic

28 -Consider the beginning of the last included transaction -For every thread t, take the trace until the latest of: -The last non-transactional action before this point -The last transactional action of t in H’ The Equivalent Trace: Example T1T1 T4T4 T5T5 T3T3  T2T2 C A C CP C G 2 =2 G 1 =1 G 1 ==1?

29 TMS is Necessary Like opacity, but with a separate program for each response action  H Get a completed possible past that explains the history H (with some of the transaction) Use global variables to force real-time order between transactions

30 What Else? Extend the results to handle nesting and privatization Weaker observations (e.g., no global variables) are preserved by VWC? Stronger observations (e.g., global accesses inside a transaction) are preserved by deferred-update opacity or TMS2?

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