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Jeopardy Science Unit 2. LightReflectColorSoundWaves 100 200 300 400 500 600 700.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Science Unit 2. LightReflectColorSoundWaves 100 200 300 400 500 600 700."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Science Unit 2

2 LightReflectColorSoundWaves 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

3 An object that lets some light through but scatters it in many directions? Click for answer

4 A material that blocks light waves? Click for answer

5 When an object blocks light it creates a? Click for answer

6 To bend light is to it? Click for answer

7 A form of energy that you can see is called? Click for answer

8 A thin piece of glass that refracts light is a? Click for answer

9 Material that allows light to pass through it? Click for answer

10 When light waves bounce off an object they? Click for answer

11 An object that is will block light? Click for answer

12 An object that is opaque will block light, producing a ? Click for answer

13 A lens bends light rays outwards? Click for answer

14 A lens bends light rays inward toward a focal point? Click for answer

15 A magnifying glass uses a lens? Click for answer

16 Eye glasses bend light allowing people to see by using? Click for answer

17 Light travels as a? Click for answer

18 When you see color you are seeing the light rays that are? Click for answer

19 An object that separates white light into colors? Click for answer

20 Light travels in a spectrum. What is the an acronym? Click for answer

21 How are light and sound alike? Click for answer

22 What does Roy G. Biv Stand for? Click for answer

23 What happens to the light that you do not see reflected off an object? Click for answer

24 When an object shakes back and forth it? Click for answer

25 The of a sound describes how high or low it is? Click for answer

26 The loudness of a sound is its? Click for answer

27 The waves of loud sounds have a greater than those of soft sounds? Click for answer

28 Sound travels fastest through? Click for answer

29 Sound travels slowest through? Click for answer

30 Where can sound not be heard? Click for answer

31 A carries energy from one place to another? Click for answer

32 The distance between the crest of one wave and the next is? Click for answer

33 The of a wave is the matter it passes through? Click for answer

34 The top of a wave is called its? Click for answer

35 The bottom or valley of wave is its? Click for answer

36 The of a wave measures how many waves pass in a given amount of time? Click for answer

37 The waves of loud sounds have greater than those of soft sounds. Click for answer

38 Translucent

39 Opaque

40 Shadow

41 Refract

42 Light

43 Lens

44 Transparent

45 Reflect

46 Opaque

47 Shadow

48 Concave

49 Convex


51 Concave and Convex Lenses

52 Wave

53 Reflected

54 Prism

55 Roy G. Biv

56 They both travel as waves

57 Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

58 It is absorbed

59 Vibrates

60 Pitch

61 Volume

62 Amplitude

63 Metal

64 Air

65 In Other Space

66 Wave

67 Wave Length

68 Medium

69 Crest

70 Trough

71 Frequency

72 Amplitude

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