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More Specifically JNI Justin Catterson.  ADA  C++  Java  Ruby  Python  Haskell  Perl  etc. What is a Foreign Function Interface? Simply an interface.

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Presentation on theme: "More Specifically JNI Justin Catterson.  ADA  C++  Java  Ruby  Python  Haskell  Perl  etc. What is a Foreign Function Interface? Simply an interface."— Presentation transcript:

1 More Specifically JNI Justin Catterson

2  ADA  C++  Java  Ruby  Python  Haskell  Perl  etc. What is a Foreign Function Interface? Simply an interface which allows languages to interact with one another

3  Reuse of Legacy Code  Add libraries to language (Object Oriented)  Performance

4 Released in 1997 Used to call native methods Used to embed a Java Virtual Machine into native applications Suns JDK 1.4.2 contains over 600,00 lines of native C code

5  Software Security  Loss of Portability  Mapping is not easy  Only supports C/C++ can do Ada, Fortran, COBOL but it is more difficult  Strong knowledge in both Java and C  Overhead?

6 When to use  Java API doesn’t support certain features required by application  Want to access an existing library  Implement time-critical sections in a low level language  Multiple processes are taking up too much memory When NOT to use  When you could communicate with native language through TCP/IP connection  Could connect to database using JDBC  Distributed object technology such as Java IDL API

7  Binary Compatibility  Little overhead  Native methods full use of JVM  Not the only FFI available for Java

8  Make control flow as simplistic as possible  Keep native code minimal (Error checking)  Isolate native code (“Porting layer”)

9 1. Add to the system variable path the location of your JDK bin (ie. C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin) 2. Write java class with at least one method declared native (ie. Public native void hello() ) 3. Add call to System.loadLibrary (ie. Static { System.loadLibrary(“hello”);} 4. Compile java code using javac

10 5. Create header file for the c using javah 6. Write native method for hello 7. with microsoft visual studio, execute the vcvarsall.bat in the vc directory of visual studio 8. Compile native file into a dll (using cl -Iinclude - Iinclude\win32 -MD -LD hello.cpp - Fejnihello.dll) –l is where the include and include\win32 directories are from the jdk 9. Run the java program

11 jni

12 1. JNIEnv pointer contains the location of the function table 2. If method is (java static), the method belongs to the java class that contains the native function

13 public class C { public static native int atol(String str); } JNIExport jint JNICALL Java_C_atol(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jstring str) { const char *cstr = env->GetStringUTFChars(str, 0); if (cstr == NULL) { return 0; // out of memory } int result = atol(cstr); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(str, cstr); return result; }

14 1. Write the Java code 2. Compile java 3. Write C++ 4. Compile C++ 5. run the exe (Ensure you have the JVM dll directory in the system variable path)

15 cToJava

16  s/guide/jni/spec/functions.html s/guide/jni/spec/functions.html

17  Typically accepted C and C++ is faster than Java  Is it expensive to make the call through JNI?

18 Run benchmark tests to measure execution time between two algorithms in Java and C++ 1. HeapSort ( Memory ) 2. Discrete Fast Fourier Transform ( Heavy Math)

19  Check java’s performance for mathematical computations  If you are interested in learning more  rSystems/fft.pdf rSystems/fft.pdf

20  Array sizes of 250, 1000, and 10000. To check the impact of array sizes on Java and JNI  Vary number of iterations to check start-up cost



23 Not expensive enough to not use Still has cost associated pending the JIT 800-1350 ns per call + 25 to 30ns for each argument (Dawid Kurzyniec and Vaidy Sunderam)

24  JVM memory and native memory space transfer (hash map store recently accessed fieldids and methods)  Arrays primary concern ( Try to avoid passing them)  Pending VM may make copy

25 1. Primitive 2. Reference

26 Java Language TypeNative TypeDescription booleanjbooleanUnsigned 8 bits bytejbyteSigned 8 bits CharjcharUnsigned 16 bits shortjshortSigned 16bits intjintSigned 32 bits longjlongSigned 64 bits floatjfloat32 bits doublejdouble64 bits

27 All JNI objects inherit from jObject Treated as pointers

28 1. Local 2. Global 3. Weak

29  Content that is created from a native method will only exist during the execution of the native method. Memory corruptions Or system crashes Attempted to use invalid Local address  jstring  MyNewString(JNIEnv *env, jchar *chars, jint len)  {  static jclass stringClass = NULL;  jmethodID cid;  jcharArray elemArr;  jstring result;  if (stringClass == NULL) {  stringClass = (*env)->FindClass(env,  "java/lang/String");  if (stringClass == NULL) {  return NULL; /* exception thrown */  }}  /* It is wrong to use the cached stringClass here,  because it may be invalid. */  cid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, stringClass,  " ", "([C)V"); ...  elemArr = (*env)->NewCharArray(env, len); ...  result = (*env)->NewObject(env, stringClass, cid, elemArr);  (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, elemArr);  return result;  }

30  Exists until the programmer deletes the object  No GC jstring MyNewString(JNIEnv *env, jchar *chars, jint len) { static jclass stringClass = NULL;... if (stringClass == NULL) { jclass localRefCls = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/String"); if (localRefCls == NULL) { return NULL; /* exception thrown */ } /* Create a global reference */ stringClass = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, localRefCls); /* The local reference is no longer useful */ (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, localRefCls); /* Is the global reference created successfully? */ if (stringClass == NULL) { return NULL; /* out of memory exception thrown */ }... } NewGlobalRe f

31  Similar to Global references  Valid across native methods and threads  Don’t care if object gets GC JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mypkg_MyCls_f(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) { static jclass myCls2 = NULL; if (myCls2 == NULL) { jclass myCls2Local = (*env)->FindClass(env, "mypkg/MyCls2"); if (myCls2Local == NULL) { return; /* can’t find class */ } myCls2 = NewWeakGlobalRef(env, myCls2Local); if (myCls2 == NULL) { return; /* out of memory */ }... /* use myCls2 */ }

32  JNIenv pointer cannot cache must pass pointer associated with the specific thread  Local references valid only for thread that created it, pass global references  Synchronization use MoniterEnter/MoniterExit

33  Safety Guarantees  Safe Language + Unsafe Language = unsafe  C code is unsafe, you may read/write to any memory address  C code can pass objects of wrong type back to Java and therefore violate Java's type checks  Memory Mangement ( calls to release)

34  Private? Constants?  From references, C can see private data and change the values of constants  Interface pointers, this is how C can use Java’s functions. C can overwrite the entries in the function table.  Array Index out of bounds, accidently read/write directly to Java’s heap

35  Safe interoperation (Remote Prodecure Calls)  Ccured (pointer arithmetic solutions)  SafeJNI (wrap JNI api calls)  Jeannie

36  Place components in different address space  Significant overhead

37  Internal safety for C code  Separates pointers by usage  Helps remove array index out of bounds errors

38  Real-Time Embedded  Use Java for upper levels (UI, threading, networking)  Have C++/C interface with hardware and signaling, support already exists

39 C  Hardware sensors  Platform operations  3D libraries Android (JavaME) -- Linux

40  Use JNI to expand language libraries/ use legacy programs  JNI useful for embedded systems  Java can be easily abused using JNI  Keep native methods in the same “package”

41  1] Sheng Liang (June 1999). The Java Native Interface Programmer’s Guide and Specification. Retrieved from  [2] Gang Tan; Andrew W. Appel; Srimat Chakradhar; Anand Raghunathan; Srivaths Ravi; Daniel Wang (2006). Safe Java Native Interface. Retrieved from  [3] Scott Stricker(March 2002). Java Programming with JNI.  Retrieved from  [4] Dawid Kurzyniec; Vaidy Sunderam. Efficient Cooperation between Java and Native  Codes - JNI Performance Benchmark.  Retrieved from  [5] Demetrius L. Davis. To JNI or not to JNI?  Retrieved from   [6] Preetham Chandrian (August 2011). Efficient Java Native Interface for Android based Mobile Devices.  Retrieved from

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