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“Sustainability & Climate Change” Challenges & Way forward…. Presented By: Nalin Rawal Chief - Business Head (Agribusiness Solutions)

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Presentation on theme: "“Sustainability & Climate Change” Challenges & Way forward…. Presented By: Nalin Rawal Chief - Business Head (Agribusiness Solutions)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Sustainability & Climate Change” Challenges & Way forward…. Presented By: Nalin Rawal Chief - Business Head (Agribusiness Solutions)

2 CLIMATE CHANGE - CHALLANGES  Rapidly rising greenhouse gases  Increasing land and sea temperatures  Increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events  Risk of fresh water availability  Sustainability of agriculture and food security  Rapidly rising greenhouse gases  Increasing land and sea temperatures  Increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events  Risk of fresh water availability  Sustainability of agriculture and food security

3 CLIMATE CHANGE - IMPACT  Warming expected to be more over areas in northern latitudes in 21st century  Warming of about 0.2°C per decade is projected for next two decades  Increases in the amount of precipitation in high latitudes, and decrease in most subtropical land regions.  The Drought-affected areas will increase  Hot extremes, heat waves and heavy precipitation events more frequent Weather predictions in Tropics will become more challenging  Warming expected to be more over areas in northern latitudes in 21st century  Warming of about 0.2°C per decade is projected for next two decades  Increases in the amount of precipitation in high latitudes, and decrease in most subtropical land regions.  The Drought-affected areas will increase  Hot extremes, heat waves and heavy precipitation events more frequent Weather predictions in Tropics will become more challenging

4  The length of growing seasons & yield in semi-arid and arid areas shall decrease  In some countries 50% yield reduction is expected in rainfed agriculture by 2020  Crop yields to decrease by 30% in Central and South Asia by the mid-21st century  Crop yields expected to increase up to 20% in East and Southeast Asia  Expected salinisation and desertification of agricultural land in drier areas of Latin America  Increased incidences of Pest Outbreak due to warmer hot days and nights  Productivity of important crops is projected to decrease  The length of growing seasons & yield in semi-arid and arid areas shall decrease  In some countries 50% yield reduction is expected in rainfed agriculture by 2020  Crop yields to decrease by 30% in Central and South Asia by the mid-21st century  Crop yields expected to increase up to 20% in East and Southeast Asia  Expected salinisation and desertification of agricultural land in drier areas of Latin America  Increased incidences of Pest Outbreak due to warmer hot days and nights  Productivity of important crops is projected to decrease IMPACT – AGRICULTURE

5 CLIMATE CHANGE - IMPACT INDIA  India witnessing irregular monsoon / temperature pattern  Large variability of rainfall in Rajasthan (semi arid regions)  Unseasonal Dust Storms in some pockets  More frequent extreme weather conditions  change in sowing and harvesting timings / affecting quality of the produce  Changing cropping pattern  Emerging risk to horticultural crops  Causing sudden outbreak in incidence of pest and diseases Climate Change Impact on Agriculture


7 ABOUT SKYMET Captive network of 2700+ Automated Weather Stations (AWS) Expertise in Crop yield forecasting & Risk Management In house Crop monitoring & yield modeling team In house Remote Sensing & GIS expertise Strong network of 160+ field staff in all major states Captive network of 2700+ Automated Weather Stations (AWS) Expertise in Crop yield forecasting & Risk Management In house Crop monitoring & yield modeling team In house Remote Sensing & GIS expertise Strong network of 160+ field staff in all major states An Agriculture Risk Solutions and Weather Monitoring Company

8 PRESENCE 2700+ AWS Locations 15 States Head Office: Noida Regional Office(S) : 4 (Patna, Jaipur, Mumbai & Hyderabad)

9 SOLUTIONS OFFERED  Weather Forecasts – short, medium & long range  Crop yield & acreage estimations  Live weather data  Crop Risk management services  Supply chain solutions  Weather Forecasts – short, medium & long range  Crop yield & acreage estimations  Live weather data  Crop Risk management services  Supply chain solutions

10 Weather Forecast

11 WEATHER FORECASTING 201220132014 Skymet Forecast95% of LPA103% of LPA91% of LPA Actual Monsoon93% of LPA105% of LPA89% of LPA 20122013

12 MONTHLY RAINFALL FORECASTS Dry Spell Wet Spell Weekly Spread View (mm) Ambegaon (PUNE) – SAMPLE (June – July’13)

13 GIS & UAV Based Crop - Acreage / Health Monitoring & Yield Forecasting

14 Paddy Crop Sowing Status till mid June Paddy Crop Sowing Status till 1 st week of July Paddy Crop Sowing Status till End of July Crop Sowing Status end of Season CROP ACREAGE STATUS – PUNJAB PADDY (Kharif’2013)

15 ACERAGE – PUNJAB DISTRICT WISE PADDY District wise Paddy acreage

16 UAV Based Crop Monitoring

17 UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE (UAV)  Completely automatic & remote controlled  Ability to reach maximum of 400m from ground  Captures 1.4 Km x 1.4 Km image (ground coverage)  Horizontal coverage in one flight 4Km radius  Continuously captures video  Continuously sends images at every 5 sec  Provides Geo referenced images  Completely automatic & remote controlled  Ability to reach maximum of 400m from ground  Captures 1.4 Km x 1.4 Km image (ground coverage)  Horizontal coverage in one flight 4Km radius  Continuously captures video  Continuously sends images at every 5 sec  Provides Geo referenced images

18 UAV IMAGES – 150M

19 UAV IMAGES – 100M


21 UAV IMAGES – 50M Groundnut Cotton




25 FINAL CROP ESTIMATE – CROP CUTTING EXPERIMENTS Skymet provides Acreage & Final yield estimation (95% accuracy)

26 GUNA – SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF SOYABEAN CROP Satellite Image – Landsat 8 Acquisition Date – 21 th Sep 2014 District – Guna Resolution - 30M - Soybean Legend - Acreage as per Govt. 25 th Sep’141.95 (Lac Ha) Remote Sensing based Acreages1.83 (Lac Ha) Est. Yield as per CCE/Field Survey1143 (Kg/Ha) Est. Production2.1 (Lac Ton)

27 Real Time Crop Advisory

28 Current Weather & short range Forecast (at Block / Taluka/ Distt level ) Agri-Domain Expertise Real Time Agro- Advisory MODEL – REAL TIME CROP ADVISORY

29 Current Weather & Forecast Actual Condition Temp-43 0 C ; RH-20% No Rain / Moisture stress Crop Advisory 1)Drain water from nursery and fill fresh water on daily basis 2) Delay Transplanting by -7 days GIS image Paddy (Pusa Basmati 1121) Farmers Retailers Dealers Sales Employee Marketing person Distribution person Seed Production MODEL – REAL TIME CROP ADVISORY

30 Pest Forecasting Model

31 PEST FORECAST MODEL  The model combines three parameters of the disease triangle:  Crop (host)  Pathogen (present at field)  Environment (monitored by Automated Weather Station) Hourly observations Specific geographies Environment GIS or UAV mapping Crop diagnostic Crop stage Pest and disease infestation alert Real time basis Pest/Disease

32 BROWN PLANT HOPPER – PADDY Brown Plant Hopper (BPH) BPH Life Cycle Eggs Hatchability highest at 25°C BPH Population Max 28-30°C RH >70 High Nitrogen levels Paddy Monitor using AWS Crop stage information

33 BENEFITS  Predicts likely occurrence or attack of different pest & diseases  Accurate advisories on prophylactic measure to prevent disease/pest incidence  Improve marketing activities and inventory planning at the dealer/retail point  Mobile advisories to suggest company’s products to farmers  Increase revenue for the company  Strengthen company’s brand image

34 Crop Risk Management

35 CUSTOMISED CROP RISK MANAGEMENT Drawbacks: Inadequate product Cryptic payout calculations Opaque payouts Mistrust on insurance Benefits: Customized product Transparent payout calculations Equitable payouts Trust build-up on insurance EXISTINGPROPOSED



38 Agri input Supply Chain / Distribution

39 Paddy Crop Sowing Status till mid June Paddy Crop Sowing Status till 1 st week of July Paddy Crop Sowing Status till End of July Crop Sowing Status end of Season ACREAGE STATUS – PUNJAB PADDY (Kharif’2013)

40 District wise Time wise Paddy acreage DISTRICT WISE ACREAGE STATUS – PUNJAB PADDY (Kharif’2013)


42 Landsat Satellite Image Resolution: 30M Spatial Distribution of Paddy Crop in Zira Block - Firozpur Pady Area in Zira Block is 12,692 Ha. FERTILIZER CONSUMPTION PATTERN - II

43 THANK YOU Skymet Weather Services Pvt Ltd Plot no 10/11, Sector-125, Noida

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