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SQLCMD A Better DB-Access?
Informix User Forum Moving Forward With Informix SQLCMD A Better DB-Access? Jonathan Leffler Sr. Technical Staff Member/IBM Atlanta, Georgia December 8-9, 2005
SQLCMD A Better DB-Access
Jonathan Leffler Based on a presentation created by Joe Kennedy Thank you, Joe, for getting the ball rolling. 9th December 2005
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Agenda Origins of SQLCMD Basic Use SQL History Controls SQLUNLOAD SQLRELOAD Build and Install 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Origins of SQLCMD Originally called RDSQL. Created in 1987 (oldest surviving records). Informix-SQL had an RDSQL option Instead of Query-Language. Informix-SQL was produced by RDS Relational Database Systems Inc. Before company went public Informix Software Inc. Renamed SQLCMD in 1992. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Origins of SQLCMD Intended as an alternative to ‘isql’. Before DB-Access was created. Designed for use in shell scripts. Exits with non-zero status on error. Careful use of standard input, output, error. Output layout independent of selected data. Designed for interactive use. History allows you to list, edit, rerun SQL. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Basic Use of SQLCMD Command line: Interactive mode:
sqlcmd –d stores –e ‘select * from customers’ Interactive mode: sqlcmd –d stores SQL[1022]: select * from customers; …data printed… SQL[1023]: Prompt includes history command number 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQL Command Interpreter
Executes preparable SQL commands: DDL CREATE TABLE, etc DML INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT, … Results of SELECT go to output. Also EXECUTE PROCEDURE Default format is variable-width fields with separators 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Connections CONNECT statement: CONNECT TO AS ‘conn1’ USER ‘me’ PASSWORD ‘mine’ WCT; Accepts standard USING for PASSWORD. And WITH CONCURRENT TRANSACTIONS for WCT. Does not accept DORMANT. SET CONNECTION statement. DISCONNECT statement. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Alternative Output Formats
SQLCMD formats data uniformly Does not vary depending on width. Key original design feature. Selectable delimiters Field delimiter – $DBDELIMITER or pipe ‘|’ Record delimiter – Newline Escape – Backslash Quote – Double quote 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Alternative Output Formats
Select (default) Variable-width fields with field separators. Unload. Variable-width fields with field terminators. CSV Comma-separated variable-width fields. Non-numeric fields enclosed in quotes. XML Default tag around records is ‘<record>’. XML is not accepted as an input format – by design. Quote format is the same as CSV except the delimiter is not set by SQLCMD At one time, the UNLOAD format required a final delimiter after the last field on a line. Later this restriction was relaxed. Nowadays, SELECT format could be used for LOAD format. The distinction is retained for `hysterical raisins’ (aka historical reasons). 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Alternative Output Formats
Fixed Fixed width fields. No spaces between fields. FixSep Fixed width fields with separator No separator after last field FixDel Fixed width fields with delimiter Including after last field Expect ‘format’ to change in future format variable delimited; format fixed separated; New! New! At one time, the UNLOAD format required a final delimiter after the last field on a line. Later this restriction was relaxed. Nowadays, SELECT format could be used for LOAD format. The distinction is retained for `hysterical raisins’ (aka historical reasons). Version added FixSep Version added FixDel. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Alternative Output Formats
Command line: -F xml -G customer -E = \ -Q “’” –A ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ Built-in commands: format xml customer; delim escape ‘=‘; quote ‘\’’; date ‘yyyy-mm-dd’; eor ‘\r\n’; No command line option (bug) 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
UNLOAD Syntax is superset of DB-Access or ISQL. UNLOAD [CREATE|APPEND] TO [FILE] ‘somefile’ DELIMITER SELECT * FROM Table; UNLOAD TO PIPE ‘pipecommand’ DELIMITER EXECUTE PROCEDURE mine(‘this’, ‘that’, ‘t’’other’); This is subject to extension in the future. Version permits you to specify quote and escape too – but does not yet permit format. Version permits you to specify eor, format and (for XML unload), the XML record tag. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
LOAD Syntax is superset of DB-Access or ISQL LOAD FROM [FILE|PIPE] ‘somefile’ DELIMITER INSERT INTO AnotherTable; No transaction management. Roll your own with BEGIN WORK COMMIT WORK Or use RELOAD instead. Neither LOAD nor RELOAD accepts XML input data. There are sound reasons for this – XML is a very flexible format, and parsing that is hard. Mandating any of the C-based XML libraries as a pre-requisite for building SQLCMD would be unacceptable. Note that the XML records below are equivalent: <record> <col1> value1 </col1> <col2> value2 </col2> </record> <record> <col2> value2 </col2> <col1> value1 </col1> </record> Version adds ‘FORMAT fmt’ to specify format of data file. Version adds SKIP n to skip over leading ‘n’ records. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
RELOAD Statement Syntactically similar to LOAD statement: RELOAD FROM ‘file.unl’ INSERT INTO Table; Automatically initiates transactions Groups the inserts into smaller transactions. Unless it is started within a transaction. Transaction size is controllable: -N – command line transize 1024; – built-in command Version adds ‘FORMAT fmt’ to specify format of data file. Version adds ‘SKIP n’ to skip over leading ‘n’ records. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
INFO Statement Loosely similar to the INFO statement. Supported by DB-Access and ISQL. And not the database servers. Interpreted by SQLCMD. Interrogates system catalog. Hairy code in places! Output format is the same as a SELECT. It is the output from a SELECT statement. The SQL that is generated for the INFO statements is recorded in the history file. You’ll notice that the command numbers jump by 2 when you execute an INFO statement. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
INFO Statement INFO HELP Lists the various available options. INFO TABLES User tables. INFO COLUMNS FOR sometable INFO DATABASES INFO CONNECTIONS Not a database query 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
History SQLCMD records SQL commands File specified by $SQLCMDLOG Default name: ./.sqlcmdlog Format is platform neutral Portable – including 32-bit to 64-bit. Can be shared by concurrent executions. Size is configurable. Default size is 50. File size is limited. The 32-bit to 64-bit distinction is relevant – in some earlier versions of SQLCMD, the history file was not platform neutral. The history file is locked by SQLCMD whenever it writes to it – permitting multiple processes to use the same file without generating gibberish. Don’t use that feature in a high-stress environment. Add ‘-y’ to command line to enable history for a non-interactive session. Add ‘-Y’ to command line to disable history for an interactive session (new in 77.03). 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
History History can be turned on or off. Defaults to on in interactive mode. Off otherwise. Some commands do not get recorded. INFO commands generate two commands. Use ‘list’ command to see previous commands Synonym ‘l’. Previous command is ‘0’. Relative commands ‘l -10 0’. Absolute ‘l 23 54’. Output goes to same place as SELECT statements. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
History ‘Rerun’ command runs commands again. Synonym ‘r’. Same semantics as ‘list’. ‘Edit’ and ‘View’ commands allow you to edit commands. Synonym ‘v’. Beware: ‘e’ is short for ‘exit’, not ‘edit’. DBEDIT, VISUAL, EDITOR, “vi”. Commands are rerun when you exit editor. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Exiting SQLCMD Three commands to do it: ‘exit’ (‘e’ and ‘x’) ‘quit’ (‘q’) ‘bye’ (‘b’) Relic from earliest days and Informix 3.30 The ‘informix’ program used ‘bye’ to terminate. EOF on standard input. Executed all command line options. And one was ‘-e’ or ‘-f’ or equivalent. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
I/O Redirection You can use Unix redirection, of course: echo “select * from customer” | sqlcmd -d stores -F XML Built-in commands: input “filename”; output “othername”; error “whereever”; Cancel with: output “/dev/stdout”; Even when system does not support those devices. Starts a new context The build process (later) detects whether /dev/stdout etc actually exist or not. If they don’t, then the function called to open files recognizes /dev/stdout and simply returns the standard output as the open file. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Other Built-in Commands
Shell escape ! cat /dev/null Printing information echo “This goes to stdout” errmsg “This goes to stderr” Query limit qlimit 32 Only first 32 rows are shown 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Other Built-in Commands
Benchmark benchmark on benchmark off Timing time; clock [on|off]; sleep 3; Repeatedly using ‘clock off’ prints the elapsed time since the last ‘clock on’. Date is used to set the date format – or discover what the current date format is. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Contexts Commands are executed in a context: Controls many characteristics. Output format, delimiters, transaction size. Automatically inherited by new context. Does not monitor SQL properties. Each new input file starts a new context. Cannot alter context of ‘calling’ file. Beware: edited or rerun commands Always run in a new context. Note that although you can rerun format options such as ‘format xml’, the rerun commands are executed in a new context and this context is closed when the command completes, restoring the previous context. It wouldn’t take much work to revise this – the code is in internal.c and the do_rerun() function. Basically, drop the ctxt_newcontext() and ctxt_endcontext() lines – and add a call to fclose() to close the temporary file and another call to ctxt_newinput() to reinstate the previous input file – which would need to be recorded by a call to ctxt_input(). Have fun. I doubt if it will be changed in the production code, but I’m open to persuasion. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Contexts Level: Input: /dev/stdin Output: /dev/stdout Error: /dev/stderr Date: mm/dd/yyyy Delimiter: '|' Escape: '\\' Quote: '\"' EOR: '\n' History size: 50 Query limit: Transaction size: 1024 Input Base: 0 BlobDir: /tmp XML Record Tag: RECORD Format: <TOS> select <BOS> Heading: <TOS> off <BOS> History: <TOS> off <BOS> Continue: <TOS> off <BOS> Silence: <TOS> off <BOS> Trace: <TOS> off <BOS> Types: <TOS> off <BOS> Verbosity: <TOS> off <BOS> Benchmark: <TOS> off <BOS> The blobdir functionality is not fully implemented yet. The selmultiblob program is an example of the preparatory work necessary to support it. The rest is syntactic: UNLOAD TO “somefile” BLOBS TO “/some/directory” NAMES RELATIVE TO “/some” SELECT * FROM SomeWhere; LOAD FROM “somefile” BLOBS FROM “/some/directory” NAMES RELATIVE TO “/some” INSERT INTO SomeOtherPlace; The NAMES RELATIVE bit needs the work. It controls how the names appear in “somefile”. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Contexts Many attributes have a stack of values: Up to 10 values per context. Visible via the ‘context’ command. Heading, continue, trace, verbose, format, history, silence, format, types, benchmark. Stack commands are: Push Pop And new values can be set (on, off) Other attributes have no stack. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Contexts For example, you want to drop a table, But it might not exist. And that is not an error. continue push; – saves current state continue on; – script continues after error DROP TABLE x; continue pop; – reinstates previous state Could just set continue off after the DROP But this might not be desirable. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Command Line Options Try “sqlcmd -h” Gives verbose summary of options Basic flags: -d database – select database -f FILE – read SQL from file -e ‘SQL Statements’ – SQL on command line -H – Print column headings -T – Print column types -B – Benchmark mode -x – Trace executed statements Benchmark prints the wall-clock time and each statement before it is executed, and times how long each statement takes. The benchmark output goes to the error output – separate from the selected data. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Command Line Options Going for the full set: [a-zA-Z] Only need 11 more options And one (-G) is obsolescent. And 7 or so of those are reserved Long option syntax likely Heuristic for command line arguments SQL statements contain spaces. sqlcmd –d stores ‘info databases’ Filenames contain no spaces. sqlcmd –d stores $HOME/tmp/test.sql If it’s wrong, use ‘-e’ or ‘-f’ explicitly. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Username and Password OK to use ‘-u username’ on command line. Not a good idea to use ‘-p password’. $SQLCMDPASSWORDS file can hide it. No default file name! Permissions should be 400 or 600. Unchecked – but may be checked in future! Based on INFOTPASS mechanism: Used in infotables. By Ravi Krishna SQLCMDPASSWORDS added in v77.00. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Username and Password SQLCMDPASSWORDS file contains: database|username|password If user name given (as well as database): First matching entry on both yields password. If no user name given: First matching entry on database yields username and password. Applies to command line connections. Also to the CONNECT statement. The pipe delimiter is fixed – your database name can’t use it, nor can the user name. The password may contain pipe symbols – it can’t contain a newline. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLUNLOAD Simplest way to unload a table. The inverse of sqlreload. Specify database (-d) and table (-t). Optionally output file, format, delimiters, etc. Use ‘-O’ option to specify sort order sqlunload –d stores –t customer –O customer_num ‘sqlcmd –U’ forces this mode. The –O option is new in Use a comma-separated list of column names. If you need to specifyc ASC and DESC, then: -O “col1 ASC, col2 DESC, col3 ASC” 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLRELOAD Simplest way to load a table. The inverse of sqlunload. Passing resemblance to DB-Load. But much simpler to use. DBLDFMT converts fixed format to load format. Always specify database (-d) and table (-t). Input file (-i) is optional. ‘sqlcmd –R’ forces this mode DBLDFMT is a separate program, also available at the IIUG. It’s primary purpose is to translate fixed format input files into delimited format. It currently has some DATE and TIME reformatting code in place, but it is not wholly clear that is good. It has an even more complex command line that SQLCMD, not because of the number of options, but because of the number of sub-options. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Where’s the Source Code?
The International Informix Users Group! Check the software repository for other tools utils2_ak in particular. Distributed as a gzipped tar file. With the extension ".tgz“ For example: sqlcmd tgz 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Compilation Building SQLCMD requires ClientSDK. And a C compiler.
Extract source: tar -xzf sqlcmd tzg cd sqlcmd-80.00 ./configure --prefix=$HOME make make install Default location is $INFORMIXDIR 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
What Can Go Wrong? Configure can’t find a working ESQL/C. Install ClientSDK. Almost any version should be OK (5.00 up). Set INFORMIXDIR and PATH. Configure can’t find Bison, Byacc or Yacc. Rename connecty.y to old.connecty.y Rename CONNECTY.c to connecty.c 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
What Can Go Wrong? I don’t have the GNU readline library. This is not an error. You simply don’t get command editing. Except by launching an editor. Configure can’t find my GNU readline library. Assuming it is installed under /usr/gnu: LDFLAGS=-L/usr/gnu/lib \ CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/gnu/include \ ./configure --prefix=$HOME By default, the autoconf system (meaning the configure script generated by autoconf) looks for software in /usr/local. If your GNU readline library is not under /usr/local, use the hints on the slide. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Installation Two ways of doing the install. One-off install for a single machine. make install make install prefix=/opt/sqlcmd Places materials in: ${prefix}/bin ${prefix}/man/man1 ${prefix}/etc 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Installation Create binary-only distribution Package for installation on many machines make BOD Creates sub-directory BOD Can be packaged up for copying. Requires I-Connect on target machine. But database server is not necessary. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Installation BOD can be installed on other machines
Subsequent install (possibly by root): ./jlss install sqlcmd ./jlss –u me –g mine –d /opt/sqlcmd \ install sqlcmd Subsequent uninstall: /opt/sqlcmd/etc/jlss uninstall sqlcmd Default location is $INFORMIXDIR You need to specify –d /opt/sqlcmd to do the uninstall. It would be better if ‘jlss’ worked out for itself where you installed the software – by using the location of the jlss script itself. The uninstall is rather cautious – it copies the material it uninstalls to a directory in /tmp ($TMPDIR) so you still have it available if you want. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
What Else Do You Get? SQLUPLOAD Inserts or updates data in a table. Alpha quality code. INSBLOB, APPBLOB, SELBLOB, etc. Vignettes handling BYTE and TEXT blobs. Fully operational toy programs. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
What Else Do You Get? Documentation on UNLOAD format. SQLSERVER, SQLCLIENT Run a single SQLCMD in background. Each command sent to server Results read back Uses ‘sqlcmd -M fifo’ option. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Bugs? Report bugs to Not many known bugs. Support for extended data types is incomplete COLLECTIONS, ROWS, DISTINCT types User-defined types – especially opaque types BLOB and CLOB (BYTE and TEXT OK) Does handle LVARCHAR, BOOLEAN, INT8, SERIAL8 See TODO file (and ChangeLog). Bug reports with a good reproduction will be gratefully received. Please include information on the database type (logged, unlogged, MODE ANSI), server (SE, IDS, XPS), versions of operating system, database server, ESQL/C, and SQLCMD. Please try to make the test self-contained – SQLCMD helps you by giving you the history of the SQL commands, for example. Use a temporary table if you can – use a permanent table if you must. If you can’t reproduce the problem with a single table, so be it – send me the minimum set of tables that will work, along with enough data to reproduce the problem – but not too much data. Please ensure you explain what you see (output command?) and why it is wrong and what the correct results should be – it might not be obvious to me what is wrong and why. If you can’t be bothered to make a simple reproduction of the problem, I may not be bothered to resolve the issue. If I can’t identify what is wrong from what you say, I will simply ask you to come back to me with the information above (or to go away – sorry, but you have to help me a little; see ‘How To Ask Questions The Smart Way’ at for how to ask for help). Patches to SQLCMD gratefully received too, especially if the patch is against the latest version in the IIUG repository. (My internal version is often several releases ahead; that’s my problem, not yours.) Please include appropriate documentation changes, and explain what your patch does, and why it is beneficial and should be included in the base version of SQLCMD. Don’t assume it is obvious – it might be obvious to you, but it might not be obvious to me. You can consider ‘this patch implements XYZ (item N in the TODO list) in an obvious way’ as sufficient. OTOH, if you are implementing something not foreshadowed in the documentation, then you probably need to do more explaining. It is probably worth contacting me before sending the patch to discuss the ideas and implementation. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
Questions and Answers The current version is ( ) As of Thank You Secondary source: This is not necessarily the most recent version on the IIUG web site. Sometimes, it is behind; sometimes, it is ahead. 9th December 2005 SQLCMD – A Better DB-Access?
SQLCMD A Better DB-Access?
Informix User Forum Moving Forward With Informix SQLCMD A Better DB-Access? Jonathan Leffler Atlanta, Georgia December 8-9, 2005
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