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LIGHT Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question.

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2 LIGHT Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question.

3 Light comes from the sun.

4 The sun’s rays pass through the atmosphere and give us light.

5 Light comes from light bulbs. We can work and play at night because of light bulbs.

6 The light passes through the glass and illuminates our world.

7 Light can pass through our atmosphere and the clear glass that surrounds a light bulb, but light can not pass through everything.

8 Light can not pass through wood.

9 Light can not pass through rock.

10 Light can not pass through metal.

11 Light can pass through glass.

12 Windows are made of glass to let in the light.

13 transparent Windows are transparent. That means they are easy to see through.

14 trans parens The word trans means through and the word parens means to appear. transparent The word transparent means to appear through.

15 transparent This canoe is transparent. You can see right through it.

16 translucent Some items are translucent. Trans lucere Trans means through and lucere means to shine. translucent The word translucent means to shine through.

17 translucent You can see though translucent glass, but what you see is fuzzy.

18 opaque Other objects may be opaque. Opaque Opaque objects can not be seen through. Opaque Opaque means to shade.

19 opaque These glass beads are opaque.

20 Light shines upon us from the sun. Light shines upon us from electric bulbs. Light lets us work and play.

21 transparent Light shines clearly through transparent objects.

22 translucent Light shines through translucent objects, but they look fuzzy and unclear to us.

23 opaque Light can not shine through opaque objects. The light can not pass through for us to see.

24 Transparent = clear Translucent = fuzzy Opaque = shaded

25 LIGHT QUIZ 1. Name two things light can pass through. _______________ and _____________ 2. Name two things light can’t pass through. _______________ and _____________ 3. Transparent means ________________ 4. Translucent means ________________ 5. Opaque means ___________________

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