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Was the gunpowder plot a government conspiracy?

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1 Was the gunpowder plot a government conspiracy?
Was it us? Or me? Or even me?

2 11% of Americans believe the moon landing was faked (1999 poll)
What is a conspiracy? 11% of Americans believe the moon landing was faked (1999 poll) One third of the American public believe their government isn’t telling the truth about 9/11 (2006 poll)

3 Scenario 1 The Gunpowder Plot was a Catholic conspiracy to blow up the King on the opening day of the Houses of Parliament. The conspirators were led by Robert Cecil. The plot was uncovered when an anonymous letter was sent to Lord Mounteagle warning him not to attend Parliament. Mounteagle took the letter to the King and his men discovered the plotters early on the 5th November 1605.

4 Scenario 2 The Gunpowder Plot was an ingenious plan designed by the King’s advisor, Robert Cecil, to turn people in England against the Catholics. He also wanted the King to realise that the Catholics represented a major threat to his power. Cecil allowed the plot to go ahead and then saved the day on the 5th November by catching Guy Fawkes red-handed. Really Cecil had known about the plot for weeks!

5 The Prime Suspect! Lord Robert Cecil
Cecil had been Queen Elizabeth’s chief minister in the last 10 years of her reign. England was at war with Catholic Spain at the same time, so Cecil had become very suspicious of all Catholics in England. As a result, he used his many spies and informers to watch known troublemakers. He was worried that King James was not suspicious enough of the Catholics in England. He thought that the king did not see them as a danger to England. Cecil was sure that they were – he believed they were loyal to the Pope, not the King.

6 Scenario 3 The Gunpowder Plot was an ingenious plan designed by the King’s advisor, Robert Cecil, and carried out under the orders of the King. James I wanted to turn people in England against the Catholics and raise his own popularity. They allowed the whole plan to go ahead from the start and then captured the plotters at the last moment on the morning of the 5th November. There was a major wave of sympathy for the King after the plot was uncovered. He had never been so popular!

7 Surely not?!? James I James I had seen the trouble the Catholics had given Elizabeth. He had only just come to the thrown and a Scottish king sitting on the English throne would have annoyed a lot of people. He needed to raise his popularity. James had relaxed the anti-Catholic laws and many people in England thought he was secretly a Catholic as he was the son of Mary Queen of Scots. He needed to show people that the Catholics were his enemies.

8 Who do you believe? Scenario 1: There was a real Catholic plan to blow up the King that was foiled at the last minute. Scenario 2: Sir Robert Cecil created a fake conspiracy behind the King’s back to make him realise that Catholics were a threat. Scenario 3: The King wanted to raise his own popularity by creating a fake threat on his life. Was it us? Or me? Or even me?

9 What does the evidence say?
Was it us? Or me? Or even me? Using the sources: What does it say? Which argument does it support? Who wrote it? Does this mean it is reliable or unreliable? When was it written? Does this mean we should trust it? Why was it written? Are they telling the truth?

10 Source 1: A newspaper article describing the crimes of the plotters, 31st January 1606.
First for their offence- it is so odious in the ears of all human creatures that it could hardly be believed that so many monsters in nature should carry the shapes of men- murder! Oh! it is the crying sin of the world, and such an intended murder as, had it taken effect, would have made a world to cry; and, therefore, the horror thereof must needs be hateful to the whole world to hear it.

11 Source 2: James I’s Chief Minister, Robert Cecil, 1602.
The King’s excessive kindness has ended in this, that Catholic priests go openly about the country saying Mass. This gives great offence to others. We cannot hope for good government while we have a large number of people who obey foreign rulers as the Catholics do. The priests preach that Catholics must kill the King to help their religion.

12 Source 3: A letter written by King James I and sent to the men in charge of interrogating Guy Fawkes, 6th November 1605. This Examinate would (should) now be made to answer to formal Interrogatories. 1st - As what he is ? for I can never yet hear of any man that knows him . 2nd - Where was he born ? 4th - What Age he is of ? 5th - Where he hath lived ? 6th - How he hath lived, and by what trade of life ? 11th - And how soon after the possessing of it, did he begin to his devilish preparations? 12th - When and where learned he to speak French ? 13th - What Gentlewoman's Letter it was, that was found upon him ? 15th - If he was ever a Papist ; and , if so , who brought him up in it ? 16th - If otherwise, how was he converted , where , when , and by whom ? James R. (Endorsed by the Earl of Salisbury) "The Kings Articles"

13 Source 4: An extract from the anonymous letter received by Lord Mounteagle warning him of the plot, 1605. My lord, I have a care for your safety. Therefore I would advise you to devise some excuse to miss your attendance at Parliament. For God and man have come together to punish the wickedness of this time. Go into the country, for they shall receive a terrible blow this Parliament - and yet they shall not see who hurts them.

14 Source 5: Extract from the history book ‘Suspicious Circumstances’, Mr
Source 5: Extract from the history book ‘Suspicious Circumstances’, Mr. Huggins, 1998. Lord Mounteagle told the King about the plot on 27th October and yet the government took no action until 4 November. At that time all gunpowder was carefully controlled by the government and had to be kept in the Tower of London. The records for 1605 have mysteriously disappeared.

15 Source 6: Key facts put forward by modern historians, 1996.
2. The 36 barrels of gunpowder were placed in a cellar next to Parliament. This cellar was owned by John Whynniard, a royal official and close friend to Sir Robert Cecil. 3. The government seemed to know where all the plotters were. On the 7 November they were surrounded in Holbeach House. They offered no resistance and yet some of them were shot dead. 4. All the plotters were killed and or captured quickly, except one Francis Tesham. Once the trial was over he was taken prisoner and died of a mysterious illness in the Tower of London on 23 December 1605.

16 Source 7A: Extract taken from Guy Fawkes’ confession, 1605.
He said he did not intend to set fire to the fuse until the King came into the Houses of Parliament, and then he intended to do it so that the powder might blow up a quarter of an hour late. Source 7B: An extract taken from a letter by Robert Cecil, 1605. On Tuesday night at midnight, as he was busy to prepare his things for explosion, he (Guy Fawkes) was caught in the place itself. There was found some fine powder, to make a fuse. He would have saved himself from the blow by some half an hour.

17 Who do you believe? Scenario 1: There was a real Catholic plan to blow up the King that was foiled at the last minute. Scenario 2: Sir Robert Cecil created a fake conspiracy behind the King’s back to make him realise that Catholics were a threat. Scenario 3: The King wanted to raise his own popularity by creating a fake threat on his life. Was it us? Or me? Or even me?

18 Who do you believe? I want your views!
Homework: During half term visit the Gunpowder Plot Debate Blog. Sign up for free and post your view.

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