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JingTao Yao DongWon Kim Joseph P. Herbert Department of Computer Science Supporting Online Learning with Games.

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Presentation on theme: "JingTao Yao DongWon Kim Joseph P. Herbert Department of Computer Science Supporting Online Learning with Games."— Presentation transcript:

1 JingTao Yao DongWon Kim Joseph P. Herbert Department of Computer Science Supporting Online Learning with Games

2 Contents  Web-based Learning Support Systems (WLSS)  Learning Order Indexing  Treasure Hunt Game  Adapted Treasure Hunt Game for Learning

3 Online Learning Fulfilling education goal Using electronic communications & Information technology Various forms of learning contents No limitation on time and no geographical restrictions Assistance from groups of experts Cost effective learning environment

4 Goal of online learning Personalized education Choosing best suitable course Replaying learning contents Skipping well-known parts Customized tests Student-centered Form of Education

5 Online Learning Lack of motivation of learning Insufficient flexibility of learning Difficulty of finding appropriate learning materials Incorporation of Web-based game with WLSS

6 Good accessibility Student-friendly interface Capability of delivering various forms of learning contents Text, audio, graphics, animation, video Vast resource for learning Why the Web?

7 Enhanced learning support systems with Web technology Supporting teacher and student for education Conducting education with own teaching method on the Web Alternatives to traditional methods of learning Web-based Learning Support Systems

8 Encouraging in collaboration Adapted contents based on each student’s knowledge Interactive interface Evaluation of student’s learning Stimulating motivation of learning Design Principles of WLSS

9 Web-based Game No CD or DVD to install Online delivery of game software No limitation on time and no geographical restrictions to play Depending on Internet speed

10 Web-based Learning Game Web-based game adapted for learning Facilitating motivation of learning Encouraging in collaboration with massively multiplayer games Complement to Web-based learning (no motivation)

11 Architecture of WLSS Teaching Support System User Knowledge Base Interne t Information Retrieval Support System Learning Order Indexing Database Contents Management System INTERFACEINTERFACE USER Conventional Indexing Database Domain Knowledge Base Web-based Learning Game System Membership Management System Course Knowledge Base Academic Dictionary Database

12 Learning Order Indexing Indexing learning objects by learning order based on student’s background knowledge Indicating user preference Representing degree of relative difficulty between learning objects Representing degree of relative difference between learning objects Represented by Term Relationship Graph

13 Term Relationship Graph (t 1,1,10) (t 2,2,10) (t 3,2,10) (t 4,2,15) (t 5,3,15)(t 6,3,17) (t 7,4,16) Hierarchy graph G=(V, A) Vertices V=(t, l, s) A: a set of ordered pairs of vertices t: salient word or phrase l: level of hierarchy s: a number of sentences needed to describe t Reachable t { t 1, t 2, t 5, t 7 }, { t 1, t 3, t 5, t 7 }, { t 1, t 4, t 6, t 7 } Unreachable t { t 2, t 3, t 4 }, { t 5, t 6 }, { t 2, t 3, t 6 }, { t 4, t 5 }

14 Finding objects hidden by others: Originally an outdoor activity for children to find objects hidden by others. Searching for clues and answers using Internet: In the online activity, a treasure hunt is an activity in which one searches for clues and answers using the Internet. Treasure Hunt

15 Good problem-solving approach to learning ( Marcus and Beck, 2003 ) Effective model for inquiry-based learning ( Hamelin, 2004 ) Useful to review students’ learning with fun and thrills ( Blas et al., 2004 ) Treasure Hunt Model

16 Web-based single player game Adventure game Stage-based game Finding some hidden treasure among fake treasure with given clues A Treasure Hunt Game

17 Unearthing treasure and exploring treasure islands and dungeons Threats from wild animals, pirates and so forth Helps and clues from NPCs Library event Quiz event A Treasure Hunt Game

18 Treasure => concept to be learned Clues => description of treasure concepts Fake treasure and threat => concept unrelated to treasure concepts All names of the game objects except for fake treasure and threats => concepts related to treasure concepts Adapted Treasure Hunt Game for Learning

19 NPC personifying a concept Library event => Web searching for treasure concept Quiz event => Testing for measuring student’s understanding Dynamically generated next stage storyline with next concepts to be learned Adapted Treasure Hunt Game for Learning

20 Architecture of Web-based Learning Game Subsystem Learning-Oriented Search Engine Interface Academic Dictionary Database Course Knowledge Base Membership Management Treasure Hunt Game Clue Development Engine Game Database User Knowledge Base

21 Example: Part of Term Relationship Graph for Textbook (data communications,2,17) (data representation,4,1) (text,5,5) (introduction,1,17) (components,3,17) (direction data flow,6,1) (networks,8,2) (ascii,5,3) (extended ascii,5,3) (unicode, 5,4) (iso,5,2) (numbers,5,4) (images, 5,13) (audio, 5,4) (video, 5,2) (simplex, 7,4) (half duplex, 7,6) (full duplex, 7,6)

22 Example: Game Objects and Concepts Game ObjectsLearning Concepts Event 1Introduction NPC 1Data communications NPC 2Components Place 1Protocol Place 2Data representation, Extended ASCII, Unicode, ISO, Numbers, Images, Audio, Video Threat 1Text Threat 2ASCII

23 Example: A Treasure Map Data Representation Mountain Data communications Unicode ISO Numbers Audio Video Components Protocol Village Event 1 Start Quiz End Threat Help Fake treasure Real treasure Event Extende d ASCII Images Text ASCII

24 Conclusions The Goal of WLSS is to provide a highly motivated learning environment with well-organized knowledge base. Web-based learning game subsystem in WLSS stimulates students motivation of learning. Learning order index represents student’s preference about learning objects. The treasure hunt game is a good model for Web-based learning game.

25 JingTao Yao DongWon Kim Joseph P. Herbert Department of Computer Science Supporting Online Learning with Games

26 Where is Regina?

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