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4th Grade Playbook.

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1 4th Grade Playbook

2 Chanhassen Storm Football Goals
Coach Bill Rosburg Chanhassen Storm Football Goals Provide a rewarding team experience for young people in our community. Hire knowledgeable, student centered leaders and create an environment for them to succeed.  Ensure that all participants reach their potential, be it professionally, academically or athletically.  Teach more than football.  Establish urgency in all that we do.  Build a “football family” that community members, staff and players of all ages want to be a part of. “They won’t care what you say until they know that you care…….about each of them, as individuals first, then a football players.”

3 Do’s Practice Planning: coaches should have a written practice plan. Practices that are organized and actively ensure that all kids are involved in learning. Reward positive attendance, promptness, attitude, effort and team spirit. Be sure that all players have a role that they understand and find value in. Especially those that are the “least capable.” Assign player captains and rotate weekly. Set team goals and refer to them often. They don’t have to be football specific. Ex. “Great attitude and team chemistry”……Give examples of teams that exhibit these qualities or traits. Keep practice drills short and give them names. You can use those provided or come up with others and even name them after players that demonstrate great hustle, etc; in that drill. Be sure to make the experience as important as the trophy. “Focus on the process, not the prize.” Teach more than football. Talk about qualities of character that will make them successful in football and in life……Discipline, Hard Work, Integrity, Playing with Class, etc; Coaches must support each other. When sharing your vision to parents or others in the community it should be the same message from all of us. Hard work is Fun! Give examples of how hard work has paid off in your own lives.

4 Don’t(s) Never use profane language and don’t allow it coming from the kids either. Never grab a player by the facemask. If you need to have the player's complete attention say, "Look me in the eye". Never put player safety second. Don't forget to work on special teams. Don't forget to teach the players the rules. Don't forget to tell players WHY they are doing a drill, skill, tactic, etc. Don't forget to plan each practice. Don't act like a Drill Sergeant! Don't forget to coach the entire team. Players of all abilities need your attention. Don't waste time on excessive conditioning. Work fast on football skills to condition your players. Don't forget to insist that the players drink water. Bring extra water for the players that forget. Don't scrimmage too much. 1. Risk of Injury is greater. 2. Reduces the number of Reps you can get in due to "un pile time". 3. Difficult to see blown assignments or poor technique Don't practice after dark (for safety reasons). Don't do hitting drills with too much space. The players should not have room to get up a full head of steam. All hitting drills need to have restricted space. Don't mismatch players in drills. Be sure to match them up by size and ability.

5 Parent/Player Meeting Example
The following is an example as to what you may want to include in your parents meeting. The content is up to you but we strongly recommend that you have a meeting following the first or second practice once your teams are in place. Introduce Coaches Players Introduce themselves Set Expectations: When Coaches Talk Players Listen Players should pay attention during drills and watch and learn from others when not involved in a drill. Parents and players are encouraged to ask questions. EFFORT and ATTITUDE critical to getting better as a team SPORTSMANSHIP is expected from all: Coaches, Players and Parents Player to call ahead if late or missing practice or game Ask players to bring water only The playing time requirement is 50% It is critical that parents be on time or schedule alternative pick-up of child No equipment or trash left on the field following practices or games Go over planned schedule (practice times). All equipment must be present and in good repair or the child can not practice or play. Ask for volunteer parent coordinator to assist with communication/scheduling changes. Encourage players and parents to read the rules at:

6 Introductions: Player/Coach Dev. Comm. , Grade Comm
Introductions: Player/Coach Dev. Comm., Grade Comm. and Storm Coaches, Board Members CCFA Storm Goals: Implement a structured, grade specific, Storm FB feeder program. This will build a Storm FB Community!! CCFA Storm Coach Commitment: “Teach the System” We want Coach Rosburg to be able to play a game within two days of practice because the kids are familiar with the high school program’s numbering system, the formations, the huddle, the snap count, etc. Therefore, the CCFA strongly recommends that our coaches put in place the varsity Storm program.   By using standard numbering system and some basic plays, we will take a major step in improving the CCFA. The advantages will be: The kids will not have to learn a new system if they change coaches. Coaches can spend more time working on fundamentals rather than teaching their plays. When the kids get into 9th grade, they will already be familiar with the high school plays and numbering system When the kids go to Storm games, they will recognize some of the same plays they are running. We are asking each coach to teach these plays to their team and use them in games. You are also encouraged to develop some of your own plays that are consistent with this system.

7 Offense

8 Offensive Philosophy The Storm offense will be Patient and Disciplined! The Storm offense will Control the Ball and dominate the Time of Possession! The Storm offense will be kept Simple! The Storm offense will have Balance! The Storm offense will be Prepared to attack any and all defensive fronts and coverages. As an Offense…… We will all speak the same language, and relay the same message to players. We will trust and listen to each other. We will find creative ways to get the ball into the hands of our playmakers! We will attack the weaknesses of the defense by having plays that attack every gap, stretch defenses vertically as well as horizontally.

9 Veer Offensive Positions
FB LE RT RG LG LT HB WB RE QB C Key Blocking Points Know the snap count – beat the defender off the ball with your first two power steps Deliver a blow – be explosive on contact with your hips and get to the leverage position Know where the ball is going – beat the defender to the point of attack by stepping with the correct first foot and getting your helmet on the ball side Be fundamentally better – always be the low man and maintain the leverage position with a good “z-in-the-knee” Finish strong – accelerate through your man while keeping your neck strong and head up

10 Backfield Numbering System
Holes are numbered odd to the left and even to the right Backfield Numbering System RB on the right is 2 (HB), RB on the left is 3 (FB) 4 1 3 2

11 Huddle The QB will be in the front of the huddle facing the team. He will be the only one to speak in the huddle. QB will call the play one time, C will sprint to the line get into the down position. The QB calls the play a second time. On completion the team will yell break, clap and sprint to line and get into down position. Line of Scrimmage QB LT RT LG C RG LE RE 3 4 2 Cadence The biggest thing we stress in the cadence is that we vary it! We leave it up to the QB to change the cadence every play or two. “Down” “Color + Number” “Ready” “Go”

12 Wing Right 1 4 3 2 Wing Left 4 1 3 2

13 Ace Right 2 4 3 1 Ace Left 2 4 3 1

14 Duce- 8th Grade ONLY 3 4 1 2 Ace 4 1 2 3

15 Backs line up directly over Guards
Layout Splits Line Gaps = 3’ 6 yards 2 4 1 4 yards 3 3 2 1 yard 2 Backs line up directly over Guards 2 yards 8 yards 3 4 yards 4 1 1/2 yard 3 2

16 Tags KEEP: It tells QB that no matter what the running play is called, he will pull the ball and KEEP it himself (QB FOLLOW). MAX: Tells both Tight-ends to stay in and block. TED: Tells the backside TE to stay in and block. Go: Tells WRs that we want to fake the route called and get vertical. Example: 544 GO - The WR would fake the 4 route (hitch) and go deep. Flat: Tells the tagged player to run a pass route that is flat (parallel) to the line of scrimmage.

17 QB Steps 36 Power 22 Lead 22 Base
QB Opens to his left (reverse out) by stepping with his left foot at 6 o’clock. 2nd Step is a gather step with right foot. The mesh point with RB is directly behind the center 2 ½ yards deep. After handing ball off, QB should boot out to his left. (For 35 Power, QB will step with right foot at 6 O’Clock) 22 Lead QB should open to his left (reverse out) by stepping with his left foot at 6 o’clock. 2nd step will cross over your left foot. The mesh point will come in the 2 hole. After handing ball off, QB should boot out to his left (For 21 Lead, QB will step with right foot at 6 o’clock) 22 Base QB should open to his right with a 6 inch step with right foot at 3 o’clock. 2nd step is a gather step with left foot. Mesh point is directly in the two hole. (For 31 BASE, QB should open to his left with a 6 inch step with left foot at 9 o’clock.)

18 QB Steps 28 Toss 36 Cross Buck 18 Sweep 28 Reverse
QB will open to his left by stepping with his left foot and opening all the way to 3 o’clock. QB will then toss the ball leading the RB outside. Ball can approximately be pitched over RT. After tossing the ball out, QB should boot out to the left. (For 37 Toss, QB should open to his right, by stepping with right foot all the way to 9 o’clock.) 36 Cross Buck QB will open to his right with first step (right foot) at 6 o’clock. 2nd step is a gather step, then give playfake to 2-Back. Mesh point with 3-back is directly behind the center. (For 25 Cross-buck open to his left (left foot) at 6 o’clock.) 18 Sweep QB will open to his right with first step being at 4 o’clock. (17 Sweep, QB will open to his left with first step being at 8 o’clock) 28 Reverse QB will open to his left with first step being at 8 o’clock. 2nd step should help QB get some more depth behind line of scrimmage. Continue down the line, mesh point will come with WR behind the Left Tackle. (27 Reverse, QB will open to his right with first 4 o’clock. Continue down the line)

19 QB Steps 47 Sweep QB should open to his left (reverse out) by stepping with his left foot at 6 o’clock. 2nd step will cross over your left foot. Give play-fake to 2-back and then immediately hand ball off to 4 back, coming around. (48 Sweep; QB should open to his right, by stepping with right foot at 6 o’clock) 26 Belly QB should open to his right with right foot stepping at 3 o’clock, take gather step with left foot. give play-fake to Full-Back. After play-fake step with left again getting depth behind line of scrimmage. Mesh Point with ball carrier will take place over the 2 hole. (45 Belly; QB should open with left foot stepping at 9 o’clock)

20 Backs line up directly over Guards
Layout Splits Line Gaps = 3’ 6 yards 2 4 1 4 yards 3 3 2 1 yard 2 Backs line up directly over Guards 2 yards 8 yards 3 4 yards 4 1 1/2 yard 3 2

21 Run Plays

22 Run Play Summary Power Reverse Base Sneak Belly Toss Cross-Buck
Wing Right 36 Power Ace Left 28 Reverse Wing Left 25 Power Ace Right 27 Reverse Tags: Keep, Bootleg Tag: Keep Base Sneak Wing Right 22 Base Ace Right QB Sneak Wing Left 31 Base Belly Toss Ace 26 Belly Wing Right 28 Toss Ace 45 Belly Wing left 37 Toss Ace Right 46 Belly Tag: Naked Boot Ace Left 45 Belly Cross-Buck Wing Right 36 Cross Buck Wing Left 25 Cross Buck QB Sweep Ace Right 18 Sweep Ace Left 17 Sweep

23 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Right 22 Base 1 4 3 2
QB open to right (3 o’clock) Wing Right 22 Base

24 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Left 31 Base 4 1 3 2
QB open to left (9 o’clock) Wing Left 31 Base

25 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Right 36 Power 1 4 3 2
QB open to left (6 o’clock) Wing Right 36 Power

26 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Left 25 Power 4 1 2 3
QB open to right (6 o’clock) Wing Left 25 Power

27 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Right 36 Cross Buck G 4 1 3 2
QB open to right (6’oclock), fake to 2 Wing Right 36 Cross Buck

28 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Left 25 Cross Buck G 4 1 3 2
QB open to left (6 o’clock), fake to 3 Wing Left 25 Cross Buck

29 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Right 36 Power- Naked Bootleg 1 4 3 2
QB open to left (6 o’clock), fake to 3, run fast! Wing Right 36 Power- Naked Bootleg

30 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Left 25 Power- Naked Bootleg 4 1 2 3
QB open to right (6 o’clock), fake to 2, run fast! Wing Left 25 Power- Naked Bootleg

31 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Right 36 Power- Keep 4 1 3 2
QB open to left (6 o’clock), fake to 3, QB follow blocks Wing Right 36 Power- Keep

32 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Left 25 Power- Keep 4 1 3 2
QB open to right (6 o’clock), fake to 2, follow blocks Wing Left 25 Power- Keep

33 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Right 28 Toss T 1 4 3 2
QB open to left (3 o’clock) Wing Right 28 Toss

34 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Left 37 Toss T 4 1 3 2
QB open to right (9 o’clock) Wing Left 37 Toss

35 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Right 18 Sweep G 2 4 1 3
QB open to right (4 o’clock) and GO. Ace Right 18 Sweep

36 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Left 17 Sweep G 2 1 4 3
QB open to left (8 o’clock) and GO! Ace Left 17 Sweep

37 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Right 27 Reverse c 2 4 1 3
QB open to right (4 o’clock) and GO. Ace Right 27 Reverse

38 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Left 28 Reverse C 2 1 4 3
QB open to left (8 o’clock) and GO! Ace Left 28 Reverse

39 Ace Right 27 Reverse- KEEP
4 1 3 QB open to right (4 o’clock) and GO. Ace Right 27 Reverse- KEEP

40 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Left 28 Reverse- KEEP C 2 1 4 3
QB open to left (8 o’clock) and GO- Fake Handoff - GO ! Ace Left 28 Reverse- KEEP

41 V V V V V V V V V V V 2 4 1 3 Ace Right QB Sneak

42 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Right 46 Belly G 2 4 1 3
QB open to right, fake to 3, step with left Ace Right 46 Belly

43 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Left 45 Belly G 2 4 1 3
QB open to left, fake to 3, step over with right Ace Left 45 Belly

44 Ace Right 46 Belly- Bootleg
V V V V V V V V V V V 2 4 1 3 QB open to right, fake to 3, step with left, then fake 4- GO! Ace Right 46 Belly- Bootleg

45 Ace Left 45 Belly- Naked Bootleg
V V V V V V V V V V V 2 4 1 3 Ace Left 45 Belly- Naked Bootleg

46 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace 46 Belly G 2 4 1 3
QB open to right, fake to 3, step with left Ace 46 Belly

47 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace 25 Belly G 2 4 1 3
QB open to left, fake to 3, step over with right Ace 25 Belly

48 Ace 46 Belly- Naked Bootleg
V V V V V V V V V V V 4 1 2 3 QB open to right, fake to 3, step with left, then fake 4- GO! Ace 46 Belly- Naked Bootleg

49 Ace 25 Belly- Naked Bootleg
V V V V V V V V V V V 4 2 1 3 QB open to left, fake to 3, step over with right, fake to 2- GO! Ace 25 Belly- Naked Bootleg

50 Passing Plays

51 Passing Play Summary Pop Pass Power Pass 3. Quick Pass
Wing Right 36 Pop Pass Wing Left 25 Pop Pass Power Pass Wing Right 36 Power Pass Wing Left 25 Power Pass 3. Quick Pass Ace Right Quick Pass- Max Ace Left Quick Pass- Max 800 Series/ Roll Out Ace Right 817 / 879 Ted Ace 817 / 871 Ted Series/ Roll Out Ace Left 917 / 979 Ted Ace 917 / 971 Ted

52 Passing Tree Middle of Field
Receivers on left side of line of scrimmage: all even routes run to middle of field and all odd routes run to outside/sideline Receivers on right side of line of scrimmage: all even routes run to middle of field and all odd routes run to outside/sideline Middle of Field 5 5 8 8 3 3 7 6 6 7 4 4 2 2 1 1 9 9

53 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Right 36 Pop Pass 1 4 3 2
QB open to left, fake to 3 Wing Right 36 Pop Pass

54 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Left 25 Pop Pass 4 1 3 2
QB open to right, fake to 3 Wing Left 25 Pop Pass

55 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Right 36 Power Pass 4 1 3 2
QB open to left, fake to 3, roll out right Look deep first, then short Wing Right 36 Power Pass

56 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Left 25 Power Pass 4 1 3 2
QB open to left, fake to 2, roll out left Look deep first, then short Wing Left 25 Power Pass

57 800/900 Series 800 = Sprint-out to the right, all linemen step right, back will pick up backside DE. 900 = Sprint-out to the left, all linemen step left, back will pick up backside DE.

58 Rules for 800/900 Series 800 = Sprint-out to the right, all linemen step right, back will pick up backside DE. 900 = Sprint-out to the left, all linemen step left, back will pick up backside DE. First number tells QB to sprint out right or left (812) Second number tells the inside WR what route on the route tree to run (817) Third number tells the widest WR what route to run on the route tree (817) If you are the only WR on your side you run the last number Backside receivers run drag routes

59 V V V V V V V V V V V 4 1 2 3 QB-roll our right. look deep first, then short Ace 817 Ted

60 V V V V V V V V V V V 4 1 2 3 QB- roll right. look deep first, then short Ace 871 Ted

61 V V V V V V V V V V V 4 1 2 3 QB- roll left. look deep first, then short Ace 971 Ted

62 V V V V V V V V V V V 4 1 2 3 QB- roll left. look deep first, then short Ace 917 Ted

63 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Right 817 Ted 2 4 1 3
QB- look deep first, then short Ace Right 817 Ted

64 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Left 917 Ted 2 1 4 3
QB- roll left. look deep first, then short Ace Left 917 Ted

65 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Right 879 Ted 2 4 1 3
QB- roll right, Find 2 back, if not open run or throw away Ace Right 879 Ted

66 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Left 979 Ted 2 1 4 3
QB- roll left. Find 2 back, if not open run or throw away Ace Left 979 Ted

67 V V V V V V V V V V V 2 1 4 3 Ace Left Quick Pass

68 V V V V V V V V V V V Ace Right Quick Pass 2 4 1 3
QB- roll right, Find 2 back, if not open run or throw away Ace Right Quick Pass

69 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing River 22 Lead- BootLeg Pass 1 4 3 2
QB open to left (6’oclock), step over with right (6 o’clock), fake to 2 back, roll right Wing River 22 Lead- BootLeg Pass

70 V V V V V V V V V V V Wing Lake 21 Lead- BootLeg Pass 4 1 3 2
QB open to right (6 o’clock), step over with left (6 o’clock), fake to 2 back, roll left Wing Lake 21 Lead- BootLeg Pass

71 Defense

72 Defense Reminders Philosophy: Coaching Points of Emphasis:
Prevent Points! SCORE! Force Turnovers! Get Ball in Great Field Position! Coaching Points of Emphasis: Technique Great Effort Pursuit “Study Up” - We are better at our defense than the opponent is at their offense. Laws of Tackling: HEAD ACROSS BOW WRAP UP RUN FEET EYES TO THE SKY

73 6-3 Defense Huddle Alignment
6-3 Defensive Positions RCB LCB ROLB MLB LOLB RE RT RG LG LT LE 6-3 Defense Huddle Alignment MLB RCB ROLB LOLB LCB RE RT RG LG LT LE Line of Scrimmage

74 “Missile” / ILB to the (Strong Side of Formation)
V V V V V V V V V V V “Crash” / Outside LB’s V V V V V V V V V V V

75 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V “BUCK” End/OLB X Game
“Stack” V V V V V V V V V V V Inside Linebackers = Align over Offensive Tackle = Read Tackles

76 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V “Double Eagle” “Strong”
Inside Linebackers = Align over Offensive Tackle = Read Tackles “Strong” V V V V V V V V V V V

77 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Slanting – “ICE”
“Nose Twist” V V V V V V V V V V V

78 “SLAM” / Slant (Strong Side of Formation)
V V V V V V V V V V V Nose Twist V V V V V V V V V V V

79 Pass Defense When you KNOW 100% pass: Eyes to the receiver Continue depth Head on swivel, see routes When bottom hand comes off…GO to receiver! Secondary should consider themselves the intended receiver.

80 Special Teams

81 Special Team Considerations
General Advice: Minimize chance for turnovers. Field position is less important in youth football. Most returners are right handed and will run to their right. Kickoffs: The easiest way to give up a TD is to Kickoff deep to your opponent’s best and fastest player. Consider squib (ground ball) and onside kickoffs every time unless you have a comfortable lead. Kick Receiving Teach your players to fair catch a short one "in the air". Cover up onside kicks on the ground. No Clipping Punting Punts are another way to give up an easy TD. Consider not ever punting unless you have a very comfortable lead. Put a talented athlete at long snapper. Cover the backward bounce. Punt away from the returner. Punt Receiving One good athlete Medium deep is enough. Teach all players to leave the punt alone unless they have a lot of room.

82 Kick-off and Receiving Note: Lane Discipline is a Must.

83 Note: Lane Discipline is a Must.
Punting and Receiving RCB LCB ROLB MLB LOLB RE RT RG LG LT LE LE LT LG C RG RT RE WB HB FB QB Note: Lane Discipline is a Must.

84 “They won’t care what you say until they know that you care……
“They won’t care what you say until they know that you care…….about each of them, as individuals first, then a football players.” Coach Bill Rosburg

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