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A look at bystander intervention and diffusion of responsibility. Project by Bryce Monser.

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Presentation on theme: "A look at bystander intervention and diffusion of responsibility. Project by Bryce Monser."— Presentation transcript:

1 A look at bystander intervention and diffusion of responsibility. Project by Bryce Monser

2 Kitty Genovese case John Darley and Bibb Latané Social psychologists Bystander intervention: witnessing an emergency and helping. Diffusion of responsibility: as number of bystanders increases, individuals feel less personal responsibility.

3 GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 METHOD Fake seizure recording

4 Group 1: Less than 1 min. to respond Group 2: more than 3 min. to respond

5 Those who eventually helped, the delay was greater when more bystanders present. Social influence: how behavior changes because of presence of others. Evaluation apprehension: we don’t help because we might be embarrassed or ridiculed.


7 Smoke in room experiment Timed how long until reported smoke Similar results

8 Relating findings to reduce child abuse and domestic violence. Characteristics of people who witness child abuse. Brain immediately “leaps” at chance to assume less responsibility when part of a group.

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