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General Findings Concerning the Magnetospheric Realm ILWS - 11 Science Workshop, Beijing, China, Aug-Sep 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "General Findings Concerning the Magnetospheric Realm ILWS - 11 Science Workshop, Beijing, China, Aug-Sep 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Findings Concerning the Magnetospheric Realm ILWS - 11 Science Workshop, Beijing, China, Aug-Sep 2011

2 Some Questions Addressed  What is a substorm ? A global process by which the magnetosphere unloads stored energy, supplied by the solar wind  However : pseudo-break-ups, isolated flow bursts…

3  “In - Out” versus “Out - In” scenario Old controversy For each scenario there is a story connecting an instability (tail) evolution to that of the aurora THEMIS contribution; both scenarios observed => probably more than one physical mechanisms  Magnetosphere to Ionosphere mapping

4  What are the precursors? Role of auroral streamers as onset precursors  What is the instability that triggers the substorm onset? Reconnection? NENL? Current Disruption? Ballooning?  How does a substorm fit within the larger system dynamics?

5  Where are the “big” substorms? Are substorms occurring during different phases of the Solar Cycle so different?  What is the magnetospheric response to the unusual recent solar minimum? What is the radiation belts response? 2006-2008 radiation belt more robust in the absence of sustained geomagnetic activity Slot region widening in 2008-2009

6  What is the inner magnetosphere response during storms and substorms? The main phase ring current system (“Region-2”) is highly asymmetric and is driven by the pressure of the inner magnetosphere.

7  How is plasma transported in the magnetosphere? How is it accelerated? What is the role of the O + ions outflow?

8 Lessons learnt and What do we need to better understand the magnetospheric dynamics?  Coordinated measurements have revolutionised substorm studies  Global magnetospheric and auroral imaging and multi-probes (accurate in-situ measurements) are proven critical tools  Importance of ground observations, coordinated with space missions  Small and large scale processes, cross-scale coupling (THEMIS, progression from Cluster-Double Star to MMS)  Simultaneous and continuous solar and solar wind monitoring necessary  Simulation and modelling

9 What do we need to better understand the magnetospheric dynamics? Missing strategic link: dedicated line of missions for simultaneous, coordinated in-situ measurements and global observations Need to cover :  the outer magnetosphere  the inner magnetosphere (ring current, radiation belts, plasmasphere)  the auroral region

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