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Matthew 13:24-43 the PARABLE of the WEEDS: This doctrine of the two kingdoms marks out the identity of the church within the global horizon of the politics.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 13:24-43 the PARABLE of the WEEDS: This doctrine of the two kingdoms marks out the identity of the church within the global horizon of the politics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew 13:24-43 the PARABLE of the WEEDS: This doctrine of the two kingdoms marks out the identity of the church within the global horizon of the politics of God and the divine governance of the world. This doctrine draws a distinction between the two ways of God's working in the world, two strategies that God uses to deal with the powers of evil and the reality of sin, two approaches to human beings, to mobilize them for active cooperation in two distinctly different kinds of institutions. One is created as an instrument of governance seeking justice through the administration of law and the preservation of order, and the other as an instrument of the Gospel and its sacraments announcing and mediating an ultimate and everlasting salvation which only Christ can give in an act of unconditional love and personal sacrifice. [2][2]

2 There is, on the one hand, the infinite spiritual “right-hand” kingdom where God has revealed himself in Christ. This is the realm of the Gospel, of grace, faith and love, a realm where God and Christ rule directly and all humans are equal. This realm is a reality in this sinful world. It becomes a reality wherever the Word is proclaimed, the sacraments are administered, and Christ forgives his followers’ sins. Then there is the secular, finite ”left-hand” realm, which is also God’s, however. Here, where man lives his biological life, God never reveals himself but rules in a hidden way through his ”masks” – fallible humans whose errors he will eventually straighten out. In this realm of the Mosaic and natural law, there are superiors and subordinates, and crimes are punished. It functions by reason, a gift from God to man in order to find his way around this world. The relationship between the two kingdoms is not antagonistic but mutually supportive. The spiritual realm – the Church – preaches to the secular kingdom, whose rulers maintain the created order in which alone the Church can function.








10 Emily Was Here!!!!(: Chapman I know you are probably going to be mad that I did this simply because you don’t know I did this ((: but oh well!!(: Have a nice day class oh and Hi Jenny!!!((: I Love You Jenny<3 ((: My Birthday is the 24 th (((:

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