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Software/Equipment Package John Cosgrove.  To integrate technology through equipment and software to better asses students  Add more elements to the.

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1 Software/Equipment Package John Cosgrove

2  To integrate technology through equipment and software to better asses students  Add more elements to the Health and PE realm  Overall improve the learning experience for students and try and pique interest in physical activity

3 Video Camera  Students can be filmed for assessment on certain motor skills or activities that we would be currently learning.  Example: Students can be filmed on their forehand drive in tennis.  Video analysis will aid in easier and faster learning and understanding of motor skills.  High definition and compatibility with video software will create an even better learning experience.  Canon VIXIA HF M500 Full HD Camcorder

4 Canon VIXIA HF M500 Full HD Camcorder  Cost: $499.99  Found at: roducts_id=20681&zmam=80512835&zmas=2&zmac=6&zm ap=20681&gclid=COSI69T_groCFcuY4Aod7CkAnQ roducts_id=20681&zmam=80512835&zmas=2&zmac=6&zm ap=20681&gclid=COSI69T_groCFcuY4Aod7CkAnQ

5 Video Software  To go along with the video camera would be the state of the technology in video software.  This video software will allow for a full array of assessment tools.  You can use the Dartfish software to make very impressive video analysis for your students including StroMotion, SimulCam and video syncing in single or multiple viewing modes.  It has drawing tools such as lines, shapes, angles, and freehand, and you can insert text or your logo on top of the video.

6 Dartfish Connect 6.0  Cost: $1,000.00  Found at:

7 Pedometer  Pedometers can be great to integrate into PE class.  Students can easily track the amount of activity they’ve done and as a teacher I can easily assess their amount of activity.  I can also relate the numbers practically to everyday living and make a lifestyle lesson out of the pedometer use.

8 SM2000 Step Pedometer  Cost: 25 @ $4.00ea = $100.00  Found at: 000&channelid=FROOG&utm_source=CSEs&utm_medium= GoogleShopping&utm_campaign=PedometersUSA&gclid=C L-Q6taMg7oCFY6Y4AodT10ATw 000&channelid=FROOG&utm_source=CSEs&utm_medium= GoogleShopping&utm_campaign=PedometersUSA&gclid=C L-Q6taMg7oCFY6Y4AodT10ATw

9 Interactive Clickers  This is a great way to get students more involved in classroom learning.  Also, it can help me see how much my students know, what their opinions might be on a certain issue, etc.  The Interactive clickers allow for all students to get involved without having to worry about becoming embarrassed by giving the “wrong answer”.  Makes learning fun.

10 SMART Response PE Interactive Response System  Cost: $2,999.00  Found at: cts+for+education/Complementary+hardware+products/SMA RT+Response/SMART+Response+PE cts+for+education/Complementary+hardware+products/SMA RT+Response/SMART+Response+PE

11 Computer  To be able to use most of this equipment and software we need a computer.  A good desktop computer will aid in using Dartfish to assess students, creating PowerPoint's for classes and using the interactive clickers for lessons.  Only the best for my children, so we’re going with a Dell XPS.

12 Dell XPS 27 Touch All-in-One (2720)  Cost: $1749.99  Found at: 883155734&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC- GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-All+Desktop+PCs-_- N82E16883155734&gclid=CIrstfLghLoCFU6Y4Aod6FYArg 883155734&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC- GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-All+Desktop+PCs-_- N82E16883155734&gclid=CIrstfLghLoCFU6Y4Aod6FYArg

13 Wrap-Up  With this equipment/software package I believe I will be able to assess students at a new level that I would not otherwise be able to achieve.  I believe my students will be more interactive and want to learn more.  Total Cost: $6,348.98  And remember…it’s for the kids.

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