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Special Theory of The Human Experience

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1 Special Theory of The Human Experience
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Special Theory of The Human Experience Courage and clarity in the face of complexity, agility for continuous change and growth, peaceful mind to sustain paradox, and a vision of all things connected. Courage and clarity in the face of complexity, agility for continuous change and growth, peaceful mind to sustain paradox, and a vision of all things connected. Presented by Kenan Doyle Branam ~ Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

2 I think, therefore, I am …I think.
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Special Theory of The Human Experience Now we will play “name that tune” Moody Blues Deram (Decca), Vinyl mono: Deram DML Vinyl stereo: Deram SML CD: Deram At the release of this album, The Moody Blues comprised: Justin Hayward, John Lodge, Mike Pinder, Ray Thomas & Graeme Edge. On The Threshold Of  A Dream In The Beginning [first man] I think; I think I am; therefore I am; I think [establishment] Of course you are, my bright little star, I've miles And miles Of files Pretty files of your forefathers' fruit and now to suit our great computer You're [sic] magnetic ink. [first man] I'm more than that; I know I am; at least, I think I must be. [inner man] There you go, man, keep as cool as you can, Face piles of trials With smiles. It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave And keep on thinking free. I think, therefore, I am …I think. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

3 Media Careers Kenan Doyle Branam Art & Science Television Producer
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Kenan Doyle Branam Allow me to introduce myself… I’m going to montage you with a fast trip through many “life times” or careers. [POLL THE PEOPLE IN THE SEMINAR NOW] BTW, neither is my life path linear…a lot of branching and parallels. [ I was born on Perl Harbor Day in 1940 with a Number 2 pencil in my hand and was sketching before I could talk. Actually, it took me about 50 years to learn to talk. Now, I can’t shut up! I was Really Right Brained. In high school and college, I painted with pastel and oil. In the cultural environment of Tyler, Texas I felt like an odd duck, having both an interest in science and art, but found my role models in such as Leonardo D'Vinci and Michelangelo, and later in Einstein, later in Tim Berners-Lee, and other Web-Brained thinkers. (Saxon taught me to solve problems in math.) In 1959, in my senior year of high school, I got my first job in broadcast television at KLTV in Tyler, Texas. After graduation, I moved to Austin and worked at KTBC about 50 hours a week & attended The University majoring in Physics and Mathematics…bootlegging art courses. I never understood why I couldn’t take art courses in the school of Arts & Sciences. In 1965, I moved to Houston to work at KPRC, Channel 26 and Channel 39. I directed the Noon shows, 10 o’clock news, kiddy shows, and commercial spot production… …. still bootlegging art courses at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. In broadcast TV, I had a green-room view of the events of the world… behind the scenes, reading between the lines of mass consciousness. Making art out of retail product shots, automobiles, and sexy ice cream, and fashion. Women’s Ware Daily*** In the early 70s, I was recruited into the advertising agency world with S. L. Brown as the first recruit with television experience, where I learned to buy all media demographically, produce radio, television, outdoor and newspaper, and create Regional American Motors media. At Goodwin Dannenbaum, Littman & Wingfield, Houston’s largest independent agency…I produce Texas statewide political commercials and weekly retail spots for Foley’s department store.. taking them from three stores to 15. We won awards from Women’s Wear Daily for our fashion spots. Then with an agency in Galveston, I produced spots for city tourism and a series of documentaries on Galveston historical district renaissance: The Strand, the Grand Opera House, and ten of the oldest homes and mansions on the island. It was almost a decade before I found video a better medium for my creative spirit: It Moved and made Sounds! As an artist, I approached the video medium in the same spirit as a graphic artist…fully immersed in the possibilities and limitations of the various media–asking what can I do with oil paint, wood, stone, oil paint, photography, etc. (playing the video) Hey guys! This was before digital effects! We had “feedback” – the essential nature of the video media. And, for the first time, I really became interested in the abstract of the video media… seeing the harmonics of scan lines and standing-waves producing images from the real world as well as an imaginary world. I saw the future of digital art and … then the world of Rock & Roll Video… what I called Vusic!! Ten years before ABC in concert aired the first music videos in Stereo, I produced the first commercial broadcast of television simultaneously on radio—a simul-cast. I was leaving my lonely world of individualistic artist in favor of Group Art.. inspired by the Beatles, Moody Blues, and others. Television was all about team work and real-time performance. […….. And one of the first, special interest television series, the American Horse & Horseman Show… syndicated in 63 cities around the United States. 15 Episodes Staring Dale Robertson…and Lady Bird Johnson’s $100,000 Arabian… And some TV campaigns for Shell-Agrahealth. [PLAY VIDEO] Horses and young ladies… Broadcast TV doesn’t get much sexier than that! Again, kind of like bootlegging art courses, --- From 1974 to 1984, I studied Gestalt Therapy and other cognitive modalities while living in an intentional Gestalt community in downtown Houston. I received a Mastership in Gestalt Awareness from the Gestalt Institute of Houston with over 3300 hours of internship… 8 years! Doctors, Leland Johnson and Maryann Merksamer who was a student of Fritz Perls, were my mentors and fellow staff. Guest faculty included Frank Rubenfeld, Ilana Rubenfeld, Eric Marcus, Jean Houston, Leonard Orr, and other nationally recognized leaders in the Association for Humanistic Psychology. The Gestalt approach to individual therapy as practiced by Fritz Perls, is a way of being with your self and in relationship that enhances personal growth and healing. The technique combines, not only the ancient concepts of yoga, T’a Chi, but modern therapies developed in the last forty years by psychologist such as Abraham Maslow (Maslow Hierarchy), Carl Rogers (Person Centered Therapy), Moreno (Psychodrama, the precursor of The Method - Stanislavski ), Virginia Satir, Eric Berne, James Hillman, and many other humanistic psychologists. Gestalt techniques are also used by many therapist in individual, family systems, and recover programs. [As an independent producer, I worked directly with clients:, Fortune 500 CEOs, human resource managers, marketing department managers, technical experts, and U.S. Presidents. I produced everything from retail employee training, energy business how-to, business-to-business marketing, to waste management services. In 1994, as the World Wide Web began to appear in the media news, I plunged into the New Media… wanting to immerse myself in understanding the Web and hypertext as I did in video. Growing up in video, I knew would be different than learning a whole new medium, but I knew there would be a Art to it as well. Today, I work mostly on the Web. I have a vision that integrates Web technologies, motion media, and even interactive broadcast television. Teacher/Philosopher As I said, I finally learned to speak. I started speaking, teaching, and facilitating in “sink or swim” encounter groups, later, video production crews, and in many, many opportunities as an ITVA Chapter Leader. I love the media, of course, as you all do or you wouldn’t be here today. I’m biased, of course, I believe that the media represents, reflects, and to a growing degree, manipulates mass consciousness of our culture, and more everyday, the rest of the world. I believe it is our responsibility to use the power of the media to educate, heal, and evolve our mass consciousness. My life is as a student. I approached every phase of my life as an opportunity to learn more about myself and the world I live in. So, I continue to study, not just the latest media technology and all things that touch it… and everything does. Not just the new media but all that we have inherited from human history of communication arts & sciences from our first grunts and sign language, cave drawings, monuments, to the future technologies, … all are media. In effect, the Theory of Everything. Media Careers Art & Science Television Producer Video Artist Gestalt Facilitator Media Consultant Teacher/Philosopher Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

4 Human Consciousness Assertion: Today’s Message
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Human Consciousness Assertion: The human consciousness has been limited by language and other media of communication in thinking, learning, and understanding the nature of our universe. Now, the Internet is a technological projection of our physical nervous system. The Internet enables and challenges us to expand our thinking into multiple dimensions. The Theory of Everything Today’s Message Assertion: The human consciousness has been limited by language and other media of communication in thinking, learning, and understanding the nature of our universe. Now, the Internet is a technological projection of our physical nervous system…not our highway infrastructure. The Internet enables and challenges us to expand our thinking into multiple dimensions. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

5 The Theory of Everything
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 The Theory of Everything Does the Universe exist without human consciousness? What the Bleep do we know! Perhaps we will never know. How could we? The Theory of Everything Does the universe exist without human observation and understanding? What the Bleep do we know! Perhaps we will never know…. How could we? Certainly, we can’t answer that question today so… in the spirit of the conference on SynRG, let’s assume that the Universe and Human Consciousness are INSEPERATABLE. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

6 The Theory of Everything
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 The Theory of Everything The world is a projection of ourselves, and to understand the world we must understand ourselves. The world is not separate from us; we are the world, and our problems are the world's problems. J. Krishnamurti, Krishnamurti on Self-Knowledge Let’s also suppose as Krishnamurti and other great thinkers say, scientist and philosophers, that … The world is a projection of ourselves and to understand the world we must understand ourselves. The world is not separate from us; we are the world, and our problems are the world's problems. J. Krishnamurti, Krishnamurti on Self-Knowledge Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

7 Special Theory of Relativity
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Special Theory of Relativity The formula is too often seen only as a linear and quantitative equations. It’s not! The formula implies that the space/time continuum is more than four dimensional. Space and time warp, mass can’t be explained without gravity, and conceptualizing non-linear time is very difficult for most, because most humans still “think” in a flat world! It’s just a special case theory. Einstein never finished conceptualizing his Unified Field Theory e=mc² The formula implies that the space/time continuum is more than four dimensional. Space and time warp, mass can’t be explained without gravity, and conceptualizing non-linear time is very difficult for most, because most humans still “think” in a flat world! Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

8 Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Synergistic Thinkers NOW, in the spirit of SynRG, let’s LOAD into the RAM of our consciousness several references from other great relativistic, Synergistic thinkers. Mathematicians work in a multidimensional language to describe universes which many cannot even imagine in their mind’s eye. Now, here is a multi-dimensional thinker who could even draw in multi-dimensions: M. C. Escher, also, a mathematician and, notably, an Artist, said : …Perhaps I am not far removed from Einstein's curved universe". “… Perhaps I am not far removed from Einstein's curved universe". M. C. Escher Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

9 Quantum Physics Wholeness & the Implicate Order
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Quantum Physics Wholeness & the Implicate Order “… a system cannot be analyzed into parts. This leads to the radically new notion of unbroken wholeness of the entire universe. You cannot take it apart. For if you do, what you end up with is not contained within the original whole. It is created by the act of analysis." David Bohm Webpage Quantum Physics: Wholeness & the Implicate Order David Bohm Matter is not a “thing,” it is energy IN the Field. It is a Process, a form, MEDIUM. Whether human consciousness creates the forms and meaning is quite the controversy! Underlying David Bohm’s innovative approach to the fundamental idea that beyond the visible, tangible world there lies a deeper, implicate order of wholeness. Bohm believes that life and consciousness are enfolded deep in the generative order and are therefore present in varying degrees of unfoldment in all matter, including supposedly "inanimate" matter such as electrons or plasmas. He suggests that there is a "protointelligence" in matter, so that new evolutionary developments do not emerge in a random fashion but creatively as relatively integrated wholes from implicate levels of reality. The mystical connotations of Bohm's ideas are underlined by his remark that the implicate domain "could equally well be called Idealism, Spirit, Consciousness. The separation of the two -- matter and spirit -- is an abstraction. The ground is always one." (Quoted in Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe, HarperCollins, New York, 1991, p. 271.) Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

10 Complexity A New Kind of Science Stephen Wolfram
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Complexity A New Kind of Science Stephen Wolfram Creator of Mathematica Cellular automata A New Kind of Science 2002 – Stephen Wolfram - Mathematica 1988 By the mid-1990s his discoveries led him to develop a fundamentally new conceptual framework, applying to many existing foundational problems in physics, biology, computer science, mathematics and several other fields. Paradigm shift of historic proportions. Cellular automata provide simple discrete deterministic mathematical models for physical, biological and computational systems. Despite their simple construction, cellular automata are shown to be capable of deterministically, complicated behavior, and to generate complex patterns with universal features. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

11 Special Theory of Relativity
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Special Theory of Relativity E=MC2 This is the 100 anniversary of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity and his assertions, also, that All things are Connected “A human being is part of the Whole... He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.” e=mc2 Energy= Mass times the Speed of Light squared e=mc² “A human being is part of the Whole... He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.” Albert Einstein Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

12 Special Theory of Media Consciousness
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Special Theory of Media Consciousness Let’s turn the equation around 180. Permit me an iso morphism "spin" on Einstein's formula. <!-- In mathematics, an (in Greek isos = equal and morphe = shape) is a kind of mapping between objects. Douglas Hofstadter provides an informal definition: The word "isomorphism" applies when two complex structures can be mapped onto each other, in such a way that to each part of one structure there is a corresponding part in the other structure, where "corresponding" means that the two parts play similar roles in their respective structures. (Gödel, Escher, Bach, p. 49) -- > Let’s suppose that: Then, C which equals the speed of Light, a “constant”, they say. Consciousness is often referred to as “light”…like human cognition which has “content & context”. Let’s suppose that C squared refers to Consciousness “reflecting” on itself Or consciousness “shared” with others beings in some Form of Communication. M equates to Mass which is Form – STUFF --like the path of movement of smaller particles in an atom– a kind of MEDIUM. E equals Energy equates to the Human Experience. Experience is like Energy, both which we still cannot define in clearer terms than “something that happens” an “action” or “movement of something” in a kind of process or pattern… Perhaps we could phrase the equation like this: Consciousness Communicated through a Medium creates the Human Experience. e=mc² e = energy ~ The Human Experience m = mass ~ Medium ~ Form ~ Meaning c = light ~ Consciousness ~ Cognition squared ~ Consciousness Communicated Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

13 Mass Media Consciousness
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Mass Media Consciousness Why the bleep should be care? Inquiring minds want to know? Yep! Nothing else travels at the speed of light? Information, communication does! The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman After 100 years that Einstein presented his theory, most people have no idea what it means. Even though Mass Media makes 7-second sound bytes out of it and mentions a few movies, such as What the Bleep Do We Know, we still live in a Flat World culture and conceptualize in maybe two-dimensions of space plus time. Why should we care? Inquiring minds want to know? Yep! Nothing travels at the speed of light? Information does! business processes do! Our daily lives are speeding up exponentially! Mr. Friedman’s book The World is Flat, though he clarifies some important effects of Globalization, I think uses the wrong metaphor. [explain how communications technology warps geography/space.] Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

14 c ~ Consciousness “There is no way in which to understand the world
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c ~ Consciousness “There is no way in which to understand the world without first detecting it through the radar-net of our senses.” Diane Ackerman Neuro-Psychologist C~Consciousness Diane Ackerman “There is no way in which to understand the world without first detecting it through the radar-net of our senses.” “A poem records emotions and moods that lie beyond normal language, that can only be patched together and hinted at metaphorically. “ The cognitive process is multidimensional, perhaps beyond the four dimensions of time and space. There is no single first step or linear path for our logical mind to follow but a complex of many connections and relationships. The multidimensional nature of cognition is also the reason interactive programs are more effective for education, training, or motivation. Involvement process, as well as data, enhances memory retention and understanding. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

15 c ~ Consciousness Perception Awareness Attention (Focus)
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c ~ Consciousness Perception Awareness Attention (Focus) Stimulus/Response Pattern Recognition Association Concept Formulation Creative Adaptation C ~ Consciousness Perception Awareness Attention (Focus) Stimulus/Response Pattern Recognition Association Concept Formulation Creative Adaptation Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

16 c ~ Consciousness (Synaesthesia)
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c ~ Consciousness (Synaesthesia) noun:   a sensation that normally occurs in one sense modality occurs when another modality is stimulated Wikipedia Synaesthesia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. noun:   a sensation that normally occurs in one sense modality occurs when another modality is stimulated Note: there is also an industrial music band called Synæsthesia. Does a form of synaesthesia exist in everyone? It appears that people may not attach sounds to shapes arbitrarily. A remote tribe calls one of these shapes Booba and the other Kiki. Decide which is which, then click through to find the most common answer. Synaesthesia (also spelled synesthesia); from the Greek (syn-) “union”, and (aesthesis) “sensation”; is the neurological mixing of the senses. A synaesthete may, for example, hear colors, see sounds, and taste tactile sensations. Although this may happen in a person who has autism, it is by no means exclusive to autistics. Synaesthesia is a common effect of some hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD or mescaline. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

17 c ~ Consciousness Figure/ground Discrimination Assimilation
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c ~ Consciousness Gestalt Process Figure/ground Discrimination Assimilation Integration Reformation c ~ Consciousness Gestalt Process Figure/ground Discrimination Assimilation Integration Reformation Neuroses Projection, Introjection, Retroflection, Confluence, Deflection Gestalt theorists are among the earliest theorist to look at the problem of pattern recognition. They postulate that we perceive stimuli as a whole pattern. That is, that individual parts have no meaning independent of the whole but combine to revel an identifiable pattern. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

18 C² ~ Communication Information is Relationship
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 C² ~ Communication Information is Relationship “Knowledge thus exists in relationship rather than in an ‘objective’ world or in ‘subjective’ experience. In information theory, ‘information’ is defined in terms of a ‘relationship’ between an input and a receiving devise. A book contains no information for someone who can't read.” The Holographic Model John R. Battista Information IS Relationship Making sense is about having an integrated experience: seeing, hearing, touching, and other senses. Understanding requires an interactive experience, a relationship, with someone, something, some event, or some concept. The cognitive process is multidimensional, perhaps beyond the four dimensions of time and space. There is no single first step or linear path for our logical mind to follow but a complex of many connections and relationships. The multidimensional nature of cognition is also the reason interactive programs are more effective for education, training, or motivation. Involvement process, as well as data, enhances memory retention and understanding. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

19 c²m ~ Communication Through Media
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Communication Through Media The Medium … language, an intentional invention, an organization of information, is a medium. Face to face (through the air, basic human senses is a medium) Sign language Voice language Broadcast medium Theatre Books Telephone Radio Television The Internet & the Web Face to face Sign language Voice language Theatre Broadcast medium Books Telephone Radio Television The Web medium Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

20 c²m ~ Communication Through Media
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Communication Through Media The Medium is the Massage 1967 The medium is the massage… not the message. It certainly is important in the formula. It provides a channel for communication and ultimately determines the Experience. “The Medium is the Massage.” The medium is a channel through which data, in-form-ation, is communicated. Herbert Marshall McLuhan The Official Website The Book Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

21 c²m ~ Form In-FORM-ation
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form C2M ~ FORM Information is data organized in a meaningful way. In-formed – un-folded through a medium. In-FORM-ation Information is data organized in a meaningful way…“in-formed”, “un-folded” through a medium. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

22 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Sacred Geometry Fractals Fullerenes Human Genome
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Sacred Geometry Fractals Fullerenes Human Genome System Theory c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Sacred Geometry Fractals Fullerenes Human Genome System Theory Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

23 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Sacred Geometry Geometrical archetypes
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Sacred Geometry Geometrical archetypes permeate the structure of all organic and inorganic form, from the minuscule to cosmic, and define principles of interconnectedness, inseparability, and relationship underlying all the physical universe. The Healing Wisdom of Sacred Geometry -Robert J. Gilbert, PhD. Sacred Geometry Home Page- Bruce Rawles Sacred Geometry Home Page by Bruce Rawles In nature, we find patterns, designs and structures from the most minuscule particles, to expressions of life discernible by human eyes, to the greater cosmos. These inevitably follow geometrical archetypes, which reveal to us the nature of each form and its vibrational resonances. They are also symbolic of the underlying metaphysical principle of the inseparable relationship of the part to the whole. It is this principle of oneness underlying all geometry that permeates the architecture of all form in its myriad diversity. This principle of interconnectedness, inseparability and union provides us with a continuous reminder of our relationship to the whole, a blueprint for the mind to the sacred foundation of all things created. Updated 4 April All work copyright (c) Bruce A. Rawles - All Rights Reserved Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

24 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning The Golden Mean (or Golden Section),
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning The Golden Mean (or Golden Section), is one of many mysterious natural numbers that seem to arise out of the basic structure of our cosmos. Unlike those abstract numbers, it appears clearly and regularly in the realm of things that grow and unfold in steps, and that includes living things. Michael's Crazy Enterprises, Inc. The Golden Mean (or Golden Section), is one of many mysterious natural numbers that seem to arise out of the basic structure of our cosmos. Unlike those abstract numbers, it appears clearly and regularly in the realm of things that grow and unfold in steps, and that includes living things. Michael's Crazy Enterprises, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

25 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Fractal Forms
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Fractal Forms A mathematics-based, computer imaging science enabling visual understanding of natural processes such as weather forecasting, population biology, political, and economic analysis. MJ’s Fractal Gallery FRACTALS Fractal geometry models objects that are infinitely complex. It is a better way to describe the objects we see in our daily lives. The idea of a "fractal" was proposed by Mandelbrot (Gleick 1987). He defines it as a curve which is independent of scale; this is a key fractal property referred to as self-similarity. This means that no matter how closely we focus in on any part of the curve, there is more complexity, and an identical form to the whole. A fractal dimension provides a way to measure the roughness of fractal curves. With traditional Euclidean objects, a point has a dimension of 0, a line has a dimension of 1, a plane has a dimension of 2, and a solid has a dimension of 3. With fractals, the dimension is not necessarily an integer. Green states that "the dimension of a fractal curve is a number that characterizes the way in which the measured length between given points increases as scale decreases" (1995). A jagged line would have dimension between 1 and 2; and a cloud would have a dimension between 3 and 4. Hence, the fractal dimension can be looked at as a measurement of the roughness of the curve. It lies within its topological dimension. Fractals Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

26 Form Is Meaning Fullerenes
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Form Is Meaning Fullerenes Carbon 60, a hollow cluster of pure carbon atoms, is the roundest, most symmetrical large molecule known. It is very strong and stable, capable of surviving the temperature extremes of outer space. 1985 -Rice University by Richard E. Smalley, Harry Kroto, and associates Fullerenes Carbon 60, a hollow cluster of carbon atoms, is the roundest, most symmetrical large molecule known. It is exceedingly rugged and very stable, capable of surviving the temperature extremes of outer space. Carbon readily forms complex molecules that are the basis of the chemistry of living organisms and of the nearly infinite variety of industrial polymers that give us synthetic fibers and plastics. The discovery was serendipitous. It came inadvertently in 1985 during research at Rice University by Richard E. Smalley, Harry Kroto, and their associates--fundamental experiments aimed at understanding how long-chain molecules are formed in outer space. Carbon, of course, is one of the most versatile of all atoms. It readily forms complex molecules that are the basis of the chemistry of living organisms and of the nearly infinite variety of industrial polymers that give us synthetic fibers and plastics. Even the pure forms of carbon, graphite and diamond, have important commercial uses, from industrial lubricants to cutting tools. So it might seem obvious that the unique properties and intricate structure of buckminsterfullerene would also lead to important technological applications. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

27 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Human Genome All matter contains information.
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Human Genome All matter contains information. “Mapping” the genome confronts us with the astounding realization that form has meaning. Meaning is not so much in the individual molecules but in their relationship to the whole pattern of the gene. Human Genome All matter contains information. “Mapping” the genome confronts us with the astounding realization that form has meaning. Meaning is not so much in the individual molecules but in their relationship to the whole pattern of the gene. On the threshold of a brave new world Two separate groups of researchers have published the results of their quest to produce the master blueprint of a human in scientific journals. The massive database of the tens of thousands of genes in the human body, collectively known as the genome, promises to revolutionize medicine in the coming decades. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

28 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Systems Theory
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Systems Theory Many so called “Systems” theories, attempt to define, structure, and control various complex (chaotic?) living systems existing at the cell, organ, organism, group, organization, society, political, and astronomical levels. Wikipedia Systems Theory or systemics is an interdisciplinary field which studies systems as a whole. Many so called “Systems” theories, attempt to define, structure, and control various complex (chaotic?) living systems existing at the cell, organ, organism, group, organization, society, political, and astronomical levels. Systems theory was founded by Ludwig von Bertalanffy, William Ross Ashby and others between the 1940s and the 1970s on principles from physics, biology and engineering and later grew into numerous fields including philosophy, sociology, organizational theory, management, psychotherapy (within family systems therapy) and economics among others. Cybernetics is a closely related field. In recent times complex systems has increasingly been used as a synonym. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

29 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Information Theory Past Paradigm
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Information Theory Past Paradigm Present Paradigm Future Paradigm Information Theory Past Paradigm Present Paradigm Future Paradigm Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

30 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Past Paradigm Centric Linear logic (1D+Time)
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Past Paradigm Centric Linear logic (1D+Time) Segregated Filtered (Reductionistic) Static Structure Past Paradigm Centric Linear logic (1D+Time) Segregated Filtered (Reductionistic) Static Structure Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

31 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Present Paradigm Distributed
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Present Paradigm Distributed Process logic (2D+Time) Networked Contextual Dynamic Structured Present Paradigm Distributed Process logic (2D+Time) Networked Contextual Dynamic Structured Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

32 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Future Paradigm Chaotic Complex
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Future Paradigm Chaotic Complex Form logic (3D+Time) Integrated Wholistic Extensible Structure Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

33 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Future Paradigm
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ Form Is Meaning Future Paradigm Science is increasingly substituting organic models for mechanical models and shifting from structure-orientated to process-orientated thinking. Future Paradigm The present re-orientation of science is revolving around the problems of wholes and wholeness. Science is increasingly substituting organic models for mechanical models and shifting from structure-orientated to process-orientated thinking; Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

34 Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ The Web Medium We have projected our brain’s neural network, the physical structure of our mind on to the technology of the Internet. Through reflection on our creation, we become more conscious of our mental identity. c2m ~ The Web Medium We have projected our brain’s neural network, the physical structure of our mind on to the technology of the Internet. Through reflection on our creation, we become more conscious of our mental identity. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

35 c²m ~ The Web Medium The Meaning of the Web
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ The Web Medium The Meaning of the Web Weaving the Web The World Wide Web Consortium is a formal language, protocol, and a medium. Graphical User Interface with a consensus metaphor Tim Berners-Lee One of the founders of the Internet. Invented the first Graphic User Interface for the Internet and called it The World Wide Web. The original design and ultimate destiny of the World Wide Web, by its inventor Tim Berners-Lee with Mark Fischetti. The Meaning of the Web Formal Language and Protocol Graphical User Interface with a metaphor Weaving the Web The original design and ultimate destiny of the World Wide Web, by its inventor Tim Berners-Lee with Mark Fischetti. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

36 Self Organizing Information
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Self Organizing Information The Brain - Personal Browser The Brain – Personal Browser and subject organizing Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

37 Self Organizing Information
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Self Organizing Information Groker Search Engine Groker Search Engine Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

38 c²m ~ The Web Medium The Semantic Web
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m ~ The Web Medium The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries. It is a collaborative effort led by W3C with participation from a large number of researchers and industrial partners. It is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF), which integrates a variety of applications using XML for syntax and URIs for naming. "The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation." -- Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, Ora Lassila, The Semantic Web, Scientific American, May 2001 Tim Berners-Lee One of the founders of the Internet. Invented the first Graphic User Interface for the Internet and called it The World Wide Web. He now continues to make it smarter—as he says, “semantic.” The Semantic Web "The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation." -- Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, Ora Lassila, The Semantic Web, Scientific American, May 2001 Web Weaver Glossary of Terms Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

39 c²m=e ~ The Experience The Web User demands a more meaningful
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m=e ~ The Experience The Medium of the Web It’s About the Experience The Internet is not just another venue for the distribution of unsolicited, in-your-face advertising. It's a channel for truly interactive, user-centered communication. The Internet can deliver information with greater dimension and depth than older communication technology. But the Audience demands and deserves a more Meaningful Experience and Trust & Privacy. A meaningful experience is about sharing an integrated sensor experience: seeing, hearing, touching, and other senses. Understanding requires an interactive experience, a relationship, with someone, something, some event, or some concept. The Web is a literate medium first, not just a visual medium. The Web is an active rather than a passive medium. The Web is a time-sensitive environment. The very purpose of the Web is about sharing of knowledge through links—hypertext. The Web is global and local The Web User demands a more meaningful experience The Web is a literate medium first, not just a visual medium. The Web is an active rather than a passive medium. The Web is a time-sensitive environment. The very purpose of the Web is about sharing of knowledge through links—hypertext. The Web is global and local Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

40 c²m=e ~ The Experience Things to “Grok” about the Web
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m=e ~ The Experience Things to “Grok” about the Web everything is connected everything is relevant you are not alone anonymity is not civil nothing is private you always have options you must make decisions technology breaks-down find what you need before it finds you Things to “Grok” about the Web everything is connected everything is relevant you are not alone Things to “Grok” about the Web anonymity is not civil nothing is private you always have options you must make decisions technology breaks-down find what you need before it finds you Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

41 c²m=e ~ The Experience Collective Intelligences
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m=e ~ The Experience Collective Intelligences Will our instant collective opinion and creative collaboration make a difference world-wide? Will mass consciousness develop self awareness, integrity, and respond-ability? Group Rethink: Can technology raise society’s IQ? by Michael Fitzgerald MIT’s Technology Review (June 2005). c²m=e ~ The Experience - Collective Intelligences Will our instant collective opinion and creative collaboration make a difference world-wide? Will mass consciousness develop self awareness, integrity, and respond-ability? Group Rethink: Can technology raise society’s IQ? by Michael Fitzgerald MIT’s Technology Review (June 2005). Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

42 c²m=e ~ The Experience Media History The Millennium Matrix
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m=e ~ The Experience Media History The Millennium Matrix The Digital Dynamic: How Communications Media Shape Our World by M. Rex Miller The Futurist Magazine (May-June 2005) Media History The Millennium Matrix The Digital Dynamic: How Communications Media Shape Our World by M. Rex Miller The Futurist Magazine (May-June 2005) Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

43 c²m=e ~ The Experience Hyper-Human Skills We’re alive.
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m=e ~ The Experience Hyper-Human Skills We’re alive. Electronic systems aren’t. caring judgment intuition ethics inspiration friendliness imagination. How to Succeed in the Hyper-Human Economy Richard W. Swason The Futurist - Sep-Oct 2004. Hyper-Human Skills - We’re alive. Electronic systems aren’t. caring judgment intuition ethics inspiration friendliness imagination. How to Succeed in the Hyper-Human Economy - Richard W. Swason The Futurist - Sep-Oct 2004. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

44 The Story c²m=e ~ The Experience The Web we weave
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 c²m=e ~ The Experience c2m = e The Web we weave is the Story of the Human Experience. The Greatest Story Ever Told. A Story about Everything in a medium that unfolds its true nature: multi-dimensional, multi-authored, collaborative, globally accessible, never ending. The Story The Web we weave is the Story of the Human Experience. The Greatest Story Ever Told. A Story about Everything in a medium that unfolds its true nature: multi-dimensional, multi-authored, collaborative, globally accessible, never ending. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc. Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

45 Special Theory of The Human Experience
Media Consiousness 4/15/2017 Special Theory of The Human Experience Thanks for being here! Introductory Articles and other PowerPoint presentations are available for download at: Presented by Kenan Doyle Branam ~ Thanks for being here! Introductory Articles and other PowerPoint presentations are available for download at: Suggested reading list: Copyright Paradigm Communications, Inc.

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