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Mercantilism Simulation

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1 Mercantilism Simulation

2 Instructions Each team will receive flags and a bag to hold your acquisitions Teams will line up along the back wall until I say “GO!” (One student on the team will be in charge of staying in their country and holding their bag for acquisitions) One student from each team will make their way to a colony (a cone), take the acquisitions from the colony ( golf balls under the cone), claim the colony (leave their flag) and return to their home country. You must place your acquisitions (golf balls) into your bag before the next team member can make their way to conquer more territory The faster you go, the more land you’ll be able to conquer! (You must, however, be very careful not to trip!) RULES: Absolutely NO pushing, shoving or tripping (or you’ll lose out on that territory!)

3 Instructions Once the twelve colonies have been claimed, you’ll have a chance to trade with other countries for resources Each golf ball with a $ represents raw materials (gold/silver)and is worth 2,000 points Each blank golf ball represents food resources and is worth 1,000 points

4 Instructions After you’ve traded your goods, you’ll need to tell me your totals Unfortunately, you’ll be charged a toll or tariff for my service and will lose some of your wealth in the process! The team with the most wealth at the end, wins!

5 Mercantilism Debrief Questions (IN Page 38 BOTTOM)
1. What was the purpose of your country taking over colonies (land)? The purpose of taking over colonies was... 2. Ultimately, what was the object of the game? The object of the game was... 3. Were colonies important in accomplishing the object of the game?  Explain why or why not. Colonies were important to accomplishing the object of the game because... OR Colonies were NOT important to accomplishing the outcome of the game because... 4. How did the colonies help a country earn money? Colonies helped a country earn money by... 5. What are other ways colonies could help a country earn money? Colonies could also help a country earn money by...


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