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Statement of Work Changes, Certificates and Courses Cohorts.

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1 Statement of Work Changes, Certificates and Courses Cohorts


3 This meeting will be a combination of large and small group discussions:  Discussion: ◦ Large group discussion:  Determining how colleges plan to construct/offer/deliver content online.  Percent of instructor created content per the grant guidelines  Percent of content that will be required to be delivered through hybrid/online  Determine if we need to request a SOW change to amend the percent of materials that have to be OER versus the percent of materials that can be proprietary (our current split is 90/10).  Identifying the specific certificates we plan to build for the project  the exact courses within each certificate  Small Group Breakout ◦ common courses for Cohorts  divide and conquer planning time  Large group discussion: ◦ Determining if there is a desire to modularize curriculum. ◦ If we have credit for prior learning assessments do we want a modularized curriculum in manufacturing so students can sign up for a portion of a course?

4  Large group discussion: ◦ Determine how colleges plan to construct/offer/deliver content online.  Percent of instructor created content per the grant guidelines  Percent of content that will be required to be delivered through hybrid/online

5  Determine if we need to request a SOW change to amend the percent of materials that have to be OER versus the percent of materials that can be proprietary (our current split is 90/10).

6  Identifying the specific certificates we plan to build for the project ◦ the exact courses within each certificate

7 CCDPPCCPCCRRCCLCCAIMSEGTCFRCC MSU Industrial maintenance certificate CNC Certificate Manual machine Manufacturing Quality Control 1-3 SMAW 13D printingpre- manufacturin g cert NIMS I Basic MachineCNC machineSwiss screw machining GTAW 2Additive manufacturing cert NIMS IIIntermediate Machine Inspection5 - AxisLevel 3 pipe NIMS IIINIMS certFast tack SMAW 1MAC/CAD certificate Electro- mechanical GTAW 2machining/CA D cert Level 3 pipeELT/CAD cert Shield metal arc welding Gas tungsten arc welding Engineering graphics basic mec cert Engineering graphics intermediate mech cert supervision in industry

8 If several schools say they want a safety class it doesn’t make sense to have everyone work on it independently, instead we’ll get a group interested in developing that class specifically to collaborate so we end up with one safety class that can be distributed to the colleges in need of that course.

9  Development teams ◦ Machining (CCD, FRCC, PPCC, PCC) ◦ Welding (CCD, LCC) ◦ Engineering Graphics (PPCC, AIMS, CCD, Metro) ◦ Manufacturing building trades (RRCC, EGTC, Metro) ◦ Electro-Mechanical (PCC, Metro)

10  Common courses ◦ Divide and conquer planning time ◦ Decide on  What Courses  Existing  New to be created  Who is responsible  When is master content to be ready  All content should be available for student enrollment for SP15

11 Large group discussion:  If we have credit for prior learning assessments do we want a modularized curriculum in manufacturing so students can sign up for a portion of a course? ◦ Is there a desire to modularize curriculum?

12  Moocs ◦ MAT108-contextualized for Advance Manufacturing ◦ Basic Employability Skills ◦ Credit for Prior Learning

13 This Workforce Solution by Colorado Helps Advanced Manufacturing Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Helps Advanced Manufacturing ProgramCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Workforce Solutions by Colorado Helps Advanced Manufacturing Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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