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Efficient Sorts. Divide and Conquer Divide and Conquer : chop a problem into smaller problems, solve those – Ex: binary search.

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Presentation on theme: "Efficient Sorts. Divide and Conquer Divide and Conquer : chop a problem into smaller problems, solve those – Ex: binary search."— Presentation transcript:

1 Efficient Sorts

2 Divide and Conquer Divide and Conquer : chop a problem into smaller problems, solve those – Ex: binary search

3 Demo Mergesort(list) If size = 1, return Cut list into two halves Mersort(A) Mergesort(B) Merge A and B

4 Merge Sort Partition phase – Recursive calls – Break up list until down to size of 1 Merge phase – Return from recursive calls – Build list back up

5 MergeSort The code:

6 Merging Merge is tricky bit – Need to do in linear time – Merging two sorted lists – Need extra storage

7 Starting MergeSort MergeSort for an array allocates n item temp array to use for merging – One temp array used by all merges

8 Analysis Number of items to sort cut in half each recursive call: – logn recursive levels

9 Analysis - Informal Calls at each recursive level combine to do O(n) worth of merge work

10 Analysis - Informal

11 Recurrence Relation Mergesort(list) If size = 1, return Cut list into two halves Mersort(A) Mergesort(B) Merge A and B 1 n? 1? T(n/2) n

12 QuickSort Pick a pivot – value that will separate list into smaller values and larger values Partition list : move smaller values to left, larger values to right Sort each half

13 Partitioning Make first item in range pivot – i starts at beginning, moves up to find elements that are larger than pivot – j starts at end, moves down to find elements smaller than pivot – swap mismatched pairs

14 QuickSort Code The code:

15 QuickSort Recursion Divide & Conquer power comes from splitting What we want to see: logn levels

16 Average Case Suppose we pick random pivot – Some good, some bad:

17 Average Case Suppose we pick random pivot from n remaining: – 50% chance to be in gray – Anything n gray leaves at most ¾ work for next level Divide work remaining by 4/3 Still log work – bigger by constant factor

18 QuickSort Recursion When things go bad: – n-1 levels – Work: (n-1) (n-2) (n-3) … 3 2 1

19 Yikes Worst case: pivot is first/last element – Worst case is already sorted array!

20 Alternatives Other options – Use middle as partition – Use median of low/middle/high elements – Use random as partition

21 BigO If everything goes right… – Cut problem in half each time : logn steps?? – O(n) to do partition at each level – O(nlogn) But can be O(n 2 )

22 Quick Sort vs Merge Sort Both O(nlogn) on average – Only mergesort guarantees it But… – MergeSort generally requires O(n) extra space for temp array – QuickSort tends to work better with cache access Mergesort is stable, quicksort is not

23 Hybrid Algorithms Real world algorithms tend to mix approaches – Timsort : mix of merge & insertion sort Java & Python – Introsort : quicksort until a certain depth, then insertion or heap sort C++ – Sort = introspective quicksort – Stable_sort = introspective mergesort

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