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Using the math formula chart for measurement Part 2 Applications.

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1 Using the math formula chart for measurement Part 2 Applications

2 Yesterday, we spoke about conversions on the formula chart. We also spoke about the inch-ruler that was on the chart and did a problem requiring us to measure with that ruler. Today, we are going to concentrate on the centimeter ruler. More questions on the released TAKS tests have use metrics. In addition, only the metric ruler is on your science formula chart.

3 Let’s first talk about the centimeter ruler. The longest line refers to the centimeter. 123 Since there are 10 millimeters in a centimeter, each centimeter is divided into ten equal-sized spaces. Each of those slash marks represents a tenth of a centimeter.

4 Let’s use the centimeter ruler to do an actual TAKS problem. You have on your paper the same problem as shown here.

5 This question was # 60 on the Feb 2006 Exit Level TAKS test. Use the ruler on the Mathematics Chart to measure the dimensions of the net of the rectangular prism shown below to the nearest tenth of a centimeter.

6 Which of the following best represents the dimensions of the rectangular prism? F.7.5 cm by 1.5 cm by 3.0 cm G.10.5 cm by 1.5 cm by 9.0 cm H.10.5 cm by 3.0 cm by 9.0 cm J.7.5 cm by 3.0 cm by 3.0 cm

7 You should find the centimeter ruler on the formula chart. Before you just start measuring everything, you need to figure out what this figure actually looks like when it is together. The figure is a rectangular prism. Its dimensions would have length, width, and height. We would need to measure length. We would need to measure width. And we would need to measure height Right now, measure the dimensions and record them on your paper.

8 Here are your options, again. Which answer choice is best? Which of the following best represents the dimensions of the rectangular prism? the dimensions of the rectangular prism? F.7.5 cm by 1.5 cm by 3.0 cm G.10.5 cm by 1.5 cm by 9.0 cm H.10.5 cm by 3.0 cm by 9.0 cm J.7.5 cm by 3.0 cm by 3.0 cm Hopefully, you selected F as the best choice.

9 Many of the questions requiring measurement have asked for volume or surface area. You will need to look at the formula chart for the necessary formula as well as for the ruler. You will need to look at the formula chart for the necessary formula as well as for the ruler.

10 Apr ’04 #38 The net of a cylinder is shown below. Use the ruler on the Mathematics Chart to measure the dimensions of the cylinder to the nearest tenth of a centimeter What is the total surface area of this cylinder to the nearest square centimeter? Give this one a try on your own, first.

11 Apr ’04 #38 The net of a cylinder is shown below. Use the ruler on the Mathematics Chart to measure the dimensions of the cylinder to the nearest tenth of a centimeter What is the total surface area of this cylinder to the nearest square centimeter? First, circle the phrase that tells us what we are looking for--- total surface area. Next, look on the chart for the corresponding formula for a cylinder. Copy that formula on your paper. S = 2πr(h + r)

12 Apr ’04 #38 The net of a cylinder is shown below. Use the ruler on the Mathematics Chart to measure the dimensions of the cylinder to the nearest tenth of a centimeter What is the total surface area of this cylinder to the nearest square centimeter? So, do you have an answer? ☺

13 Added problem. V = Bh The base is a circle so V = πr 2 h V = π(1.7 cm) 2 (7 cm) = 63.55 cm 3 = 63.55 cm 3 Which of the following best represents the volume of this cylinder? A110 cm 3 B 94 cm 3 C 75 cm 3 D 64 cm 3

14 Try the next two problems on your own. We’ll go over them in a few minutes—just to check that you worked them out correctly. Perfect practice makes perfect.

15 25 The net of a right triangular prism is shown below. Use the ruler on the Mathematics Chart to measure the dimensions of the right triangular prism to the nearest centimeter. Find the total surface area of this right triangular prism to the nearest square centimeter? TSA = Ph + 2B P is perimeter of Base, B is rt triangle—need measures of a 3 sides h is height of prism—triangles are NOT attached to height B is area of Base—Base is triangle—height of triangle times base of triangle (they form the right angle) divided by 2

16 Added problem: V = Bh Base is a triangle so V = (bh T /2)h P = ((3 cm)(4 cm)/2)(3cm) = 18 cm 3 ☺ Use the same net above. Which of the following best represents the volume of this right triangular prism? F18 cm 3 G60 cm 3 H48 cm 3 J36 cm 3

17 Last one! This problem is a bit different. Did you see the word “regular”? Did you see the word “regular”? That word indicates that all of the sides of the pyramid have the same length. We can now find the area of ONE triangle, multiply it by 4, and have the total area. A = (bh)/2 = ((3 cm)(2.7 cm))/2 = 4.05 cm 2 TA = 4(4.05 cm 2 ) = 16.2 cm 2 ☺


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