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What is the effect of hand dominance on reaction time?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the effect of hand dominance on reaction time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the effect of hand dominance on reaction time?

2 Hypothesis The dominant hand will be quicker than the non-dominant.

3 Materials Ruler Calculator 28 people table

4 Procedure 1. Drop ruler between fingers of dominant hand.
2. Drop ruler between fingers of non-dominant hand. 3. Record distance fallen for each. 4. Perform calculations for hangtime.

5 Results 24cm-.22 sec 23cm-.22 sec 20cm-.20 sec 21cm-.21 sec
Dominant 24cm-.22 sec 23cm-.22 sec 20cm-.20 sec 21cm-.21 sec 28cm-.24 sec 22cm-.21 sec 17cm-.19 sec 12cm-.16 sec 25cm-.23 sec 16cm-.18 sec 8cm-.13 sec 14cm-.17 sec 11cm-.25 sec 18cm-.19 sec 19cm-.20 sec Non-dominant 30cm-.25 sec 23cm-.22 sec 18cm-.19 sec 19cm-.20 sec 13cm-.16 sec 20cm-.20 sec 28cm-.24 sec 22cm-.21 sec 24cm-.22 sec 10cm-.14 sec 12cm-.16 sec 5cm-.10 sec 16cm-.28 sec 11cm-.15 sec 15cm-.17 sec 29cm-.24 sec

6 Results-averages Dominant 18.4cm-.19 sec Non-Dominant 20.3cm-.20 sec

7 Results-Graph

8 Conclusion The hypothesis was correct. The dominant hand had a quicker reaction time by about 5%.

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